"I don't like grass!" When Luo Yan realized the magic of Zaohua beads, he couldn't help but exclaim.

"It means that I have a bead in my body that can create the world!"

"I am a Creator!"

"God like existence!"

This is definitely the most rebellious treasure Luo Yan has ever seen. Even in the past life in Xuanfeng, Luo Yan has never heard of a monk who can brew a world in his body.

This bead of creation does not belong to earthly things. It should belong to fairyland things.

It's a pity that Luo Yan's cultivation is too low, and the beads of creation can't work at all. The beads of creation in Luo Yan's body are just like the world of chaos. They are desolate and desolate. They don't even have life, air, or even water. They can't bring outside life into life.

Continue to stay in the world of gods for a while, Luo Yan did not find anything, so know the sea move, take the initiative to come out of the world of beads.

After he came out, Luo Yan was still excited. He explored his body with the sea of knowledge and found that the beads of creation did not disappear with him. He was immediately relieved.

In fact, Luo Yan's worry is superfluous. Zaohuazhu has recognized him as the main one and integrated with his body, so Luo Yan can freely enter and leave the Pearl world.

And because he is the master of the beads, he can breathe even if there is no air in the bead world.

But Luo Yan has a grand plan in his heart. He thinks that he can make the Pearl world into a perfect world full of aura, life and vigor, and then bring his women in and live with him.

It's a grand goal, and it's a huge project.

First of all, the world underground needs to be embedded with countless spiritual veins that can provide vitality, so as to produce spiritual Qi for people to breathe and cultivate.

We also need to spread oasis like plants on a desolate and vicissitudes desert, and collect enough spiritual springs to breed life

In short, the project is so huge that Luoyan can't imagine it.

Luo Yan doesn't want to think about these unrealistic things now. This kind of world building project can't be completed without thousands of years.

Looking at the next time, from entering the Pearl world to coming out, he had unconsciously passed a month.

Luo Yan is surprised, he feels to stay in bead world also just ten minutes thing, how come out a month passed.

Is that what we call it“ One day in the sky, ten years on earth?

For the passing of time, Luo Yan is very puzzled, he tried to use ideas to communicate with Zaohua bead, this just suddenly realized.

"It turned out that my cultivation was too low to fully control the beads of creation, which led to the imperfection of the rules of heaven and earth in the world of gods in the beads, and time would pass like water."

"It seems that I will not enter the god world of zaohuazhu in the future, otherwise my short life will not be enough for it to pass away."


When he came into the imperial mausoleum, Luo Yan asked Li Liang and Wang Na to wait for him outside. Now a month later, I don't know if they are still there.

There is no treasure in the imperial mausoleum now. The only one worthy of Luo Yan's nostalgia is the imperial concubine who had a one night stand with him.

"I broke her virginity anyway. I should be responsible."

"Why don't I take her back to Chuzhou villa and live with Yiyao."

Recalling that absurd night, Luoyan now has endless aftertaste.

When he comes to Yanfei Pavilion, Luo Yan raises his hand and knocks on the door. No one opens the door for a long time. He pushes it hard. The door is unlocked, and there is no Nangong Xiayan inside.

"Where has the imperial concubine gone? It can't be that she has gone out of the imperial mausoleum." Luo Yan's mind is a dark, if out of the imperial mausoleum, this vast sea of people, where does he find her.

At this time, a soft and beautiful song came.

"Jianxia cangcang, White Dew for frost."

"The so-called Yi people are on the water side."

"The way to follow is long and the way to follow is long, and the way to follow is in the middle of the water..."

"It's her song." Luo Yan's face was happy and he followed the sound.

Through several winding attic corridors, Luoyan comes to a place with unique caves.

In front of my eyes is a vast green garden with rice, rice and various vegetables.

Nangong Xiayan is wearing a pure white skirt with high cuffs. She squats down to pick vegetables with sweat.

She is doing farm work while humming songs. She seems to be in a good mood.

Luo Yan suddenly felt a little sad. She was supposed to be a royal concubine under one person and over ten thousand people. But in the thousand years of guarding the mausoleum, everything disappeared, and even the food she had to eat had to be done by herself.

After picking today's food, Nangong Xiayan is about to move to the kitchen when she sees Luo Yan. She is shocked. Her basket falls to the ground and leaves are all over the floor.

Luo Yan walked over with a smile, squatted to clean up for her, and then returned the basket to her hand.

"Didn't you go?" Nangong Xiayan suddenly bowed her head, and her beautiful eyes caught her tears.

That day, after he drove Luoyan out, he cried for a long time alone, but Luoyan didn't come to comfort her, which made her very sad.

She thought that in order to save Luo Yan, she handed over her body to keep chastity for the emperor for thousands of years, but in exchange for the other party's holding pants, she didn't recognize people. She felt that she was really blind at that time, and she even dirtied her chastity for a heartless person.

"I didn't leave. I stayed in the imperial mausoleum all the time. There was an accident, so I came to you now." Luo Yan smiles, and doesn't explain the matter of Zaohua bead to her.

"You don't go because you can't go." Nangong Xiayan suddenly also laughed“ There's a Kirin outside. You'll die if you go out. "

She didn't think that Luo Yan was staying in the imperial mausoleum for her. If he could go out, he would have run away long ago, and would stay here with her, a woman who never changed.


"Oh, it's been killed by me." Luo Yan light smile.

"What Nangong Xiayan's expression was shocked, and the basket fell again.

Fortunately, Luo Yan has a quick eye and a quick hand.

"How can it be? It's the god beast guarding the emperor. I'm not his opponent. How can you kill it?" Nangong Xiayan can't believe looking at Luoyan.

"Ten of you?" Luo Yan laughs“ Ten of you and I can still subdue with one move. It's just a unicorn. Is it strange that I killed it? "

Nangong Xiayan suddenly remembers that Luoyan's skill seems to be able to beat her ten times. That time she was in bed with Luoyan. She tried her best to kill Luoyan, but she could feel that Luoyan didn't use her power all the time and she was letting her go.

In that way, they beat her so badly that she came up and scratched him with her nails. Now, Luo Yan's face still has several scars from her nails. A good face is scratched by her.