Yue Yunfei thought for a long time, and finally said: "go to the downtown area to change people. Your people can't act openly there, and I can't do it in public, so as not to be wanted by the police. This is the only way I can think of. But I have two demands. If you don't agree, we'll die together. "

The middle-aged man was still calm and didn't immediately agree with Yue Yunfei.

He asked calmly, "what are your two requirements?"

Seeing that Qu Yao and Bai jiandiao would not be able to come for a while, Yue Yunfei just made a final negotiation with the middle-aged man and said, "first of all, I want Qu Yao and Bai jiandiao to leave first. When they continue, we will continue the transaction. Do you have any questions?"

Yue Yunfei's request is very simple, that is, to exchange his own life with middle-aged people, but to ensure the safety of Qu Yao and Bai jiandiao.

The middle-aged man didn't even think about it. He immediately agreed and said, "no problem. What's the second requirement?"

Yue Yunfei continued: "the second requirement is simpler. I want to confirm that there are no police officers in the downtown area. Otherwise, the transaction will be cancelled."

The middle-aged man thought about it and finally agreed.

At this time, the door of the room was opened again. Qu Yao and Bai jiandiao were held by two nurses and came in slowly.

Yue Yunfei carefully observed their appearance and movements when walking, and made sure that they were OK. Then he asked the middle-aged people to send someone to send them away, and told them to call themselves when they were safe.

It was three hours after all this was done. It's getting dark.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, Yue Yunfei and the middle-aged people took a car to the downtown, picked a place with the most people, jumped out of the car, and then left under the cover of the crowd.

He didn't even give the other party the chance to sneak attack. I believe that even if the other party had arranged for someone with outstanding shooting skills to stare at him, it was impossible to shoot in such a place.

Yue Yunfei ran thousands of kilometers at a time, and after he was sure that no one was tracking him or sniper, he was relieved.

While walking in the crowd as if nothing had happened, he thought, "it's a pity that you can't kill that guy, but it's good that you can get away safely this time. Next time you want to attack him, you must be more careful. However, that guy will certainly be on guard against us. We don't have a white shouldered carving as an insider. It's really very difficult. "

Yue Yunfei couldn't help but stop thinking. Looking at the dark sky, he thought, "I came to the capital just to stay for a few days, but I didn't expect so many things to happen. How long will it take for me to go home? "

At the same time, the middle-aged man who saved his life from Yue Yunfei rubbed his throat, and his face was gloomy and terrible.

He no longer played games with the mentality of playing games as before, but angrily ordered: "speak to me, everyone immediately stop all the work at hand, use all the strength and relationship that can be used, and be sure to kill Qu Yao, Yue Yunfei and Bai jiandiao. In a week, I want to see their bodies. "

A bodyguard sitting next to the middle-aged man was stunned and asked, "boss, don't you want to recruit Yue Yunfei?"

The middle-aged man glanced coldly at the bodyguard and asked, "are you eavesdropping on me?"

The bodyguard's face changed and hesitated: "yes Yes, because we want to see if we have a chance to save the boss, so we installed a eavesdropper in the room... "


The bodyguard didn't even finish talking. The middle-aged man suddenly took out a pistol with a muffler and hit the bodyguard on his temple.

The bodyguard probably didn't expect that the middle-aged man would die because of this reason, until he lost his breath and fell into the car without closing his eyes - he couldn't close his eyes, and his kindness didn't get its due reward.

Looking at the bodyguard's body, the middle-aged man was probably dirty. He kicked the body aside with one foot and scolded: "the guy who doesn't know how to live or die dares to eavesdrop on me."

At this time, the person in charge of driving didn't return his head, just like he didn't see the bodyguard killed. He said flatly, "boss, someone is following us."

The middle-aged man was stunned. He immediately showed a ferocious smile on his face and said, "how dare anyone follow me? Hum, it must be Qu Yao or Bai jiandiao. They must know that Yue Yunfei will get away here, so they are waiting here. Doesn't he know that Laozi is in a bad mood now? Lead him to the suburbs, kill him, and bury the garbage. "

The garbage that the middle-aged man said was naturally the bodyguard he killed.

The driver promised to turn around and drive to the suburbs.

Finally, in the suburbs, a bodyguard of the middle-aged man got out of the car, stopped the car behind him and said, "stop, white shoulder carving."

There is no doubt that Yue Yao and the man behind the car were the one who was captured by him.

