Chapter 761

Although the hearts of the members of the Japanese delegation are full of anger and indignation, at this time, they can only bury their heads in ashes and follow the orders of the members of the research group.

After all, some time ago, the members of the Japanese delegation bullied them too much. Now, after Sun Li's return, they can treat the members of the Japanese delegation in this way, which really makes them happy!

At the same time, they are aware of this group of Japanese delegation members, bullying nature.

However, in fact, the members of the research group are still worried. After all, they feel that the most difficult problem in front of them will be overcome in a few days according to their current scientific research progress.

At that time, will members of the Japanese delegation steal all their research results?

Ouyang and Luo Yi, the party defending the country, were busy, but they couldn't help but look up at Sun Li.

Although at present, it is no exaggeration to say that all the core achievements will be handed over to Sun Li, Sun Li's medical strength can not be denied. In their opinion, if they really continue to work like this, what should they do on that day?

However, when they saw Sun Li, they found that Sun Li Junlang's face was still full of calm, and even his eyes were full of confident light. This situation made them squint slightly and take a long breath.

"I hope there will be a way to solve these problems."

Ouyang shook his head and comforted himself.

And the most unsuitable thing for these scientific research professors is to do these things. They only hope that they can quietly carry out their own scientific research projects.

"But I still hope that the public officials of the Health Bureau will not come to trouble us recently..."

There is a glimmer of light in Luo Yi's eyes. During the period of the research group, his medical level has also been greatly improved. He is able to complete some medical tasks independently. He is most annoyed to see not only Japanese, but also some Chinese public officials.

When those people's faces ring out, Luo Yi can't help doing evil for a while.

But now it's good that he is able to call on the members of the Japanese delegation to do these things and do those things again. It's really gratifying!

"Sir, we've been helping you for such a long time, but some of these things are too simple. Do you think there's anything slightly difficult that I can help you with? Anyway, my status in the medical field is not low, and it won't make trouble for you."

At this time, after listening to Sun Li's orders and running forward and backward, he finally finished the task of Sun Li's asking him to clean the dishcloth beside the table. He came to Sun Li's side, took a long breath and said to Sun Li in a friendly manner.

In the short time just now, they were really tortured by Sun Li. But the calmer his face was, the deeper his resentment was.

"Difficulty? What difficult work do you think you can do? "

After hearing his words, Sun Li could not help turning his head and glancing at him. After that, he said contemptuously, "I don't believe any of you Japanese people. If you think it's not difficult to do these jobs, then don't you go back to your Japanese country?"

After that, he no longer paid attention to him. Instead, he turned his head again, lowered his head and continued his scientific research.

However, at the moment of hearing Sun Li's words, he clenched his fist, and even his forehead was blown up by the green veins of gas. If it wasn't for this specific environment, I'm afraid that he would really be ready to hit people.

In the end, uekawa Shoushou stubbornly endured it. Although he endured it, the bloody smell in his mouth told him that his anger was obviously bad for his health.

Shangchuanshou does not speak, but obediently stood behind Sun Li, deep in the eyes, full of cold look at Sun Li.

After seeing this, Sun Li showed a funny smile on his face.

For now this shangchuanshou despises him, but he has no way to look.

However, standing behind Sun Li, shangchuanshou looks at Sun Li with an inexplicable light in his eyes, because after a series of things happened just now, shangchuanshou found something, although the young man standing in front of him is a little astonishing in his age.

But in fact, he found that in the huge research room, even if there is Ouyang's level of existence, but in the research room, it is mainly this young man!

He is not blind. After the young man who once made him extremely angry came back, the change of atmosphere in the whole research room, the efficiency of working with other members of the scientific research group, and the status of members of the Japanese delegation all changed a lot!

"This Sun Li, can't stay..."

Shangchuanshou looks at Sun Li's back, and there is a flash of killing in his eyes.

Because in this young man, he saw a great threat to Japan, and even to the world's medical community. After the completion of this scientific research project, even shangchuanshou has made a decision to eradicate Sun Li!

Sometimes, in the competition between countries, this kind of situation is quite common. After all, talents have greatly changed the national movement. What's more, shangchuanshou sees a great threat to Sun Li!

"All right."

However, at this time, Sun Li suddenly stretched a stretch, he turned his head, with a funny smile in his eyes, and said, "let's stop here today. I'm tired, and I'll continue tomorrow."

After that, he raised his head and called on the members of other scientific research groups to enjoy such a good opportunity to torture the members of the Japanese delegation.

After hearing Sun Li's words, other members of the scientific research group were slightly stunned and looked at Sun Li in some unknown situations. After all, it is still a while before their daily off work time.

"Come on, let's have a drink at noon, and I'll invite you to dinner in the afternoon!"

With a smile on his face, Sun Li said to the members of other scientific research groups that the next moment, he turned his head, looked at Shoushou Shangchuan and said, "you remember to clean up!"

After that, Sun Li left the research room with other members of the research team.

Shangchuanshou stood in the same place with gloomy eyes.

However, through these lessons today, I am afraid that in the future, the members of the Japanese delegation will no longer be arrogant in the research room.