Chapter 995

When Wen Jingping heard Mr. Dou's three words, she couldn't help shivering.

Swallow mouth saliva, careful way: "Li... Mr. Li, what can I do for you?"

"Well, Miss Wen should know that your previous play has been released recently."

"Yes, it is."

"I saw it. The premiere rating of the play was OK. But... "

No matter what, as long as you keep up with the word "but", it's easy to go wrong.

Wen Jingping naturally knew this, and her face was stiff for a moment.

"However, in addition to the premiere of the play, the late ratings of the play have declined significantly, and the public praise seems not good."

"It's... It's just for a while. Originally, the audience of this theme drama is picky. Moreover, some people don't like chasing dramas very much. They will wait until the dramas are finished to watch from the beginning. A temporary drop in ratings doesn't mean anything. I believe that our play is so good and has accumulated a lot of experience. When it's broadcasted later, the ratings will gradually climb up again. "

"I hope so." Li Yue's tone of voice did not fluctuate at all, and he didn't seem very interested in it. "As an employee of the same company, I naturally hope Miss Wen's play will sell well. But I have to remind Miss Wen that we should not forget the gambling with Mr. Dou. "

Wen Jingping's face turned white and said stiffly, "I... I don't quite understand what you mean."

"At the beginning, Miss Wen assured Mr. Dou that as long as you were the female owner of the play, you would be able to support the audience. Even if there is no revenue, it will not make the show lose money. But now... "

"Now that the play has just been broadcast, everything is unknown." Wen Jingping's head is covered with cold sweat. She interrupts Li Yue before he finishes.

Li Yue was silent for a moment, and suddenly laughed: "Miss Wen is right, the play has just been broadcast, everything is unknown. I just want to remind Miss Wen that if the TV ratings of the later stage of the play really go up as Miss Wen just said, it's just enough to invest the early stage back into the revenue. But if we lose money, I'm afraid miss Wen will have to find a way to cover it. "

"Why?" Wen Jingping was so frightened that she blurted out. After saying that, she realized that it was not right. She hurriedly made up her mind and said, "I mean, the success and failure of a play is not just a matter of the heroine. The one you just said is not a problem..."

"The success or failure of a play is really not just a matter of one person. But Miss Wen seems to have forgotten that you personally made this bet with Mr. Dou. Now does Miss Wen want to go back? "

"No, i... I didn't mean that..."

Li Yue didn't give Wen Jingping a chance to argue. He continued: "what's more, why are men and women masters called men and women masters? It's because they are the most popular in the drama. In other words, it's to carry the audience. Unfortunately, your play is a big girl's main play, and everyone's share of the play is less than yours. "

To put it directly, what kind of heroine are you when you can't afford to watch a big heroine? It's not your fault that investors are losing money because of the poor TV ratings?


"Miss Wen, please make it clear. I'm here to inform you, not to discuss with you. You have only two choices. One is to pray that this play can really come back from the dead and watch Changhong. 2、 Try to make money and pay compensation. Otherwise, you can't afford the consequences. "