At this time, she saw the head of the Little Golden Snake rubbing on her fingers, and the snake's body hovering in the palm of her hand, which was very lovely.

She stopped throwing it out.

Look down at it.

The finger is rubbed by it some itch, the leaf toward song subconsciously with the finger gently poked it small head once.

Who knows this poke, the little golden snake suddenly golden light.

Ye Chaoge was so surprised that she looked at it without blinking. Then she saw with her own eyes that there were two horns growing on the head of the little golden snake. At first, it looked like two small drums, and then the horns slowly appeared


Little golden snake becomes a little golden dragon?

Ye Chaoge can't believe looking at the little golden dragon hovering quietly in her hands.

Xiaojinlong seems to be very intelligent. She is astonished, and her two longans are also widened. If she is crooked, it will follow her.

Ye Chaoge was a little afraid, but he was not afraid. On the contrary, he was a little happy.

She stroked little Jinlong's head bravely. Her fingers touched it tentatively. Seeing that it didn't feel disgusted, she stroked it gently. With her action, little Jinlong was very obedient. Even along with her stroking her head, she twisted her body, as if in shame.

Ye Chaoge was so amused by it that he giggled.

In this way, in that fairyland, a person and a small golden dragon played.

I don't know how long later, Xiao Jinlong suddenly turned his head and looked back.

Ye Chaoge is curious and follows it.

After a while, I heard the sound of paddling.

After a while, in the air of immortality, a little tortoise came swimming slowly. It was really slow, slowly swimming little by little.

See ye Chaoge, stop rowing, look up for a while, and then slowly look at little Jinlong.

One dragon and one turtle looked at each other, and the little turtle began to swim slowly.

After swimming for a long time, I swam to the bank. Then I stopped and looked up at ye Chaoge, with eyes the size of mung bean.

Ye Chaoge was laughed at by it. What kind of magical dream is this? First it's fairyland, then it's little golden dragon, and now there's little tortoise. Besides, these two little things are all in reality The former does not exist, and the latter is extremely rare.

Most importantly, these two little things feel very psychic.

She tried to reach out her other hand and put it in front of the little turtle.

The Little Turtle was silent for a while, and then slowly climbed up.

After coming up, his head, small tail and four legs shrunk at the same time, leaving only a small turtle shell in ye Chaoge's palm.

as like as two peas, the shell of the turtle rolled over, revealing its bottom. It was only white, with a golden light and a golden light.

Ye Chaoge suddenly has a bold guess. He looks at the spirited little golden dragon and the lazy little turtle that has been indented into the shell

"You two are not the same family, are you?"

As soon as her voice fell, little tortoise suddenly pointed out his head and looked at Little Golden Dragon lazily. Then he drew back his cerebellar pouch. Finally, his little eyes

Ye Chaoge smokes the corners of her mouth silently. She should not be mistaken. It should not be her illusion

She saw the little turtle's last eyes, full of disdain.

Think of the last little golden dragon

This little thing doesn't disdain little golden dragon, does it?

Ye Chaoge is more and more rare to these two little things, and he feels more and more funny. Little Jinlong is very good. He climbs up to her shoulder along her arm and stays on her shoulder. He rubs ye Chaoge's face from time to time. He is very obedient.

And the little turtle, since the last time he retracted his head, never came out again. Only a small turtle shell was in ye Chaoge's palm, and it was rolling, white and golden, with the bottom facing up.

Ye Chaoge looked at it, deeply felt uncomfortable for it, then turned it over, who knows, this little thing is not willing, rolled in her palm, and turned it over again.

Ye Chaoge found it interesting.

The bad hearted are turned over again.

The little thing is not happy. He sticks out his head and stares at her with eyes the size of mung bean, as if to warn her. If he turns it over again, it will be impolite.

Ye Chaoge laughs.

Little tortoise took a faint look at her, and then prepared to shrink back to half, suddenly stopped, looking to a certain place, so did little golden dragon. It slid down from ye Chaoge's shoulder and onto the palm of the hand with little tortoise.

Two little things staring at one place together.

Ye Chaoge saw this and looked along.

Ye Chaoge was surprised to see a man coming near and seeing his face clearly.

Liang Wantong!

Liang Wantong in the line of sight is what she looked like before she was disfigured. She was dressed in white, her hair was scattered, and her face was as pale as paper.

When ye Chaoge saw her, Liang Wantong also saw her.Suddenly, her teeth are ready to crack, and her body floats up. She pours on ye Chaoge's neck.

"Die, die, die..."

She is very hard, strangling ye Chaoge's neck, mouth has been reading to let her die such words.

Even in the dream, ye Chaoge clearly feels the feeling of suffocation, and the desire for survival makes her struggle.

However, Liang Wantong is like a stone weighing a thousand jin, and she can't push it away at all.

When ye Chaoge feels that he can't breathe soon, little Jinlong and little tortoise suddenly bite Liang Wantong's back of hand.

Liang Wantong eat pain, immediately released ye Chaoge's neck.

Ye Chaoge takes this opportunity to push her away, coughing and retreating.

Ye Chaoge gets away. Two little things run away and run to her. Two shoulders, one dragon and one tortoise, are quite different. They stand on them, just like two little guardians, guarding ye Chaoge.

Liang Wantong looked at the two little things, her eyes burst out a strong hatred, her teeth were ready to crack, hysterical general roar: "why, why you so good life..."

"Everything you have today should belong to brother Xuan. It's all his. It's all his. It's you who robbed you. You are the devil who came out of hell!"

Ye Chaoge's eyes widened in an instant.

The devil from hell?


"Ye Chaoge, I curse you, curse you..."

Before she finished her curse, Liang Wantong's body suddenly became transparent. Even so, she still stared at ye Chaoge with hatred, "it's all brother Xuan's, it's all brother Xuan's. If it wasn't for you, brother Xuan would not die, and it would not have come to that end. Ye Chaoge, you should have died, and you should have died And your mother... "

"Ye Chaoge, I curse you, I..."

Liang Wantong's transparent figure disappeared with her unfinished words.

Ye Chaoge watched her become transparent, watched her disappear, her curse words echoed in her ears, and her words
