Chapter 474

Just in an instant, the gray man's short body was torn in two by the white bear!

Blood flow!

The scene suddenly became silent, only the heavy breathing sound of the white bear came from the stage!


The bloody bear's blood red eyes glared round and raised to the sky with an unyielding roar, which pushed the atmosphere of the field to the climax!

"Ah! It's a white bear

The audience was also infected by the atmosphere on the stage, especially the bloody and violent behavior just happened in front of their eyes, which made the audience blood boiling and excited.

The amazing action of white bear just now made Sun Li stunned directly. Although he heard fat man say that white bear has a precedent of tearing tigers, now it's human after all! Although he knew that the white bear could win the duel, he didn't expect that it would be solved in such a bloody and shocking way!

The bear, who was also wounded, was exhausted and seriously injured after an unyielding roar. Finally, he could not support himself. He fell down on the challenge arena with a bang.

The staff of dream paradise are very efficient. After the boxing match, five or six men in uniform quickly ran to the challenge arena. They carried the white bear down. After carrying the white bear down, several staff members with high-pressure water guns quickly stepped on the stage to clean the bloody challenge arena.

And the gray man's body, which has been turned into two parts, was casually thrown aside, and no one paid any attention to it. What's more, it shows the naked reality of winning the king and losing the enemy in the scene of underground black fist.

"Let's congratulate the white bear! But now it seems that the white bear needs to rest for a while to be able to come back and continue to participate in the boxing match! "

The man in gold returned to the platform to pave the way for the next fight, but the death of a real life just now did not seem to cause any fluctuation.

Fat man stands beside Sun Li. He is still standing in the same place now. Although in his opinion, 500000 is not a big number. If he loses, he will lose. But he can't imagine why the gray man who has been winning just now is reversed by the white bear in an instant and torn in two!

The fat man was stunned for a long time. He suddenly turned his head to look at Sun Li, his eyes full of doubts: "brother, tell me quickly, how do you know that the white bear will win! Just now, it's clear that the grey man has always had the upper hand. Why do you think the white bear will win from the very beginning

Sun Li turned to look at the fat man and said with a smile: "although white bear looks clumsy, he is also a smart man after all, and the beast who is good at using his brain is the most terrible!"

"But this time, his price seems to be a little high!"

Sun Li shook his head when he thought of the thing white bear had just been grabbed.

"Shit! Can the white bear use his brain? You can see it, brother. You're too good

Fat man obviously doesn't believe it in his eyes. He thinks that Sun Li must be lucky. He is full of unconventionality in his heart. He doesn't believe that a person who has never seen underground black boxing will bet more than a person who has seen dozens of matches!

"Brother! Then tell me, who can win the next game? "

Fat face with unconvinced said to Sun Li.

Sun Li turned his head and looked at the fat man unexpectedly: "I don't know until their two fighters come on the stage. It's true nonsense to draw a conclusion without seeing them come on the stage."

"Well! It looks like it! You're just bullshit! Try your luck

The fat man looks at Sun Li.

Dream paradise's underground black fist is engaged in hunger marketing. Every time it starts, it only plays ten games, and then it ends. Just now, the first game is finished, and then there are nine games.

After the introduction of the two fighters, the boxer finally stepped onto the stage.

"Toad should win this game."

Sun Li looked at the boxer code named toad and said faintly to the fat man.

Fat man was stunned when he heard Sun Li's words. The black glove against toad was an old black fist winner with six wins. In his heart, he always believed that the black glove would win, and the odds on the field also explained everything.

Although the fat man was surprised, he still didn't choose to believe in Sun Li. The fat man who didn't believe in evil in his heart finally bought a million more bets, which made him a black hand winner.

Fifteen minutes later, the result came out, but the old strong black glove was defeated by toad, which made the fat man even more unacceptable.

"Brother! Which of these two fighters will win next? "

Fat man's eyes wide, he looked directly at Sun Li said.

Sun Li didn't speak this time, but reached out and pointed to the boxer on the left.

"Blacksmith? He's been stumbling and stumbling with the first time boxer. Can he win against Rohan, the last four

The fat man weighed it silently in his heart, but in the end, he still gritted his teeth and decided: "forget it, just listen to him once, the big deal is to lose the money!"

The fat man ran to bet again. Although he said that he lost his money, he was still distressed. The fat man only bought 100000 yuan this time.

Who knows, this time, Sun Li is right again. In the case that everyone doesn't open a good blacksmith, the blacksmith's adversity turns over. The original 100000 yuan of fat man yuan has become one million yuan due to the 10 for 1 loss ratio!

After seeing the result, the fat man's eyes were red with blood.

"I would have bought more if I had known!"

Fat man regretted later, but when he saw Sun Li standing beside him, fat man's eyes suddenly lit up, he put forward a face with a smile to Sun Li's side: "brother, who will win the next game?"

Next, the fat man made a bet according to Sun Li's judgment. The result was the same as Sun Li's expectation. The fat man's mouth couldn't be closed. His eyes were full of eyes and he thought that Sun Li was too powerful.

Fat man is full of shock and admiration for Sun Li's amazing and accurate eyes!

"Brother! Who will win this game! I'll get a big one! Half of the money you'll get back then! "

Fat face with an excited smile, said excitedly to Sun Li.

But this time, Sun Li did not give the fat man an answer.

"It's almost enough. If you win a little, stop in time, or you'll end up worse."

Sun Li stretched a waist and said to the fat man easily.

The fat man who heard Sun Li's words suddenly got a fright. He looked around smartly, and then turned back to look at Sun Li, his eyes full of admiration.

"Brother! You are really good! Really? A person's desire is not terrible, the most terrible thing is to be able to resist their own desire

Fat man said to Sun Li seriously, just now he is also the leader, did not consider the consequences, but fortunately, Sun Li woke up the dreamer.