Chapter 824

At that time, Huo qihan didn't know. His unfilial son also gave Huo Chenhuan the back neck of his fate before he defected.

As long as Huo Chenhuan's hand moved gently, it was enough to strangle his throat and drive him to hell.

Huo qihan and a group of reporters are guarding the company downstairs against the big sun. They thought they would come back in vain today.

These reporters have been exposed to the sun for such a long time with him. They have resentment in their hearts, and they will certainly criticize Huo Chenhuan vigorously.

However, before Huo qihan had finished imagining Huo Chenhuan's tragic situation of being besieged by public opinion, the people he thought impossible came down from the upstairs.

The reporters who originally surrounded Huo qihan were like beasts smelling meat, swarming up, trying to connect the microphone directly to Huo Chenhuan's face.

Naturally, the security guard at the door couldn't let them do this. Before the reporter came near, he built a human wall in Huo Chenhuan to separate the reporter from Huo Chenhuan.

Huo qihan also responded to this meeting. He quickly stepped forward and yelled, "Huo Chenhuan, you've taken over your brother's company. Aren't you afraid that your parents will come to you?"

Huo qihan didn't mention Huo's father and Huo's mother. As soon as he mentioned them, Huo Chenhuan's face sank down and said with a sneer, "you're not afraid. What am I afraid of?"

One side of the reporters heard him say, instant with a chicken blood general, feel that they have peeped into the secret of the rich family privacy, every minute can make a big news.

Huo qihan didn't expect Huo Chenhuan to say that. He stared for a long time.

As soon as several reporters saw that they could not get close to Huo Chenhuan, they turned to their targets and surrounded him.

Huo qihan just woke up from a dream, gritted his teeth and said, "what do I have to be afraid of? Dad's will is written in black and white, and he left Huo to me. Then your leg will be disabled. I always help you and encourage you because of my brotherhood and your pity. Unexpectedly, as soon as your leg is good, I will take away the only thought left by my father and drive me out... "

What Huo qihan said is that he is heartbroken. He portrays himself as a victim who is bullied because of his kindness. By the way, he blackens Huo Chenhuan and brazenly portrays him as a white eyed wolf who repays kindness.

Zuo Yanbai was angry when he heard that. He didn't know these two words any more.

Huo qihan is a dog. It's good to let the young master's leg get more and more injured. Will he encourage the young master to treat his leg? What a joke!

Compared with Zuo Yanbai's anger, Huo Chenhuan's face remained the same, calm as if listening to other people's affairs.

When Huo qihan pretended to finish his speech, Huo Chenhuan just spewed out a few names.

"Song Gangyi, Zhang amiable, Nie Minzhi..." Huo Chenhuan read more than ten names in less than a minute.

Everyone around him didn't understand what Huo Chenhuan was doing when he suddenly read his name. Huo qihan was just in the same place. When he heard the first name, his face froze. The more he heard it, the bluer his face became.

At last, Huo qihan's face was as pale as paper, and his eyes were even bigger. He looked at Huo Chenhuan in disbelief. His eyes were full of panic and a little fluke.

Huo Chenhuan's lips were slightly raised, and his voice broke Huo qihan's tiny fluke: "these are the list of layoffs in the company today. You should be familiar with them."