It's broken!

The night Mo Chen pulls a leg to follow up: "evil doctor......"

While chasing, while shouting, but the people in front of the faster and faster, the sky is too dark, the rain is too big, often when he is about to catch up, the sky will be against him, a thunder and lightning down.

When the thunder and lightning passed, he was a little far away from the people in front, and finally caught up with some, there was another flash of lightning.

So again and again, soon, he lost the figure of the moon.


He said he was tired before. Now he runs faster than rabbit!

Night Mo Chen in the heart of that angry, however, he is more regret, if, he did not throw people down, but with the evil doctor into the cave, then everything will be different?

In front of him, another thunder and lightning burst up. At night, Mo Chen was shocked. He was worried: the evil doctor seemed to be afraid of thunder. Now he didn't know what happened.

Think of this, night Mo Chen is a burst of upset, at the foot of the pace uncontrollably continue to run forward.

After a while, he came to a fork in the road. Which side did the evil doctor go?

In the night, Mo Chen wandered along the three roads and couldn't make up his mind for a moment.

He kept looking at the three roads, trying to find some evidence to determine the direction of the evil doctor, but he walked back and forth no less than three times, and found nothing.

It was a long time later, when yemochen was looking for a road without success and was ready to take a chance, he saw a piece of rag on the road near the weeds on the right, half in the mud, half on the grass, which was washed clean by the rain. Yemochen was sure that it was a piece of frost like clothes.

With a firm grip on the rags, Yemo Chen rushed forward.

All the way, the night ink Chen side pay attention to the roadside, also really let him pick up several pieces of debris.

Looking at the fragments in his hand, the ominous premonition in Yemo Chen's heart became more and more intense.

The evil doctor doesn't know kung fu. I'm afraid he's been caught. I'm afraid the rags along the way are also his signal, right?

Night Mo Chen guessed that the more he went forward, the more uneasy he was.

Who on earth would take the evil doctor away? Is it related to the group of people in black who died before? Or did the evil doctor offend anyone?

Thinking about it, he also went to God.

Until the foot kicked something, night Mo Chen suddenly wake up, a droop, then see a shoe lying there alone.

Stoop to pick up the shoes, washed by the rain, the soil on the shoes is gone, suddenly showing its true colors.

The shoes of the evil doctor!

Night ink Chen heart again nervous.

"Evil doctor..."

Shouting, the night Mo Chen ran quickly forward again.

I don't know how long he ran. As soon as Yemo Chen slipped, he was shocked after he managed to keep his body steady.


It was so dark and rainy that he couldn't see what was below.

Will the evil doctor be down there? Night Mo Chen can't help guessing.

He looked at it for a long time, but after all, he left everything behind and went down slowly.

The slope was very steep, and there was a lot of soil. It became very slippery after the rain. Yemochen was careful again, but he fell twice. If there were no trees nearby, he would have rolled down the slope.

The lower he went, the more careful he was.

It's not a long slope. Yemochen still walked for a long time.

When Mo Chen came to the bottom of the slope at night, the rain in the sky was already light, thunder and lightning did not know when, even the sky was gradually bright.

The night Mo Chen stood in the same place for a moment, then continued to move forward.

Go and shout.

No surprise, no matter how he yelled, he didn't get any response.

Night Mo Chen did not give up, has been walking, has been shouting.

Not long after that, Yemo Chen saw that there seemed to be a man lying under the tree not far away. At the moment, he didn't hesitate at all and rushed over.

But in a moment, Yemo Chen arrived at his destination, and his brain exploded.

Yuerushuang was lying on the ground in a mess with her head close to a big stone. Maybe it was because of the rain. She could not see any blood or smell any blood. But her intuition told him that it was serious.

Night Mo Chen came forward to hold up the moon like frost. As soon as his hand touched the back of the moon like frost's brain, it was sticky. His heart tightened again and he held it upright.

The back of the moon is as bloody as frost, and there is a big hole. Although the blood has dried up, it is still shocking.

Down the line of sight, there are a lot of openings on the clothes like frost. There are traces of blood on the openings. You can't see the embarrassment.

What happened to her? Will become so embarrassed, scarred.

Night Mo Chen explored the breath and pulse of the moon like frost, determined that she was still alive, and then called up: "evil doctor, wake up..."After calling for a long time, the moon still didn't respond.

"Evil doctor, wake up..."

The night Mo Chen calls again.

There is still no response.

At night, Mo Chen did not dare to stay any longer. He picked up the moon like frost and ran straight ahead.

It was drizzling in the sky. At night, Mo Chen didn't know the way. He could only walk along the muddy mountain road, hoping to get to the town quickly, so that he could find a doctor to cure the evil.

Night Mo Chen from the drizzle, until the rain stopped, still did not see someone else, even the cave did not see, there is no way, he can only go on.

I don't know how long I've been walking. Even my wet clothes are almost dry before I see the shadow of the town. Yemochen is excited.

It's almost here at last!

Night Mo Chen seems to be suddenly full of strength, the pace of the foot unconsciously accelerated a lot.

As soon as he entered the city, Yemo Chen caught a man and asked, "this girl, excuse me, where is a doctor? My brother is badly injured and in urgent need of treatment

At this time, Mo Chen didn't realize that he lied without frowning.

The girl blushed and said, "I know. It's not far from here. I'll take you there."

Night Mo Chen also did not refuse, way: "thank you!"

But half a street away, Yemo Chen followed the girl to a drugstore, and the girl took the lead: "Uncle Li, come here, help

"Here you are, second girl." With the voice down, a man of about 40 lifted the curtain and came out, his mouth also said: "who in the end can make our two girls so anxious?"

"Are you a doctor?" Two wenches did not say, night Mo Chen is the first to pick up the moon, such as frost, way: "he was injured, quickly give him a look."

Li Shuyi sees, complexion immediately dignified rise: "quick, embrace inside."

Yemochen did as he said.

As soon as he put it on the couch, Uncle Li checked it. However, as soon as he touched the frost like hand, he took it back like an electric shock. His eyes changed when he looked at the frost like hand.