The white shouldered Eagle got out of the car and said, "it's really amazing. I asked myself that I had been very careful, but you still found it."With a sneer, the security guard pointed to the road leading to the urban area and said, "we are the only two cars on this road. Do you think you drive carefully? Do you think we're blind? "

The white shouldered Eagle laughed twice and did not speak.

At this time, the middle-aged man hiding in the car probably saw that the white shoulder carving didn't have guns on his body, and it was impossible to attack him secretly, so he came down.

He said contemptuously to the white shoulder carving, "you traitor have betrayed me, and you dare to appear in front of me. You are very brave. Tell me what you want to do. Don't say you want to kill me

"I really want to kill you..."

"Ha ha ha..."

The middle-aged man laughed and said, "it's up to you? You don't even have a gun on you. How can you say that? Even if you are not injured, it is impossible to kill me in the protection of so many people, let alone you who are seriously injured now? White shouldered eagle, you don't have a problem with your head because you've lost too much blood, do you? "

The bodyguard of the middle-aged man burst into laughter.

The middle-aged man ordered: "catch this guy and take him back. If you don't torture him, I can't let him live or die. It's hard for me to vent my hatred."


Suddenly, the middle-aged man's chest burst out a blood light, dyed his clothes red.

And he himself was shocked. Then he looked down at the blood red clothes, reached for the wound and said, "what's the matter? Why is that? "

When the middle-aged man was injured, his bodyguards also screamed and fell one by one.

Looking at this scene, the white shouldered eagle was not surprised at all. It seemed that he knew this would happen for a long time. He said with a smile, "my head is not broken. I know exactly what I'm doing. On the contrary, because you have suffered a great loss in Yue Yunfei's hands, you are dizzy with righteousness, and you are not on guard against my abnormal appearance. Do you really think I'm not going to arrange a backhand here, so I'll catch up recklessly? "

The middle-aged man is still breathing, unwilling to stare at the white shoulder carving, said: "why? You didn't know that I would bring you here. You can't know that... "

The white shouldered Eagle nodded and replied honestly: "yes, I can't know, but I can find it in the process of tracking, and then tell others. As early as the moment when I decided to follow you, I knew that I would be found by you, because there are many capable people around you. Then, I'll tell people on the phone where you're going on the way

The words of the white shoulder carving are obvious enough.

At the beginning, he didn't know where the middle-aged people were going, but as long as he followed all the way, it was easy for him to make a judgment.

After knowing the destination of the other party, Bai jiandiao contacted Qu Yao by telephone and asked him to ambush here ahead of time. Then he solved each other one by one with a gun. This is not difficult at all.

After listening to the explanation of the white shoulder carving, the middle-aged man suddenly sat down on the ground, looked at the sky and burst out laughing: "I've fought with others countless times in my life. I didn't expect that I would fall down on such a small detail! It's my carelessness! I don't have to do it myself. It's my fault that I lose my mind because I'm too angry! "

The white shoulder carving walked slowly to the middle-aged man and said, "for the sake of being my boss, you can rest in peace and I will bury you."

"Joke, I need you to bury?"

It has to be said that the vitality of this middle-aged man is really strong enough. Maybe it's because he was not hit by the key. He still has the strength to take out his pistol, open the insurance, point to the white shoulder carving and say: "even if I die, I will drag you on the road together! I hate traitors like you


The gunfire broke out and the blood burst out.

Almost at the moment when the middle-aged man shot, the middle-aged man's arm was cut off from the elbow joint, and the blood gushed out like death. And he himself, too, fell to the ground, completely out of breath.

The white shouldered eagle was startled and quickly touched his body to make sure there was no blood on him. Then he asked foolishly, "what's the situation? Didn't he shoot? Why didn't I get hurt? Am I still alive? "

At this time, Qu Yao came out from behind a small mound and said, "you are too careless. Fortunately, I have always been on guard. Otherwise, you will accompany this guy to see the king of hell. By the way, are you the only one following up? What about Yue Yunfei? "

Bai jiandiao scratched his head and said with a dry smile, "I wanted to take Yunfei with me, but Yunfei just jumped out of the car and ran away. I almost doubt whether he can master lightness skill. But the big boss of the opponent has been solved. Yunfei should not be in danger. Let's contact him and let him come to the suburbs. "

Qu Yao agreed and immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Yue Yunfei.