Chapter 402

Some more careful people saw the flaw in Su Yayan's words. A month ago, they predicted that the old man would die in half a month. Why did they delay to make trouble recently?

Is it hard to say that this man's reflex arc is too long, and he decided to come here a week later?

This question was soon solved in the explanation later.

[interestingly, when we were investigating the cause of death of the old lady, we learned from her doctor that the old lady's organ failure was due to a genetic disease in her family, and this genetic pathology was also passed on to her son. The old lady's condition completely deteriorated a month ago, but not long after that, the old lady's condition unexpectedly had some good changes. But in the end, he didn't win and died a week ago

Su Yayan finally added a meaningful sentence.

[later, we retrieved two consumption records of this gentleman in our store, one was more than 20 days ago, and the other was half a month ago

This explanation stopped abruptly, leaving plenty of space for people to daydream.

Facts have proved that after obtaining some necessary evidence, everyone can quickly become Sherlock Holmes.

The old lady, who had been judged to die within half a month a month ago, unexpectedly lived another week.

As Su Yayan said earlier, Shihuan restaurant repeatedly stressed that the medicinal food in the restaurant can only be given to the customer himself, not to others.

The old lady's son said that the old lady had eaten the medicated food of Shihuan restaurant before she died.

Is it difficult for him to know that he has the same genetic disease as the old lady before that, and that the old lady can eat what he can eat?

If that's the case, can the old lady live one more week thanks to Shihuan restaurant?

At the thought of this, many people can't help but gasp.

It's said that it's hard to buy money for a moment, a minute and a second, which means that no matter how much money you earn, whether you're a rich man or a beggar, even a thousand dollars can't buy time to keep you alive in the face of death.

Now, a critically ill old man has just had a medicated meal, so he has to stay up for another week.

Even if the medicated diet can't make people live forever, it's enough to let those seriously ill people see a glimmer of hope!

Some people even dare to guess that although it is the same genetic disease, the disease of the old man must be much heavier than that of his son.

The medicated diet for her son has made her better. It's necessary to increase the dosage. Is it possible to cure her?

This speculation is shocking enough, but it is not enough to stop some people's crazy minds.

The old lady's condition improved soon after the doctor gave the notice of critical illness. During this period, his son did spend once in the restaurant.

It can be seen that the medicated diet this time may have been taken by her.

What about the second consumption of medicated food half a month later? Is this medicated meal eaten by the old lady?

Then why is she still dead? Is it useless to eat, or not to eat at all?

But if she didn't take it, where did the medicated food go or who took it?

The answer is just around the corner.

It is because of this obvious answer that many people feel a little creepy.

Crouching trough, this man should not be using his own mother as a drug testing mouse. After confirming the effectiveness of the medicated diet, he enjoyed the second medicated diet with peace of mind and watched his old mother die of serious illness?!