Chapter 268

Finally calm down the barrage and like touching a switch in general, and began to brush the wedding blessing.

In the eyes of the audience in the live room, Huo Chenhuan's series of rewards may be just to congratulate Su Yayan on her newlywed.

Only Su Yayan knows that he just doesn't want to see others ask what happened last night.

Think of this, Su Ya Yan's face is a red.

"Thank you. In order to celebrate my wedding, I will give three lucky viewers some stewed meat today. In addition, every guest who goes to the restaurant tomorrow will present a red egg as a wedding gift. "

[red egg? What is a red egg? Is the shell a red egg? What animal's eggs are red

"Red eggs are eggs dyed with pigment. It is a custom of ancient earth to distribute red eggs to relatives and friends on happy occasions such as marriage, childbirth and even the full moon of a child, which means prosperity and auspiciousness in the future. "

Many people are moved by Su Ya's words.

[it turns out that there is such a moral. Tomorrow, I must go to the anchor's shop to get red eggs. Maybe my prince charming will show up and marry me in the colorful clouds!]

[the happiness of the anchor is not something that ordinary people can afford. I'm going to get a red egg, too. I wish I could be promoted and become a billionaire next year!]

In a good live food studio, a group of people began to make all kinds of wishes and pray for the next year. I don't know what letter they mistakenly entered!

Su Yayan let them make trouble and find out what he wanted from the freezer.

"Pork, duck gizzard, duck heart... It seems that there is something missing."

As soon as Su Yayan finished speaking, Zhang Bo came in from the outside with a large box of washed chicken feet in his hand.

"Young lady, here are your chicken feet."

Su Yayan's eyes were slightly bright, and he quickly came forward and took over the box of chicken feet: "thank you, there's a lot of oil smoke in it. Uncle Zhang, you'd better go out and wait. It will be fine soon."

"All right, all right, I'll get out of here."

This short episode once again caused a heated discussion among the audience in the live room.

[young lady? So the anchor is at her husband's home now? "

Are you stupid? The host and her husband have finished their wedding. Naturally, they are going to live together

[before I went to happy, I didn't notice that the background of the anchor's kitchen changed again. But it's still as high-end as ever. The confirmation result is still a decoration I can't afford

Of course, not all of the messages are so harmonious. Soon someone hinted that Su Yayan was on the side of the big money in the live broadcast room. Such messages were quickly cleared and the people who sent them were forbidden to speak.

But there are still a lot of viewers who have seen it. Unfortunately, most people regard it as a joke.

[are the quality of red eye disease in the navy so poor these days? Not to mention the layout of the anchor's home before he got married, and the interior of the store he opened was also very high-end. For those extinct Chinese herbal medicines in the Research Institute, they just give them away, like people who are short of money? The anchor himself is a rich man. He just marries another rich man who is in a good family. Some people can't stop the sour gas? "

[that's to say, just now, someone even said with rhythm that the anchor and the anchor's husband are a commercial marriage, and they must be unhappy. You're eavesdropping and peeping under a man's bed, right? You even know whether a couple is happy or not