Chapter 220

"Good. I am not difficult to get along with. As long as you respect me, I will also respect you. But if I find that someone violates the rules of the store and does something that goes against reason and morality, I'm sorry. I can only do business. Whether you are my relative or my brother's confidant, it's not easy for me to do it. "

They were stunned and suddenly realized that the smiling young girl in front of them might not be as simple as what they looked at on the surface.

"Although the words are not pleasant to hear, I like to put the ugly words in the front, so that you are good to me and everyone, and can save a lot of things."

As soon as Su Ya's words were finished, a young man asked in a loud voice, "what are the rules in our shop, boss?"

Su Ya Yan followed his reputation and found that he was a young man in his early twenties. He was still a little black, and he looked very smart.

"The rules in our shop are very simple. You should have heard that our shop is to make medicated food. What is medicated diet? It's food with Chinese herbal medicine. Eating these foods can cure diseases and strengthen the body. But since it's medicine, it must be symptomatic to be effective. Eating indiscriminately or taking the wrong amount of medicine will not improve the body, but will damage the body. "

It was the first time that all the people present heard this statement, and they were a little confused for a moment.

This food belongs to food. How is it related to medicine? So is it a restaurant or a drugstore?

Su Yayan didn't have the energy to wait for them to savor these words. He continued: "among you people, I will select a group to be specially responsible for the kitchen in the later stage. That is to say, a large part of the medicinal food sold in the store will need you to make in the future. The rule of the shop is that these people in charge of the kitchen, after leaving the kitchen, are not allowed to make medicated food outside without my permission. Whether they sell it or cook it for their families, they have to go through my permission. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, the shop and I will not be responsible for it. "

After listening to Su Yayan's words, people were even more confused. They thought they were coming to fight miscellaneous. Now they find that this miscellaneous is not easy to fight. They not only need to know how to cook, but also learn how to cure?

"Boss, we don't know how to cook and we don't know the medicine. What should we do?"

"You don't have to be nervous about this. I will teach you later. No matter how to make medicated food, how to distinguish medicinal materials, how to measure their weight, we will teach you Su Yayan said about this meal, joking, "in addition, employees also have benefits in this respect."

"What benefits?"

"If the employees in the store need the medicated food, they can give priority to provide it free of charge, and the family members have the priority to try it out and discount it later."

"This..." everyone looked at each other, and obviously they had no idea of Su Yayan's words.

Su Yayan had expected this for a long time, so she had made preparations before she came.

"I don't think you have any idea. Well, I'll pick out two of you who are not feeling well recently and make a medicated meal for you to have a taste. How about the effect? "

All the people on the scene twist their eyebrows and look at each other. It seems that they want to find out who is not feeling well. They should take the lead and take the initiative to stand up as a model.

Don't want to Su Ya Yan didn't need such a process at all, directly ordered two people in the crowd to come out.

"You and me. You two stand up. "