Because of Li Xingbin's relationship, Mu Xue entered the prison smoothly. And a separate meeting room for the two.

At the moment of seeing Yue Yunfei, Mu Xue was stunned. She found that although Yue Yunfei has been in prison for almost seven or eight days, he still looks high spirited and uninhibited, and has not changed at all.

"How are you doing in there these days?" Muxue stroked his face and asked tearfully.

"In addition to the poor food inside, the others are pretty good, and every so often they can drink a little wine." Yue Yunfei returned with a smile.

Mu Xue nodded. Yue Yunfei was once a king of special forces and a world-class killer. If he was bullied in prison, he would not be bullied unless the world's richest man became the world's poorest guy.

Looking at Mu Xue with a worried look, Yue Yunfei asked, "but what happened? Do you need my help

Mu Xue said with a smile, "what do you think you can do to help? Now you can't even protect yourself."

Yue Yunfei looked at his handcuffs, "what's the difficulty? If I want to go out, let alone the small handcuffs and broken prison, even if I'm put in the green island prison, I can still come out."

"You're going to be a liar."

"You don't believe it. Let me show you." With these words, Yue Yunfei has "taken a small piece" from his fingernails and held it in his hand.

Mu Xue took a closer look, it turned out that this guy's nails in front of a ball of very small diameter wire.

It's just that the wire is tightly wound, and the color is almost the same as that of the nail. If you don't observe it carefully, you can't find it at all.

And more importantly, the things in front of his nails are different! Muxue is still surprised, only to see Yue Yunfei has started.

He first unfolded the twisted wire, then divided it into several strands to make its diameter larger, and finally inserted the rewound wire into the handcuffs.

He turned the hand with the wire a few times, only a slight sound, so the handcuffs were opened by him.

Until Yue Yunfei opens the handcuffs and shakes them in front of him, muxue reacts from surprise.

"Put them on quickly, or you'll be seen by the patrolmen outside. They'll think you're going to escape."

"Hey, hey, don't worry." He said with a big grin, "the patrolmen here are very iron friends with me. Even if they see it, they will certainly turn a blind eye to it."

When Yue Yunfei said this, a patrolman happened to pass by the door.

The patrolman saw the handcuffs in Yue Yunfei's hand. He was not surprised. On the contrary, he laughed at Yue Yunfei and made a salute to him!

Muxue feels that her three outlooks have been completely subverted. She never thought that a prisoner and a prison guard could pull the relationship to such a point.

But it is true that Yue Yunfei did.

"Come on, what's the matter?"

"There's something big going on in the company. I need you to take charge of the overall situation." Mu Xue gathered her hair on her forehead, and then said, "originally, I thought we could think of another way to dredge the relationship and see if we could get you on bail, but now it seems that we don't have to be so troublesome."

"What happened to the company?"

Mu Xue told Yue Yunfei about the recent events of the company.

"These two scum again." Yue Yunfei hit the table with a heavy fist. "Originally, I wanted to let them bang for a few more days, but I didn't expect that they could do so well. Then don't blame me for being cruel."

"What are you going to do?"

"Well, you go back first and keep the company stable. I'll be on bail tomorrow, and I'll make plans when I get back. "

Mu Xue heard Yue Yunfei say that he can get bail pending trial. Although she was surprised, she still believed what this guy said.

"Well, take care. I'll see you tomorrow." After that, Mu Xue printed a light kiss on his face.

After Mu Xue returned to the company, she first asked the vice president to hold a mobilization meeting for all employees. The vice president made an impassioned and inspiring positive energy speech at the meeting.

The vice president said that the financial crisis encountered by the company is only temporary, and the company's top management is going all out to find a way to solve it. Now, as long as we all work together, I believe that Nanguan will be able to pass this time.

After the vice president's speech, other senior executives of the company also made corresponding speeches. Just say that the staff of Wenren group are all high spirited, just like fighting for their jobs.

In addition, Wenren group held a press conference to explain the divestment of xueteng company, and also issued a statement to sue xueteng group, so as to recover the loss and reputation damage suffered by the company.

For a time, not only Shucheng, but also Nanning TV station made a lot of reports on the incident. In addition, Wenren group also employed a large number of experienced public relations personnel to publicize the matter.In an instant, the theory of the destruction of Wenren group was broken, and Wenren group also stood on the commanding height of morality.

