Chapter 841

When ganquanming heard Zhang Jun's words, he was stunned. On his face, he showed a very embarrassed smile. When he raised his head, ganquanming looked at Zhang Jun and laughed awkwardly.

"Mayor Zhang, you see what you said. Who asked me to come here? I must have come to visit you spontaneously to see the happy event of Zugang's recovery. Besides, Mayor Zhang, I must have come to bless you for such a happy event, don't I?"

Ganquanming, with a very embarrassed smile on his face, smiles and says to Zhang Jun. while talking, he turns his head, squints his eyes and looks in the direction of Zugang. He curls up in the corner of the hospital bed with a look of fear in his eyes. Looking at his own Zugang, ganquanming can't help taking a breath.

Because for him, the most worrying thing is what Zugang will say to Zhang Jun when he is sober. But looking at the current situation, with the look of fear on Zugang's face, Ganquan feels that Zugang should not say anything. He doesn't have the courage.

Moreover, although the atmosphere in the ward is strange, and what makes ganquanming curious is why Zugang has been in a coma for so long, but he still seems to be as energetic as he is now after he wakes up. But he also knows that ganquanming should not wake up for long, and he should not have much time to say something to Zhang Jun.

After all, after receiving the news from ganquanming, ganquanming came. Because he was too anxious, it didn't take him too long.

"Who told you we were here?"

But after hearing the words of Ganquan name, Zhang Jun was still gloomy and said to Ganquan name.

However, after seeing the situation in front of him, especially the tone of Zhang Jun's speech to him, ganquanming was shocked. No matter who is facing the situation, he can clearly feel the change of Zhang Jun's attitude towards himself.

He frowned, because ganquanming knew very well that he and Zhang Jun were always at odds, but the atmosphere when they met was not as fierce as they are now. What's more, in their officialdom, the most taboo thing was to write all the contradictions on their faces.

Even if, Zhang Jun after seeing himself in the hospital, in the heart some unhappy, but also should not, is at present this situation!

Is it difficult? What does Zhang Jun really know?

Ganquanming was a little flustered in his heart for a moment. He turned his head again and looked at Zugang curled up in the hospital bed. But now, from Zugang's face full of fear, nothing could be seen.

"Hahaha, Mayor Zhang, who asked me to come here? Although there are some things about me coming here, I can't get to the point where who asked me to come here?"

His pale face, full of innocent, opened his mouth to speak to Zhang Jun at the same time, even he also spread out his hand.

As a matter of fact, Gan Quanming himself knows that just now, because he was worried, he was very flustered when he came to Kyoto Hospital. It seems that there are many doubts. Therefore, when he is talking to Zhang Jun, Gan Quanming explains that he wants to make the situation come back.

However, I don't know that Sun Li and Zhang Jun already know the name of Ganquan, and I don't know how ridiculous he looks in the eyes of Sun Li and Zhang Jun.

Sun Li stood aside, his eyes filled with indifference looking at ganquanming, without any emotion in his eyes, and the little nurse stood beside Sun Li pitifully, even if she had just been slapped by ganquanming, but now, for a moment, she did not dare to say anything.

After all, her identity is far from that of ganquanming.

But to be honest, this situation is nothing in Sun Li's mind, and Sun Li has never forgotten what ganquanming did just now. The reason why he is not saying anything now is that he wants to see what ganquanming is going to do now!

"Is it?"

Zhang Jun looks at Gan Quanming who is standing in front of him and trying to explain the situation to him. He can't help but show a disdainful smile on his face. To be honest, for them, sometimes they really need some skills of telling lies with their eyes open. But after seeing Gan Quanming's performance, Zhang Jun's heart is still full of disgust.

"Are you really coming to see Zugang? Instead of looking for opportunities to kill Zugang as before? "

He held up his head, looking at the name of sweet spring at the same time, directly said.

When he heard Zhang Jun's words, Zugang, who had been crouching in the rear, obviously thought of something terrible, and he trembled.

However, after hearing Zhang Jun's words, Gan Quanming's face, which was already pale, turned pale in an instant. It seems that Zhang Jun's words just now, in an instant, directly broke the place in his heart that he was most worried about being discovered.

"Mayor Zhang, what are you talking about?"

However, even so, ganquanming is still stiff headed, showing a completely ignorant appearance, but because of the huge matter, even ganquanming is still full of eccentricity when he tries to act as if nothing has happened.

"What do I say? Vice Mayor Gan... "

When he heard the words of Ganquan name, Zhang Jun's face suddenly showed a smile. He shook his head and said, "I'm joking with you. Don't you recognize it?"

"Hahaha... Mayor Zhang, this joke is not funny at all..."

After Zhang Jun's response, ganquanming suddenly felt relieved and began to laugh at Zhang Jun. however, to be honest, what does ganquanming look like now? How can it make people feel ridiculous.

Sun Li stood behind and looked at what happened in front of him. Especially after seeing Zhang Jun's appearance, Sun Li couldn't help laughing. To be honest, he really didn't know what happened. Zhang Jun had learned so badly.

"Ha ha ha, I think it's funny."

However, at this time, Zhang Jun also followed ganquanming to smile. While he was smiling, he came to ganquanming. When he came to ganquanming, Zhang Jun put his hand on ganquanming's shoulder: "so, vice mayor Gan, Zugang is awake this time, how are you going to carry out your plan?"


At the moment of hearing Zhang Jun's words, Gan Quanming's face showed an awkward smile, and instantly stagnated on his face.