Chapter 301

Peng Jiazhi's face was like earth color, and his heart was filled with some fear and joy of surviving.

"The main reason why you have a stiff pillow is that your sleeping posture is not standardized, and there is also the problem of pillows. Pay attention later. You don't want to do it again. "

Peng Jiazhi pale face nodded, he felt that after today, he was afraid of the word pillow will give birth to a psychological shadow, QAQ!

After a shock, several people have no doubt about Su Yayan's ability.

Su Yayan just told the inside that Xu Yanjun would be served more herbal food in the kitchen. As soon as he looked up, he met Ye Qiliang. He was so excited and twisted that he took a cold breath.

Su Yuxuan and Cheng Junhao, who came with us because they were not at ease, had been working as wallflower on the side before. They had not even learned these strange abilities from their sister (niece) when they had never heard of them.

See this scene or eyebrows slightly frown, a left and a right rushed to Su Yayan, block Ye Qiliang this strange grandfather, prevent him to Su Yayan do anything strange.

Ye Qiliang also realized his gaffe. With a light cough, he rubbed his hands and said, "I'm not malicious. I'm just a little excited. There's another thing I want to ask Mr. Su for help."

"... just call me by name." Su Yayan's defense is still not relaxed, this Su teacher three words called down, always feel that the follow-up will happen something not too good.

It turns out that her sixth sense is quite accurate.

"What do you want me to do for you?"

"I'm going to set up a new discipline in the hospital."

Cheng Junhao twisted his eyebrows and asked, "what subject?"

"It's a subject that teaches people how to recognize these Chinese herbal medicines, how to use them, and how to choose some Chinese medicine skills."

Su Yayan was stunned by what he said, and a bold idea came out of his heart.

"Are you..."

"I'd like to invite Miss Su to be a special lecturer in this subject."

"Teacher?" Su Yayan is confused, no wonder a teacher called before, waiting for her here!

"No, I can't. I never wanted to be a teacher. Besides, my ability is not enough to teach others. You look up to me too much. "

Ye Qiliang only felt that she was modest: "if you can't, I'm afraid there's no one else in the world. Before I came here, I had some doubts, but now I have witnessed your ability before I know that I underestimated you too preconceived. "

Su Yayan's face was slightly stiff. He really didn't know how to pick up the tall hat that the old man had thrown.

Ye Qiliang misunderstood her hesitation and said, "of course, I also know that this request is very presumptuous. After all, these things... "Are all lost historical treasures.

It's like the recipes in the hands of high-end restaurants and chefs. That's their survival skills.

The rarity of things is the most precious, but if we really want to make these things public and make them rotten, how can these people make profits and guarantee their lives?

As the saying goes, to cut off one's fortune is like killing one's parents.

It was when he heard that Su Yayan gave the seeds to the Research Institute for free and opened such a low average price medicinal restaurant that he thought he would give a hand. He naturally thought that she would help.

But they ignore that people are willing to take out these things because they are generous, but if they force others to take them out, they will advance an inch and be morally kidnapped.