Yiyao gets off the car and takes a look at Luoyan. She's a little embarrassed. If she goes out to talk business, Luoyan's following is part of her work. That's understandable.

But today, she's going home to eat with her grandfather. It's a private matter. She's already taken up Luo Yan's time. Moreover, she's having dinner with her grandfather. It's a family dinner, so she can't take Luo Yan in. She can only let Luo Yan sit in the car and wait for her for a few hours.

Luo Yan saw her apology from Yi Yao's eyes and waved her hand with a smile, indicating that she didn't need to mind and let her go in and have a good meal with the old man.

Yiyao whispered“ In the evening, I'll take you out to dinner and make it up to you. " Then he went into his grandfather's villa.

After Yi Yao enters the door, Luo Yan lies idle in the car. This is the second time Yi Yao invites him to dinner. The reason for both times is to compensate him.

It's good that you don't have to go home from work early. There is a Chu Bingyan living at home. He goes back too early. Chu Bingyan will be very uncomfortable when he sees him, and they will be very embarrassed.

Just when Luoyan was bored, Yiyao ran out in a panic“ Luo Yan, come in with me quickly. My grandfather fainted. Help me carry him to the bed. Hurry up. " The voice was shaking.

Luo Yan a listen, know the emergency, quickly get off behind Yiyao, just into the door to see the old man lying in the middle of the living room, motionless.

"Did you call an ambulance?" Luo Yan asked.

"I've called my grandfather's personal doctor, and he will come right away, but my grandfather looks so uncomfortable. What can I do? What can I do..." Yi Yao kneels on the ground and looks at the old man at a loss.

Luo Yan looked at the old man lying on the ground, his whole body was bloodless, his face was white, his mouth was foaming, and his body was twitching.

"Don't worry. I'll help your grandfather to the sofa first." Through the symptoms, Luo Yan knows what's wrong with Yi Yao's grandfather.

This disease is very troublesome. It is caused by years of overwork, improper rest, irregular diet, and no taboo on smoking and drinking. Although he can cure it, he can't say that he is 100% successful and dare not act rashly. Besides, Yiyao can't believe that he can cure it and give her grandfather's life to the driver.

"Yiyao, how's your grandfather?" At the door came a white haired old man with a medicine box hanging on his waist. He looked gentle and simple. He should be what Yi Yao called a private doctor.

"Uncle Li, come and have a look, Grandpa. He's... He's so sick." Yi Yao saw that it was Li Minhan, grandfather's personal doctor, who came in. There was a glimmer of hope in her eyes and quickly pulled Li Minhan over.

"How could that be? Old man Yi, old man Yi. " Li Minhan pinched the old man, looked at the old man's eyes, found that the old man was delirious, had completely passed out.

"Uncle Li, you save my grandfather, save him..." seeing Li Minhan's shocked expression, Yiyao was scared to cry, and tears gushed out instantly.

"Yes, yes." While comforting Yiyao, Li Minhan opened the medicine box hanging on his waist, took out a box of silver needles from it and began to insert them into the old man. Each needle was inserted into the acupoint accurately.

However, the old man's condition did not improve. Instead, his face turned from pale to pure black. Li Minhan was sweating and quickly pulled out all the silver needles. The next moment, the old man's face turned blue purple again, which was extremely strange.

Li Minhan has been practicing medicine all his life. He is a famous doctor in China for a long time. He is especially good at the field of traditional Chinese medicine. He is famous all over the country for his skillful acupuncture and moxibustion. Many patients with difficult and miscellaneous diseases come to him for treatment, and he can get rid of them by his superb medical skills.

It is also because of his excellent medical skills, as well as his old friends with yiqifeng, that he was employed as his personal doctor by yiqifeng after retiring from the state-owned enterprise hospital.

In order to facilitate Li Minhan's treatment, yiqifeng specially bought the villa next door to Li Minhan's house. These years, the two old people, as neighbors, have been living a wonderful life for the elderly.

Through the diagnosis of yiqifeng, Li Minhan found that yiqifeng's body had a big hidden disease, which was a kind of difficult and miscellaneous disease. He had never seen this disease in his whole life and could not start with it.

Every time yiqifeng gets sick, he can only wake him up by stimulating the acupoints of his whole body. This is only a temporary cure, not a permanent cure. In recent years, the frequency of yiqifeng getting sick is more and more frequent, and every time is more and more dangerous.

"Yiyao, I'm powerless. I'm afraid your grandfather can't make it this time." Li Minhan looked at yiqifeng, who was blue and purple, shook his head and said in a deep voice

"How can it be like this, Uncle Li? Can you think of something? Think again, Wuwu... I beg you." Yiyao hears that even Li Minhan is helpless. She kneels down on the ground and cries with tears on her face.

You know, my grandfather's illness has been treated in many developed countries, but it hasn't been cured. Only Li Minhan can wake up my grandfather every time he faints, but this time

"Yiyao, I really tried my best. I... I don't want to lose a close friend, ah, old Yiyao." Li Minhan looked up to the sky and sighed.

Luo Yan saw Yiyao kneeling on the ground crying heartbroken, he had never seen Yiyao as helpless, so fragile.

The image of Yiyao that he sees in his daily life is the iceberg president with a face of ice and frost. Now this picture of pear blossom with rain makes her more like a woman.

"Or I'll try." Luo Yan light said, he a little can't see down, if change to do the disease is others, he won't hand.

It's just that the patient is the chairman's grandfather who he gets along with day and night, and Yiyao is not harsh on him. On the contrary, sometimes she thinks about him everywhere, but she is not good at expressing, but Luoyan can feel it.

"Are you a doctor?" Li Minhan heard the young man standing next to him and looked at Luo Yan carefully.

"No, but I know something about medicine." Luo Yan truthfully tells us that he really doesn't have a doctor's license. If Yi Yao doesn't believe him, he will never say the second sentence. After all, it's a shame to have a hot face and a cold ass.

"Young man, this is not a simple fever, cold and migraine. It's a complicated disease. You can't see it with some medical skills." When Li Minhan heard Luo Yan's words, he knew that the young man's idea was too simple.

If anyone who knows how to cure the disease can cure it, then yiqifeng's disease doesn't have to drag on until now. He has suppressed yiqifeng's disease for ten years, and it's a great effort.