Chapter 155

Sun Li's joke didn't play its role, because the students were still immersed in the nightmare of very difficult examination questions.

"Lu's problems are hard enough. Who knows that when the new teacher comes, he says that his problems are the most difficult. What he means seems to be more difficult than Lu's problems. How can we live?"

The students sighed and sighed. There was no more sorrow than the death of heart.

"Well, well, you don't have to exaggerate. You won't know if you haven't touched me. Although the question is difficult, it's easy for you to pass it!"

Sun Li looked at the classroom students a painful scene, can not help but a black line, he hastened to say.

Hearing Sun Li's words, the painful students slowly stopped. They looked at Sun Li with suspicious eyes.

"I hope you really have the level you said!"

Huo sat in the first row, looking at Sun Li with distrust.

"Come on, don't you know when the exam is over?" Sun Li saw that the students finally slowed down. In order to avoid the scene just now, Sun Li did not dare to talk about it. He changed the topic: "after all, this course was taught by Mr. Lu before, and I don't know where to teach. Maybe I need to prepare when I go back, so let's talk about it in my first class. What's your problem, You can ask as much as you like. "

"We have nothing to talk about. I know you are very busy with your studies. Let's relax in this class."

Sun Li's words aroused the approval of the whole class. They clapped their hands happily, as if they would do anything if they were not allowed to attend class.

"Teacher, teacher! You said that you graduated from our school before. Did you do well when you graduated? "

Some students can't wait to ask questions.

"Er... I didn't get very good grades when I graduated!"

Sun Li pondered for a moment and decided to tell the truth.

"Mr. Sun, your grades are not good. Why can you come back to our school soon after graduation? Our school is also one of the top five medical colleges in China. If you are not a very good teacher, you can't get in. How can you come in so young and teach us such an important surgery class? Is it because you asked someone to have a relationship? "

Sitting in the first row, Huo opened his mouth suddenly and asked a question that the whole class was very curious about.

"Of course not. I've never liked relationships." Sun Li smiles blandly: "originally, I came to Yanjing people's Hospital as a doctor. As a result, something happened. In addition, someone did invite me to come, so I finally chose to teach back and forth in our school."

"Oh! Teacher, that means you used to be a doctor! Ha ha, teacher, you must be very handsome when you were a doctor

There are always some simple minded girls in the class, she said with a big smile, did not pay attention to the key.

Huo looked at Sun Li standing on the platform with an indifferent face. He opened his mouth. Just as he wanted to continue to ask questions, he was suddenly interrupted by a voice from the last row of the classroom.

"I'll ask you a few questions, too!"

Slightly old, and the voices of young students are different, students have turned their eyes to the place where the voice came from.

"Teacher Ou!"

"Hello, Miss Ou!"

"Teacher ou, why are you here?"

The students' surprised voice sounded one after another, and their respectful voice proved that although Ou Weibin had a bad temper, he still had a certain position among the students, which was very difficult in the University.

"Teacher ou, when did you come in? I didn't see you."

Sun Li was surprised to see Ou Weibin suddenly stand up, because he didn't see when ou Weibin came in.

"You also call me teacher ou. It seems that you know me."

Irving bin coughed gently and raised his eyes. Although he was grumpy, the rigorous temperament of the old generation of scholars was still incisively and vividly displayed.

"Yes, I know your teacher, Mr. ou. Although you didn't take our class on human body planing at that time, I still heard your name."

Sun Li looked at Ou Weibin and said respectfully.

Ou Weibin saw that Sun Li knew him, and he was not too proud of him, but rather respectful, which embarrassed Ou Weibin, who was going to give Sun Li a hard blow.

"Since you know me, it's easy to say."

Ou Weibin looked at Sun Li and said, "Mr. Sun, if you are invited to teach in our school, it means that you are really excellent in some aspects."

After a pause, he said, "I also see that you have received the notice, which is a very special way of special appointment, so that you can enter our school to teach with a bachelor's degree. In that case, you can tell us what excellent examples you have, so that we can avoid our doubt about your ability."

All the students who heard what ou Weibin said suddenly looked at Sun Li with shocked eyes.

"Mr. Sun, that's too much! Special appointment! Is it our school's special hire? Then he must be very good! "

"Mr. Sun has only a bachelor's degree. It means that he is very good to come to our school to teach. I really want to know what Mr. Sun has achieved!"

There was a slight disturbance in the classroom for a while, and everyone was sitting anxiously, looking at Sun Li with expectant eyes.

"Er... There are some small achievements, but it's not convenient for me to say."

Sun Li thought about it. His paper and the case of treating lupus erythematosus caused such a sensation, which should be considered as some small achievements. However, he did not want to expose himself too early to cause unnecessary trouble, so he decided to hide it for the time being.

The students who heard Sun Li's answer were disappointed.

"It's not convenient, is it?"

Ou Weibin narrowed his eyes and doubted Sun Li. However, for the time being, he won't respond too much to Sun Li. After all, Sun Li's attitude is still very good.

"If it's not convenient for you to say that, then forget it. Now that you have chosen to teach the course of external science, and I have just heard what you said to your classmates, you must be very familiar with this course. In order to prove that you are teaching students true knowledge instead of misleading others, I'll ask you a few questions."

Ou Weibin was very decisive. He didn't need to take any books. He directly asked: "first, what are the mainstream classification methods of breast cancer? This question is very simple. I think all the students who are doing it can answer it. You must be OK!"

Ou Weibin even began to ask Sun Li questions about the textbook.


Sun Li thought for a moment and hesitated.

"Can't you answer that?"

Ou Weibin frowned and his fierce eyes swept at Sun Li.

Sun Li looked at Ou Weibin, shrugged and said with a smile, "give me ten minutes!"