Although the closure did not break through to build the foundation, Luo Yan was basically satisfied that he could reach the perfect stage of the ninth floor of gas refining. At least his strength is several times stronger than that of half a year ago. If Luo Yan is allowed to fight Diao potian again now, Luo Yan is confident that he can blow Diao potian up with one blow.

As for a few people in the semi hidden gate who were slightly afraid of Luoyan before, now Luoyan has no fear at all. If we can't build a foundation with half a step, it's really a fart.

There's no need to stay in the cave. Luo Yan cleans up and walks out of the cave.

Because it's a Chinese border forest, bordering on Russia, so the air defense system is very strong. At first, Luo Yan spread his wings and flew, but as a Russian entry reconnaissance plane, he was almost shot down by the air defense artillery. After being pursued by a Chinese fighter, Luo Yan had to fold up his silver wings and escape into the jungle.

The development of modern science and technology has been very strong. Even Xiuzhen Luoyan dare not support himself under the fire of powerful hot weapons. Moreover, it is still his own national military aircraft. Luoyan can not fight against his own national border guards, so he has to walk through the forest honestly.

A week later, Luoyan finally walked out of the Chinese border forest and appeared in an unknown town.

The town is very backward, surrounded by bungalows. At a glance, the highest building in the town is only five stories.

At this time of dusk, the sun is close to sunset, and few people walk on the streets of the small town. Even if there are people, they are in a hurry, walking as fast as running. The shops and stalls on the street are closing up quickly.

"What time is it? It's just like late at night. Is there no night life in this town?" Luoyan felt that this backward town revealed a trace of strangeness everywhere, but he could not say where it was.

"Hey, brother, where is this place?" A passer-by in a hurry, Luo Yan stretched out his hand to hold him.

"Ghost! Ghost! The ghost is coming out That person sees Luo Yan but is frightened to scream, then a shake off Luo Yan's hand, crazy gallop, slipper lost all don't care.

Other people see also follow crazy run, this few people's street moment only Luoyan himself.

Luo Yan was puzzled. Although he was closed for half a year and neglected to take care of him, his hair was over his shoulder and his beard was all over his face. He looked like a savage, but he could not be said to be a ghost. At most, he was a tramp.

"It seems that you need to clean your clothes first, take a bath in a hotel, cut your hair and beard, and change into a clean suit." Luo Yan touched his dense beard and felt that his image should be very rough now.

Just all the way, Luo Yan never see a person, the street is cold, passing several hotels are closed.

"Hey, wait, wait." In front of a hardware store that was about to close, Luo Yan put out his hand to block the door.

That boss sees Luo Yan, immediately frighten to drop to sit on the ground, the vision frightens of way“ Are you a man or a ghost? "

"What do you think?" Luo Yan took out a pile of money and threw it in front of him“ Can ghosts use RMB? "

The boss saw Luo Yan throw out a pile of bright red banknotes, panic eyes just spread some, but still holding a stick to guard against Luo Yan“ What do you want? "

"Here's 2000 yuan. I'll ask you a few questions." Luo Yan pointed to the pile of money on the ground.

"Good, good." The boss was so surprised that he picked up the money and counted it quickly. It's not more than 2000 yuan. It's real money.

"What do you want to ask? Ask quickly. The sun will set soon." The boss looked at the setting sun outside, and his tone was very urgent.

Luo Yan doesn't know what he's in a hurry. He doesn't know what to do“ What is this place? "

"Qingyang Town, the northernmost frontier town in China, is on the border with Russia." The boss said.

"What's going on in town? Why do shops close at dusk and pedestrians run home? " Luo Yan asked again.

"Brother, you come from other places." The boss saw eye Luo Yan, the voice lowers a way“ Qingyang Town is haunted these days. Anyone who dares to walk outside at night will die. "

"Haunted?" Luo Yan was stunned.

He is a man of cultivation. Of course, he knows that there are Yin, ghost and evil things in the world, but ghosts generally don't harass people. Because people have Yang Qi, ghosts can't stand it when they get close to them. Especially in places where people gather, the Yang Qi is strong, and ghosts dare not come out to make mischief. It's not like some movies and TV shows, where ghosts come out to harass people. That's bullshit.

Those who dare to come out and do mischief are fierce ghosts, but even fierce ghosts dare not come out and do mischief easily, because since there are ghosts, there are naturally ghost collectors. Ghosts are not like people. If they commit crimes here, they run to other places to hide. Generally, ghosts can only wander in the place where they bury their bones. Once they are too far away from the place where they bury their bones, they will die out.

So even if it's a fierce ghost, it won't harm people for any special reason. After all, once it does harm to people and things get big, there will be a ghost master who will come to the door and catch turtles in a jar. So Luo Yan doesn't believe it when he hears the boss saying that Qingyang Town is haunted“ Are you sure it's haunted, not a prank? "

There are a lot of pranks in real life, especially the short videos of we media are popular nowadays. Many we media teams will specially design some supernatural events, then shoot them, put them on the short video platform for people to watch, and earn traffic money.

"What a prank! It's a real ghost, but it's fierce. He has eaten dozens of people in our town." The boss see Luo Yan don't believe, dance to start.

After a long time, Luo Yan finally understood the whole story.

The incident originated in a two-star hotel named wanting in Qingyang Town.

Three days ago, the wanting hotel opened, and many people in the town came to join us. After all, this is the first star hotel in Qingyang Town. Although it is only two stars, it is already the most luxurious hotel in this backward border town. Unexpectedly, a great joy has turned into a terrorist event in the shadow of the whole town.

That night, the hotel guests, including hotel service staff, a total of 28 people disappeared overnight, not dead, or disappeared, as if the world evaporated, disappeared without a trace.

It caused a sensation in the whole town. Some people said it was haunted, because when the wanting Hotel started construction, a corpse was dug up. At that time, the owner of the hotel invited a Taoist priest to exorcise evil spirits, thinking that the matter was gone.

I didn't expect that there was an accident now, including the boss himself. This reminds people of whether the corpse dug up at that time was a thousand year old ghost.

So from now on to the evening, people in the whole town dare not go out for fear that the fierce ghosts in the wanting hotel will run out, and no one wants to die for no reason.