Chapter 450

Su Yayan was so angry that he called Zuo Yanbai immediately.

Zuo Yanbai received Su Yayan's phone call and thought that she came to them for help for those things on the Internet. She wanted them to help fight the water army as they did several times before.

No, as soon as the phone was put through, Su Yayan asked: "has the advertisement of" magic banquet "been sent?"

"Magic banquet" is the holographic online game named after two people, which takes the homophonic composition of each word in their names.

Zuo Yanbai was stunned and said truthfully, "not yet. It was supposed to be tomorrow."

"One day ahead of time, send it now, give me a piece, interact with each other, and stir up the topic."

Don't you want to cool their artists? Come on, who is afraid of who, today she let these low goods see what is the top stream.

"All right." Zuo Yanbai had no objection to Su Yayan's order. Even when he heard that Su Yayan's tone was not very good, he tried to comfort him by saying, "don't care too much about those bad comments on the Internet. We will help to deal with them as soon as possible. The legal departments of your company and several of our companies are also making preparations."

When Zuo Yanbai finished speaking, Su Yayan angrily said, "I know that these spicy chicken goods are just jealous of the beauty of our family. A group of sour chickens. If I don't puff their faces, I won't be Su! "

Su Yayan finished and hung up the phone, leaving Zuo Yanbai stupefied in situ, a face of doubt about life.

Huanhuan? Beauty? Young lady, are you mad at those vicious curses on the Internet?

If you really want to talk about beauty, shouldn't it be the young lady herself?

If the young master knows this, he will be killed. Of course, it's him, not the young lady!

To understand this, Zuo Yanbai silently closed his mouth, as just did not hear anything.

Su Yayan's order, "magic banquet" advertising film immediately online.

As a new number that has just registered for a short time, there are not many people who pay attention to it, and the ad online has not received much attention.

Until Su Yayan landed on his official website, forwarded and commented on the advertisement.

Little Su Su of Huanhuan family: my husband is the most handsome in the world. He doesn't accept refutation. Thank you! For those who say my husband is old and ugly, I suggest you poke your eyes. The eye hospital can't save you any more. As for the disabled, if the leg injury treatment can be said to be disabled, then there are not many healthy people in the world. In addition, those who curse our artists for being cool will not bother you. Your family is cooling into ice, our artists will not be cold~~~

Originally, because of the scandals, people were staring at the public accounts of several parties. As soon as they saw Su Yayan running out, the melon eaters and the water army rushed in.

No matter what you do, the water soldiers directly copy and paste, cry for their parents, and want to drag out the eighteen generations of Su Yayan's ancestors and scold them.

After reading her response, the passer-by felt that her tone was too arrogant. He rolled up his sleeve and was ready to scold. Then he saw the two pictures behind the response.

The background of the picture is a beautiful seaside manor, in which there are a large number of blue roses. In front of the roses, a young girl holding a big bunch of blue roses bows to kiss the young man in a wheelchair. The picture is harmonious and warm, just like a possible scene in a fairy tale.