Chapter 556

The atmosphere in the room became more delicate.

"Hope!" Mr. Jiang yelled out in a low voice, for fear that he would offend people with his opening.

Huo Chenhuan also took his words as a query to Su Yayan, and his face became gloomy on the spot.

But Su Yayan didn't care much, truthfully said: "if there is no accident, yes."

Jiang Chengwang gritted his teeth and walked out from behind his sister. He bowed to Su Yayan solemnly.

"If you can cure her, my life will be yours," he said

Su Yayan: "young man, do you think you are shooting some inspirational martial arts drama with lofty ideals?

Huo Chenhuan's face is even more black as the bottom of the pot. What's my life is yours? Doesn't this mean that I promise to save my life?

Do you dare to pry his corner in front of him? Do you think you are dead?

"Hope!" Master Jiang and Jiang Qingrun screamed at the same time.

It's just different from the indignation of hating iron but not steel before, this cry is more of fear and worry.

How could the child take his life so seriously? If people take this seriously, isn't it

Su Yayan was silent for a few seconds, but he couldn't help laughing: "in a society ruled by law, I don't steal, I don't rob, I don't murder. What do I want your life to do?"

"I..." Jiang Chengwang was stunned, his eyes were wide open, and he was at a loss.

In the end, he is still a minor with immature mind. He is a child in the eyes of Su Yayan, who has lived for two generations.

"If you really want to do something, first put your head..." Su Yayan pointed to his green hair, and tried to consider a word, "this green hair washed, it's really hot eyes."

What's the meaning of a green head? Don't children understand it now?

To put it bluntly, in order to pursue a little unconventional and non mainstream, Su Yayan thought about it and decided not to hurt his eyes.

Before Jiang Qingrun recovers completely, she and the two must meet several times.

According to the boy's care for his sister, when he treats Jiang Qingrun himself, he will be present nine times out of ten.

Looking at the green hair a few times, Su Yayan thought he might be blind.

Huo Chen Huan squinted, always feel someone's head that a piece of green, very like now.

Jiang Chengwang didn't realize the approaching danger. When he heard Su Yayan's words, he reached out and touched his cool killing Matt fluorescent green. He was wronged and said, "is it really so ugly?"

As soon as these words came out, not only Su Ya Yan, but also Jiang Qingrun and other people's faces became more and more difficult to say.

"In fact, I wanted to tell you before I told my grandfather that your hair is not so ugly." That's pretty ugly!

Just want to maintain their children's self-esteem in the second phase, but pinch the nose to endure.

Now someone finally said what they had been holding for a long time. Jiang Qingrun gave his brother a fatal blow without any psychological burden.

Jiang Chengwang's whole life was shut down on the spot.

Several people saw him look at each other like this, but they couldn't help laughing.

When a few people start treatment, it's a little late, and it's going to be late at the end of the treatment.

Jiang family three people also not good to continue to disturb, and thanks to Su Yayan, a ready to leave.

Before leaving, Jiang Chengwang asked: "I really don't need to..."

Huo Chenhuan This son of a bitch needs beating!