As a result, many media and forums denounced Xue Teng's behavior, and other companies cooperating with Xue Teng also questioned their reputation. Several companies terminated their cooperation with Xue Teng.

At the moment, Wang Ning, the president of xueteng company, is in a hurry, just like ants on a hot pot.

"Report to the chairman, Shuoyue company has stopped transporting raw materials to us again." Female secretary Li Qiuyue reported the news to Wang Ning.

This is the fourth such news today. That is to say, at least four companies have terminated their cooperation with xueteng today! Moreover, the offensive of Wenren Group continues to increase. In other words, the situation of xueteng company will get worse.

"Laozi, I really got on the boat of thieves this time."

Wang Ning originally thought that as long as he was on the list of Bai Yitao's thigh, he would definitely be lying with a lot of money.

But what he did not expect was that Bai Yitao could not be found, and he could not even get through the phone. Now the company has become such a situation, he is the only one to undertake.

In just one day, the company has lost nearly two million in a row, and the ability of his chairman has also been questioned.

As long as his position as the chairman of the board of directors is not guaranteed, he will follow Bai Yitao. This road is really a dead end.

Wang Ning lit a cigarette, but he lit it and put it out again without taking a few puffs. "No, I still have to find Mr. Bai."

Wang Ning said he would go and soon came to the White House.

"Who are you looking for, sir?" The security guard of the Bai family asked friendly.

"I'm looking for your son Bai Yitao."

"Sorry, our son is not at home now."

"What did he do, and when will he be back?"

Wang Ning is very anxious to ask, now every minute and second I do not know how much money he will lose, he is not only worried, but also distressed.

"Sorry, I don't know that. Our childe has always been very mysterious. I'm afraid even our master doesn't know, let alone our servants. "

"What do you mean, your son almost made our company bankrupt now, but now he is hiding away. Should I take all the responsibilities?"

"Please be polite, sir." The security captain came out and said, "first of all, I want to declare to you what happened between you and our childe. We don't know, and we don't want to know."

"Secondly, you have anger in your heart. Please don't spread it here, let alone on us. Otherwise, you will regret what you did today. "

Wang Ning is full of anger now. Hearing what these security guards said, he wanted to slap this guy in the face, but when he looked at his big belly, short stature, other people's pig iron like muscles and burly body, he chose to endure rationally.

"Well, when your son comes, let him come to our company."

"I'm sorry, we never listen to other people's orders."

"You..." Wang Ning bit his teeth hard. "Well, please let me know when your son comes. Here's my card. "

With these words, Wang Ning handed his business card to the security personnel, and then turned to leave.



Taiyue building.

The top office.

Bai Yitao, Nie Yang and Nie long.

At the moment, the three people are staring at a large LCD on the wall, focusing on the contents of the display.

The monitor is playing news and related information about Wenren group at the moment. Gradually, Bai Yitao and others smile.

"I heard that they really have two sets. I thought that as long as we let xueteng company withdraw its capital, they would have no choice, but I didn't expect that they could hold on for so long." Nie long spoke first.

"That's nothing." Bai Yitao said with a bad smile: "they are just grasshoppers after autumn. They can't jump for a few days. The higher they jump now, the more we're going to make them fall

"Yes, brother Bai is worthy of being a returned student from Cambridge University. Although she was clever for a while, she never thought that this was just the tip of the iceberg in our strategy. She would not think that her present scenery is only given by us. As long as we want their company to die, it's as simple as killing an ant. "

Bai Yitao, smiling and speechless, went to the cupboard, took a bottle of 75 Lafite, poured a glass of wine for each of the three people, and said, "after drinking this glass of wine, we can have a devastating attack on Wenren group."

"Ha ha..." Nie long an old face simply smile bloom, "I wait for this day already don't know to wait for how many days."

"CheersThe three evil claws are naturally gathered together!

Sure enough, on that night, Bai Yitao and others launched the last and most violent attack on Wenren group.

For a time, the shares of Wenren group fell, many of its subsidiaries were forced to suspend production, and the major media broke out about the related problems of "tax evasion" before Wenren group, and even muxue's personal problems were publicized and reported.

In just a few hours, the devil tilted the balance to Bai Yitao again.

The soldiers of Wenren group who have just stabilized are shaken, and most of them are at a loss

Then, what they don't know is that not only such a big thing happened here, but also Yue Yunfei in the prison.