If you want to say that mother Liu and mother MI are also calm, for many days, Leng has never revealed their conjecture.

Even the world of mortals, which is the closest to mammy Liu, has never revealed anything.

But with such a big thing in mind, it is impossible to say that there is no abnormality, even if it is covered up well.

One of the most obvious aspects of their performance is that they pay more attention to the master and son ye Chaoge.

In ye Chaoge's words, er Lao regarded her as the most precious fragile thing in the world. He carefully protected her for fear of being hurt.

It's very exaggerated.

Not only that, I don't know when to start, Mammy Liu and mammy Mi will not leave her for a moment, even if one of them is busy, the other will not leave.

In a word, no matter when and where she was, there must be one of them.

This is just one of them.

Second, recently, every time the world of mortals finished her pulse, Mammy Liu asked her with bright eyes: "how about it? Do you see anything?"

Queer inquiries often confuse the world of mortals.

"What do you see?" he asked

Every time the world of mortals asked, Mammy Liu would not say anything, let alone ask, and her face was mysterious.

Let the world of mortals be more ignorant.

Third, the servants of the whole Qixin building found a strange phenomenon.

Like now.

After the master had a rest, mother Liu and mother Mi told them to keep watch, while they went back to the backyard hand in hand.

Liu's room became the place where they met recently.

Every time, the door would be closed tightly, and no one knew what they were doing, saying or planning.

Anyway, as weird as you want to be.

"Oh, how can you live so slowly these days?"

Mother Liu couldn't help complaining to mother MI.

Compared with mammy Liu's eagerness, Mammy MI was calm and said with a smile, "Sister Liu, this kind of thing can't be done in a hurry. Before the time comes, even the girl in the world of mortals can't see whether the crown princess is pregnant with one or two."

Liu Ma Ma sighed, "who says not."

It was because of this that she was anxious for the days to pass quickly.

With such a big discovery in her mind, she can't help it any more.

That kind of feeling is like, everybody is drunk, I wake up alone, excited but can't show, hold back flustered.

"But you don't have to worry. I'll look at eight Nine is ten. "


"Haven't you noticed that the food intake of our crown princess has obviously increased recently."

Liu Ma Ma looked back and shook her head, "it's more than before, but it's not different from when she was pregnant with a little master."

Mammy Mi made a sound and scratched her head. "Yes, I came to the East Palace only after the princess was pregnant with the little master

Therefore, she did not know the situation before Xianhuai.

There's no comparison.

"Forget it, our master is a blessed one. If it's ours, we can't escape. If it's not ours, we can't force it." This is said to mammy rice, but more said to himself.

Self comfort for some time, two people still have something to do, eyes each other a pair, tacit understanding of the door out.

As soon as the door was opened, there was a man standing upright at the door, who scared the two and a half hundred moms almost out.

While panting, mother Liu patted her chest Breast, glaring at the door of the world of mortals: "you this dead girl, belong to the cat ah, walk all have no movement."

Although she didn't open her mouth, the palpitation and disapproval in her eyes showed her dissatisfaction with the world of mortals.

The world of mortals didn't speak, and their eyes wandered on mammy Liu and mammy MI, "what's your secret plan?"

"Ouch, you smelly girl, you'll die. What's furtive!"

Mother Liu is not polite at all. She slaps her on the back of the world of mortals.

Hongmei was beaten for a while, and her anger suddenly withered. In her mind, mother Liu was not a stranger, and she was no different from her close elders.

Pouting little Mouth grievance way: "I am not wrong, you are not furtive, what is it, carrying people, as if afraid to hear, and just now, I walk normally, you did not hear in the room..."

No, she walks like a cat.

The world of mortals is wronged.

Liu mammy also couldn't bear to, stretched out her hand to drag her into the room, "I don't let you guard, how did you follow?"

"There are Siqin and Lianqiu. I'll follow you to see if you are mysterious again."

"What did you hear?" Asked mammy MI.

Red dust pie pie pie mouth, "if I hear to get this slap, don't feel aggrieved!"

It's because I didn't hear anything and was slapped again that I felt aggrieved.Smell speech, mother Liu and mother Mi looked at each other and exchanged a look.

"In fact, it's no big deal. I originally planned to tell you these two days and let you pay attention." Just didn't expect, this dead girl even learn to eavesdrop!

"Tell me what, notice what?"

"Remember we said a few days ago that the young lady's stomach looked bigger than when she was pregnant with a young master?"

Red dust nodded, "remember."

Isn't it said that the baby's owner is an acute one?

"I don't think it's right when Mammy and I add up."

"No? It's impossible. I feel the pulse for miss every day. The pulse is always very good... "

"I'm not quite right. I don't mean Miss is not quite right."

Mother Liu quickly appeased the world of mortals who were close to hair blowing.

"What's that?"

"We estimated that the young lady should be..." Mother Liu drew two fingers.

"Two? In twos How many

"Well, just keep it in mind. Don't make it public before you're not sure. Don't make unnecessary troubles. And remember to be more careful when you feel your pulse in the future..."

Mother Liu gave a lot of advice.

The world of mortals responded one by one and then said, "so, what you've been sneaking around these days is Ah, Mammy, what are you doing with me? "

Mammy Liu bluffing face, "let you talk nonsense, give you some memory."

The world of mortals


Soon, ye Chaoge found a strange phenomenon.

Originally, only mother MI and mother Liu were abnormal. However, after she had a rest that day, she changed from two to three!

"World of mortals, what are you looking at?"

Ye Chaoge moved his body uneasily, pulled the blanket beside him and covered his stomach to block the red dust Guo Guo's eyes.

This little girl doesn't know what happened recently. She stares at her stomach from time to time.

At first, she didn't take it seriously, but gradually, she found something wrong. The girl's look at her stomach
