Chapter 318

At this time, a group of Lu Guoli's teachers who had just followed from the hospital office finally came to the corridor outside Room 305. Before they turned the corner, they heard the conversation between Sun Li and the short man. When they turned the corner, they saw that the faces of other leading teachers in Yanjing medical University were full of bitterness except Sun Li and Yuelan, And the three members of the inspection team of Huaxia Medical University, their faces were full of joy.

However, what people did not expect was that after hearing the words of the short and fat man, Lu Guoli stepped forward in a hurry and said to the short and fat man, "how are you going to check? You can't send the questions to them to write them again. I see that after Sun Li missed the questions, the group of students he took recited the papers firmly, so they can't do the papers again! It's no use at all

Lu Guoli's words suddenly stunned the stout man. He looked at Lu Guoli stupidly, with some doubts in his heart. Then he turned his head, looked at Yuelan and asked, "headmaster Yue, is this teacher in your school?"

All the leading teachers of Yanjing Medical University, including Yuelan, turned their attention to Lu Guoli, who was full of eager expression on his face. They were deeply surprised by Lu Guoli's move. No matter what, now Huaxia Medical University is coming to their school. It's just Lu Guoli's dissatisfaction with his school, even his colleague Sun Li, Just settle it in private.

Before the results of the examination came out, Lu Guoli said that Sun Li was the teacher who missed the questions, and he also helped to make suggestions for Huaxia Medical College. Where did they put their own school? No wonder even the stout man was a bit surprised.

Yuelan gives Lu Guoli a cold look in her eyes, then turns her head and nods to the short fat man, admitting that Lu Guoli is their school teacher.

"Thanks for the teacher's reminding, but it's not good for you to draw a conclusion so early. After all, the test results haven't come out yet, but you can rest assured that we won't be stupid enough to give the students the original question again."

The short and fat man took a look at Lu Guoli by surprise. He didn't even dare to make a conclusion now. He didn't know where Lu Guoli came from. But after hearing Lu Guoli's words, the short and fat man still said to Lu Guoli with a smile.

Lu Guoli doesn't know whether he really has something to rely on or how. Now he is a bit arrogant. He still doesn't realize the faults of the scene. He looks at Sun Li, his eyes flashed a trace of coldness, and his face showed a look of elation.

Yuelan's eyes swept Lu Guoli indifferently, and there was a cold light shining in the deep of his eyes.

Sun Li heard Lu Guoli's words and couldn't help but smile. He said blandly, "you all say that you're going to start the inspection. Go quickly."

He turned his head, eyes light swept Lu Guoli, a no longer speak.

"Well, who are you going to scare with that look?"

Lu Guoli snorted coldly and turned his head with disdain.

The chubby man didn't know the conflict between Sun Li and Lu Guoli, but when he saw the discord in Yanjing people's Hospital, his face showed a cold smile.

"Then let's get ready to start."

After the stout man looked up, his face had become normal. He laughed at a group of leading teachers of Yanjing Medical University in the corridor, and then stepped forward to open the door with the two members of the inspection team and entered classroom 305.

Now the corridor outside the 305 classroom is full of teachers and leaders of Yanjing Medical University. This scene is even more lively than the meeting, but their faces are full of worry.

While they were worried, they also looked at Lu Guoli with displeasure in their eyes. Lu Guoli's behavior really made them look down on him.

And at this time, Sun Li and they also looked at what happened in 305 classroom through the window, worried that they couldn't hear the sound in the classroom. Instead of making a sound, they focused on the classroom, full of worry.

Sun Li didn't have the slightest worry. He leaned against the wall, his face full of indifference, and looked at the classroom. He just wanted to see how powerful his students were.

Seeing Sun Li's indifference, the leading teachers suddenly felt dissatisfied. Sun Li didn't care about the reputation of the school at all!

In Room 305, the stout man and two other teachers stood on the platform and began their examination.

As for inspection, their mode is extremely simple, which is beyond people's expectation, that is, asking questions, just asking questions.

This simple model surprised all the leading teachers in the corridor. Unexpectedly, it was such an inspection method.

But when they heard the questions raised, they suddenly didn't think so, because none of them could be easily answered. They were all those tricky questions, and the most important thing was that the questions they asked were still vaguely related to the "surgery" examination, But it doesn't help at all!

It can be seen that Huaxia Medical University has gone to great pains for this examination, because their questions have no place for gossiping. They are well founded and related to the examination questions. If anyone defends, they will say that you can all answer the examination questions so high. Why can't you answer this related question!

After hearing the questions, the teachers who had become optimistic were all shocked, and their eyes were full of worry.

"That's the end of it!"

Only Yuelan's face is still full of indifference.

"Come on, I just looked at it. The student number of your class starts from the 45th, right? Let's ask the student number 45 to stand up and answer this question. "

The short and fat man said to the students in the class with a smiling face, how does that face look like a smiling tiger.

Although the students don't know the specific situation, they can see that these people are full of hostility to Sun Li because of their examination results, and dare to be hostile to their most respected teacher Sun Li, that is, against their whole class!

So all the students didn't give a good face to the short and fat man at all.

After hearing the short and fat man's question, the first one happened to be Gu Peng.

Outside the window, all the leading teachers of Yanjing Medical University held their breath and looked at Gu Peng nervously.

Gu Peng suddenly stood up. He didn't even look at the squat man. With confidence, he said in a loud voice: "Mr. Sun said..."