Chapter 1024

There is a simple and generous small box on the outside. When it is opened, it is a delicate glass bottle with simple appearance. Only three relief words of Shihuan hall can be seen.

The ointment is small, fresh and light green. It feels cold and comfortable.

There are two scars on Xiao Cai's body. One is on his face. It is a mark that he didn't resist to scratch when he was young. There are four or five scars on his face, which are not particularly obvious.

But as a beauty anchor, she often has to put on makeup when she's live. As soon as the camera is enlarged, these marks are very obvious.

At the beginning, it was OK. It was a bit sticky, and the audience was tolerant. But few people talked about the acne marks on her face, only focusing on her makeup and the cosmetics she used.

When she became more popular, the audience became more and more, and all kinds of people began to pour in in the live studio. Gradually, some people talked about the pockmarks on her face, and some even called her "pockmarked female anchor" for her family black powder.

The other one is on the arm. It was scratched by a relative's bear child a few months ago. The wound was very deep and long. At that time, a lot of blood was left, so that Xiao Cai's parents almost fainted on the spot.

Later, although sent to the hospital in time to pick up a life, the hand is not unexpected left a ugly scar.

Afterwards, the relative took a basket of fruits to the hospital. He was excusing his son both inside and outside. He thought the child was naughty. As an adult, he should not worry too much about him.

But Xiao Cai and his parents were so angry that they broke their faces with the man on the spot and never contacted each other.

It is said that not long ago, the bear child was involved in another homicide case. This time, it is not a "small fight" between relatives. The victim's family has some energy. If they bite to death, they will be investigated to the end.

Unfortunately, two days before the crime, the bear child just came of age, and the best result was that he had to go in and squat for more than ten or twenty years. At the same time, his family still had to bear a huge amount of compensation.

The family has only one child for three generations. How can they watch him ruin like this? It's said that they have been running around to borrow money and ask for help these two days.

When Xiao Cai heard about it, he was not sad or happy. At the same time, he was glad that they had already broken up with this family. Whether they live or die, they have nothing to do with them now.

Back to business, the scar on Xiao Cai's arm is less than a year old, and the color is lighter pink. Compared with this scar, the pockmarks on her face are brown and slightly concave.

"It's written on the outside packing box that the old scar works slower than the new scar, and the big scar works slower than the small scar. The scars on my face and hands are old and new, big and small. I will broadcast them on time every day for the next half a month. Babies, pay attention to the changes of my scars. "

Xiao Cai said, while the scar cream evenly applied to his arm.

"The ointment is cool on the skin. After that, let's put on a make-up and wait to see if this ointment will have any allergic reaction to the skin. "

This is what most girls do when they try cosmetics, especially facial mask. They use their hands for a while to make sure they won't have any allergies.

In this process, from time to time, the bullet screen in the live broadcast room will float over a few messages cursing her rotten face. Xiao Cai sees them but doesn't care.