Chapter 698

You know, the above chuanshou's status in Japan, coupled with his arrogant and arrogant character, let alone beat him, even who dares to have any doubt about him, I'm afraid that shangchuanshou will break out in an instant!

When he was young, he had a good time. When others talked to him, he almost fell on his knees respectfully. He had never met the scene in front of him. He was slapped in the face by members of the Japanese delegation.

You know, people in pain, subconscious behavior, must be exhausted!

This member of the Japanese delegation in pain, of course, did not expect anything, directly tried his best to slap him!

After the crisp sound of slapping, Shoushou Shangchuan was stunned.

Not only him, but also after this scene, the whole carriage suddenly became quiet.

No one could have imagined that such a thing would happen. You know, when they learned that they were going to go to China with him from Japan, the members of the Japanese delegation who had heard of him had been telling themselves to respect him all the time!

Although no one in the Japanese delegation can look up to Chinese medicine, they have great respect for shangchuanshou. After all, shangchuanshou's position in the Japanese nation can be crushed by one hand!

So along the way, they all paid attention to his face, especially when he saw that they had acted maliciously towards the Chinese who came to meet them just now, his face even showed a look of approval.

This seems to give them more courage, so what happened later.

But they didn't expect that in the next second, uekawa Shou was slapped solidly!

After being slapped in the face, he was stunned. He felt dizzy. Even for the first time, his brain was blank.

But then, the hot feeling from his face made him wake up.

"Boom --"

In the wake of a moment, from the mouth of uekawa Shou, suddenly sounded a crisp ring.

With the fingerprints on his face getting red and swollen, his face became more and more gloomy.


He turned his head. His gloomy face was full of gloomy expression. Uekawa directly vomited into the car. With blood, a tooth was vomited out by uekawa, and uekawa was slapped off by this member!

We can imagine how much strength this member of the Japanese delegation has just used.

At this time, after he finally found out who he hit with the slap, the member of the Japanese delegation was stunned for a moment, and his body began to shake violently. He looked very scared. Even now he felt the pain in his feet. At this time, the member of the Japanese delegation was not aware of it.

"Mr. uekawa, I'm..."

The member, who was full of fear in his heart, had to sit up straight and apologize to uekawa Shou. However, after he had just moved his body for a moment, the sharp pain from his feet made him grin for a while, and then he sat back obediently.

"Mr. uekawa, I didn't mean to! Really? You have to believe me

However, although this member is sitting in his seat and does not dare to move, his face is full of panic. He always explains to him: "because just now... It really hurts, it's really weird, including now, the pain I upload makes me unbearable!"

The member's face was pale, and he said painfully to his face.

When he heard the member's words, he turned his head and looked at the injured foot of the member, with a gloomy smile on his face. He turned his head and said to the member with a smile: "I know, I all know, it must be because the things in China are not the same as those in Japan, so you are so painful."

On the Chuan Shou swollen face, smile to this member, when talking, look how to see, are full of ferocious.

His appearance and words made the member tremble all over, and his heart was full of despair, because he knew that when uekawa Shoushou showed this, it proved that he really had bad luck.

After all, he was merciless to the Sichuan life a slap.

But I'm afraid I can't blame him for this. After all, just now, his feet were really very painful. He couldn't explain this strange feeling. After all, they were all medical students. As we all know, the pain of puncture will only become weaker and weaker. Who knows that his pain is not only not weakened, but also more and more painful.

"Mr. Shangchuan

Just as the member looked at his gloomy face and was ready to stand up, he was full of panic and trembling to say something. At the moment, his foot was still tightly punctured on the car chair.

No matter how you look at it, the member with a vicious look on his face just now, who kicked the back of the chair mercilessly, is full of pity!

"Ha ha..."

Just at this time, before the member finished speaking, and before he got up, a burst of light laughter suddenly occurred in the car.

But originally full of dead silence in the carriage, suddenly rang out the laughter, is really a little harsh, and at this juncture, how can someone so no eyes can laugh out!

Uekawa Shoumeng raised his head, eyes full of fierce look to the direction of laughter.

Sun Li's eyes were full of fun, looking at the obvious five finger red mark on his face, and he laughed even more.

Just now, although Sun Li couldn't understand what shangchuanshou was communicating with the injured member, he could see the fear of the injured member. This reaction made Sun Li burst into laughter, and the appearance of shangchuanshou was even more funny in Sun Li's eyes.

"What are you laughing at?"

Seeing Sun Li's appearance, there was a chill on his gloomy face. He directly questioned Sun Li: "is this funny? Do you think it's funny that something like this happened in the car where you are in Huaxia

"It's OK. Don't be angry. Don't be so angry just because you've been slapped."

While laughing, Sun Li waved his hand to Shoushou Shangchuan and said, "the reason why I laugh is because I suddenly think of a joke. It has nothing to do with you."

[author's digression]: I'm really sorry that Lao Sheng's update was delayed two days ago.

I'm sorry. I'm really sorry