Chapter 1076

Su Yayan will never think of fate, even sent Wen Jingping back to Dou Tianyi.

After the scar removing ointment in the medicated restaurant was well known in the entertainment circle, one investor after another came to the restaurant and wanted to cooperate with them.

In addition, with different purposes, more and more people want to dig out the owner of the store.

Had it not been for Yu Ziyan and others, Su Yayan's identity would have been picked out.

Huo Chenhuan didn't hide this from Su Yayan. Su Yayan also felt strange when he knew: "how come there are so many people all of a sudden?"

"It should be the patients you treated before."

"How many patients did I treat before?" Su Yayan was stunned, and then she remembered that the people she had treated before had indeed received good news one after another.

Ning Qirui has been completely good. In the past half a year, there have been two kinds of variety shows, and the resources are quite adverse.

The old couple who were not going to have children, who were introduced by her aunt and uncle before, finally got their wish and conceived their own children a year ago after taking care of them for a while.

Although in the process of pregnancy, the woman still inevitably suffered a lot, but at least the final result is worth it.

A few months ago, their daughter was born. Now they are living a simple but warm life in their hometown.

In addition, Mr. Jiang, who helped Huo Chenhuan recover Huo's family from Huo qihan, came to visit him a few days ago with Jiang Qingrun and his little grandson.

The old man Jiang, who was very sick, had a good spirit and was very generous. When he came, he brought a lot of rare antiques and precious gifts.

Su Yayan was a little embarrassed to accept it, but if he didn't accept it, the old man would be angry with you. Finally, he could only give them a few more medicine packages to take care of their bodies, so that they could take them back to stew their own soup.

And then, this is Li Shengnan's burn

"People are afraid of death. The richer people are, the more afraid they are of death, because they have too many things."

On the contrary, those who struggle at the bottom, can't eat enough, even bear huge debts, and are little by little overwhelmed by life, sometimes death is a luxury relief.

"Once people have more things, they are reluctant to die."

Just like he had lost too much, he had thought of dying. But when he got something that was impossible and had a stable and happy life, the word "death" never appeared in his future plan.

"But fate is fair to people in a way. It won't make you immortal just because you are rich, and it won't make you die suddenly just because you are too poor. But after seeing the beauty of life, some people are always reluctant to give in to fate... "

When wealth is accumulated to a certain extent, people's pursuit will change. They begin to pursue more other things, such as health, life span

But a lot of times, they will find that no amount of money can buy these things.

The king of hell wants you to die in the third shift and never leave anyone for the fifth.

No matter how much you are worth, in the face of disease, the money may not buy you an extra day or an hour

At this time, the people who can help them snatch their lives from death will undoubtedly become the focus of all people.

Su Yayan met Huo Chenhuan's eyes and immediately saw what he thought in his heart: "are you worried?"