Chapter 830

"Recently, the weather has changed a lot, and the temperature difference between day and night is nearly 10 degrees, which is the season of common cold. If adults don't pay attention, they are easy to catch cold, and children are weak, not to mention

As soon as Su Yayan said this, he immediately got the approval of many Baoma in the studio.

Yes, my baby was hit two days ago. He had a cold, a fever and a runny nose. He lost a lap a few days later. It's not so easy to get good if the medicine is too light, and it's too heavy. I'm afraid that the medicine will hurt my child if it's too heavy. After a cold, he feels uncomfortable. We parents are just like fighting a war

My baby is also very lively and active. When she has a cold, she looks like a kitten, and the whole baby is very tired. Usually, when he makes trouble, he would like to lift him up and beat his ass. now that he doesn't make trouble, his heart is sour and he feels very sad

The mothers are busy sharing their babies on the screen of bullets, and a group of single dog audiences are shivering and dare not speak.

I can't keep up with others when I get married, and I can't keep up with others when I have children. I cry!

"Baihe beer pear white lotus root soup, the main material is Lily, raw beer pear and lotus root《 It is recorded in Materia Medica that both pear and Lily have the effect of Purging Heat and resolving phlegm, moistening lung and relieving thirst, and lotus root also has the effect of clearing heat. Three things stewed together can relieve children's cold, cough and other diseases to a certain extent. "

Su Yayan said, while tearing the lily into pieces, pear and lotus root are also cut into small pieces, first under the lily and lotus root stew for ten minutes, and then the pear into the soup.

"I've made a sugar sorbet before, which is also suitable for children. Today, I'll bring you another cough medicine - radish honey drink. Radish has always been known as sairenshen. Well, it's the ginseng that appeared in my live studio before. The new audience doesn't know that they can turn to the previous recording screen. "

"Radish is rich in nutrition. It has the functions of resolving phlegm, relieving cough, clearing heat and promoting fluid production. Ginger can kill bacteria and disperse cold. It is supplemented with honey and jujube to moisten dryness, relieve cough, nourish stomach and replenish blood. It is very effective for cough caused by cold and wind."

Between Su Yayan's words, jujube, radish and ginger slices have been thrown into the pot and cooked.

Both soups take time. After they are cooked, Su Yayan immediately starts to cook other dishes.

"Next, make two kinds of medicated meals to improve children's anemia. Some children are prone to anemia six months after birth. At this time, they need to eat something to improve their physique. There is a saying called blood first iron, because iron can help the body synthesize red blood cells, so as to improve the symptoms of anemia. Among all kinds of food ingredients, liver contains the most iron

"What I'm going to do today is grilled fresh eggplant liver and fried mutton liver with leeks."

These two kinds of vegetables are used in the liver, but the leek fried mutton liver is used in the mutton liver, and the fresh eggplant liver grilled is used in the pig liver.

But no matter what kind, you need to remove the white film on the liver first, otherwise the liver will be full of fishy smell.

Don't say it's a child. Adults don't like it.

Su Yayan brush a few times to remove the film, slice, and then blanch it with water.

"Children's resistance is weak, so they should be more cautious about what they import. In order to avoid some invisible bacteria in the raw food, you can boil it in water to sterilize it. It's safer. "

Su Yayan said, take out the mutton liver slice, heat the oil in the pot, add onion and ginger to stir fry, and then pour in the mutton liver.

All of a sudden, the live room was filled with smoke and fragrance!