"Give me a hand!" Lu Jingwen cried helplessly, her ankle was stepped on by a fan, like a dislocated, so painful that she couldn't move.

Today, she is no longer a high goddess, but an ordinary girl with a disheartened face who desperately wants to live,

She is looking forward to having fans who love her so much that they can help her at this moment of life and death.

However, those fans who usually treat her as a baby turn a deaf ear to her help.

Those fans have been scared by the black robed monster for a long time. They have six souls and seven souls out of the body. They don't care what goddess is. There are many goddesses in the world, but there is only one life.

Human nature is selfish, but it was born in a peaceful age. Most people disguise this selfish side.

In the face of the moment of life and death, the selfishness hidden in the bottom of my heart broke out in an instant. All kinds of trampling and pushing each other were displayed incisively and vividly in just a few seconds.


Lu Jingwen looks at those fans who abandon her and run for their lives, only to feel the coolness of her heart.

Seeing that Zhou Gongyu was also in the crowd, Lu Jingwen lit up a glimmer of hope in her heart, stretched out her hand and begged: "Gongyu, help me."

She placed all her hope of escape on the boy who regarded her as a treasure.

Zhou Gongyu was very embarrassed at the moment. He wrapped his left shoulder with his clothes to prevent the loss of more blood. He grabbed his broken arm in his right hand and ran out with the crowd.

Hearing Lu Jingwen's cry for help, Zhou Gongyu looked back at the pathetic Lu Jingwen lying on the ground. He said with a wry smile, "Wenwen, you wait here first. When I go out, I'll call someone to come and support you. I'll bring the police to help you in half an hour."

After that, Zhou Gongyu turned around and ran like crazy. He couldn't come back here for half an hour or even ten hours. Zhou Gongyu's mind is full now. He just wants to go to the hospital and pick up his broken arm first.

Lu Jingwen looks at Zhou Gongyu's back, which is faster than rabbit. Her heart turns to ashes. Her fans ignore her. She can understand that the man who has just told her that he wants to give her a lifetime of happiness actually left her at the moment of life and death and escaped alone.

That's true.

"Husband and wife are birds in the same forest, and they fly separately in the face of disaster."


"I want to run!"

"Ha ha... You are so naive." Vlad William chuckled wildly, then lifted his black robe.

I saw countless blood colored bats flying out of the black robe.

These little blood colored bats have scarlet eyes, like flowing blood. Their body length is only half the size of a fist. However, the fangs exposed in their mouths are frightening, accounting for almost half of their body length. They are as sharp as razor blades.

All of a sudden, the whole stadium has become a paradise for blood bats. As they fly, they hiss excitedly before eating.

In the eyes of the public, the road is shining and symbolizes the escape gate of heaven. In a flash, it is surrounded by blood bats.

All of them stopped. There was a sea of bat blood in front of them. They couldn't penetrate the past at all. They felt a sense of despair in their hearts.

They raised their heads and looked around stupidly. They felt numb. The whole stadium was dark. Thousands of blood bats crossed each other and crowded the whole space tightly.


"Eat, children." Vlad William was suspended in mid air, opening his big hand as if a demon had come.

At the command of its master, the bloody bat swoops down from the sky, opens its huge tusks, crazily bites the flesh of human beings in front of it, sucks their blood, digs their chests and devours their internal organs.

All of a sudden, there was an overwhelming wail. The blood flowing on the smooth floor was like a tomato sauce processing place, thick and pungent.

Senro hell, but that's all.

In just a few minutes, more than one hundred people stopped crying, all lying on the ground, lost signs of life.

And the blood colored bats came back to Vlad William one after another with guts and blood in their mouths.

Vlad William raised his head, opened his mouth and swallowed the food from the blood bats.


Lu Jingwen looks at the hellish scene in front of her in horror. She has already lost her face. She curls up in the corner and shivers.

"Help me, help me." Lu Jingwen looks at Li Yifan a few meters away in front of her. Her eyes are full of pity.

Li Yifan calmly looked at the scene like a hell in the forest and said coldly: "save you? I gave you a chance, you don't cherish it. "

"Now you come here and ask me to save you. Do you think you're being mean?"

Li Yifan walks up to Lu Jingwen and squats down. He opens his ugly mouth and sticks out his bleeding red tongue to lick Lu Jingwen's snow-white face.

Li Yifan didn't know how many times he had thought about this scene in his dream. Now he can finally achieve his wish. At the moment, he just wants to lick Lu Jingwen's whole body to make her doubt life, and then shoot his mark on her white goddess body.

Just when Li Yifan's tongue was about to touch Lu Jingwen's face.

Suddenly, a yellow light came up.

"Bang!" It sounded like the sound of a bomb explosion.

The next moment.

Li Yifan was directly and inexplicably bounced out, and the trend was fierce. The whole person slid more than ten meters on the smooth ground, until he almost hit Vlad William, who was eating, and then he was trampled by Vlad William to stop the trend.

Lu Jingwen stares at the sudden scene in front of her. She has no idea what happened, why Li Yifan was suddenly shot out, and what is the situation.

Li Yifan, who has been shot out, is now scorched black with black smoke of "Yi, Yi...". He struggles to stand up, looks at Lu Jingwen in horror, and asks Vlad William in a trembling voice:

"Lord blood king, why can't I touch her? I just felt that there was an inexplicable force on her, which directly bounced me away. Why? "

Li Yifan can't figure it out by scratching his head. He just grabbed Lu Jingwen's hand, but nothing happened. How can this strange thing happen when he wants to invade her body now.