After entering the office, Yue Yunfei faintly felt that there was something wrong with hearing muxue. Sure enough, after hearing muxue, he said, "are you planning all this today?"

Yue Yunfei smiles, not denying but not admitting.

"I do ask for you, but there are some things you'd better stop when you can..." Hear people Mu Xue said.

She is not a fool. Today is Yue Yunfei's first day at work, but she has caused a lot of troubles. The matter of the head of the security department is nothing. The most important thing is that he offended Nie Yang, and now the company has lost an experienced Minister for no reason.

Although Wenren muxue seems to be the acting president of the company, many things have to be handled with consideration of other people's feelings. Take the case of Nie Yang today. As soon as Yue Yunfei made such a fuss, Nie Yang's father immediately called. You know, Nie's family is also one of the founders of Wenren group.

At ordinary times, I have to let Nie Yang do something to smell people's muxue, but this time, for Yue Yunfei's sake, I have to fight Nie Yang with my head firmly.

Yue Yunfei didn't get angry. Instead, he said with a smile, "I won't let anyone who has Chen Mengyao's idea go."

"I don't just mean this one thing. You know what you've done today, and I know it. I appreciate that you can be my bodyguard and ensure my safety. But on this basis, don't make me too embarrassed. It's not as easy for me to take charge of the whole company as you think. I can't make Wenren group chaotic in my hands..." Hearing that, Mu Xue will cry again.

Yue Yunfei is not an unreasonable person, so he said: "well, I can't stand those people who are so mean to others. I admit that I have caused you a lot of troubles today. Maybe other shareholders of the company put pressure on you where I can't see. In the end, you really don't have to fight against shareholders because of a bodyguard."

"If I don't fight them, you have to leave?" This is mu Xue's biggest worry. In a short time, she can't find a person to protect her like Yue Yunfei.

"You can rest assured about this. Since I have promised you that I will be your bodyguard, I will try my best to ensure your safety, whether those people fire me or drive me away." Yue Yunfei said.

Hearing this, Mu Xue's eyes suddenly brightened and said with joy, "are you really saying that? Even if the directors drive you away, you will keep me safe. "

Yue Yunfei laughed and said, "do you think I'm the kind of person who doesn't mean what I say?"

Hearing this, Mu Xue shook her head with a smile and said, "I thought you had made it very clear in Chen Mengyao's home. You came to protect me for Chen Mengyao's sake. I know that you don't care about the salary I offered you at all, so I've been worried that you will leave me in a rage when others offend you."

"Ha ha, if someone puts pressure on you in the future, you can ask him to come directly at me. How can others offend me, I will naturally find a way to offend you back, and I will never take your life safety seriously." Yue Yunfei said.

"I'm relieved to hear that." Mu Xue smiles from her heart. With Yue Yunfei's words, she can boldly deal with the pressure of the board of directors.