"He really has a good plan. Unfortunately, the government is no longer the former government. No, it's the Ye government now."

The old lady is not the old lady before. She is just the mother of liupin Xiaoguan.

Moreover, during this period of time, the government has already carried out a major clean-up, that is, the old lady and ye Sishu come back, so what?

"Mammy, find a chance to tell mammy Chen about it."


Days, as if with Pei Lan's death, return to calm.

Ye Tingzhi has never seen him since he hit the front hall that day.

Listen to people say that he is now most of the time in the study, except for errands, rarely go out.

The next day after Pei Lan's decapitation, Mammy Liu brought back the news that Pei Lan's body was thrown to the mass grave by the people of the Ministry of punishment, and neither ye Yuxuan nor ye Tingzhi had ever been seen.

When mammy Liu came back to talk about it, ye Cibai was also present. Compared with ye Chaoge's expectation, he couldn't accept it.

In his opinion, Pei LAN, as far as ye Tingzhi is concerned, has not only the affection of being a child, but also the affection of being a "husband and wife" for more than 20 years. Now that everyone is dead, he is really ruthless.

There is Ye Yuxuan, he himself has not been guilty, now also avoid not to show up, Pei LAN but his mother, really chilling.

"There's nothing to be surprised about. People who are selfish don't feel surprised when they do anything."

Ye Chaoge does not want to do more entanglement in this matter, he mentioned the old lady and ye Sishu to come back.

Ye Cibai was slightly surprised, "when will you come back?"

"It's not clear. It shouldn't be long." The letter did not say the date of departure, only the decision to come back.

To tell you the truth, ye Chaoge is looking forward to the return of the old lady and ye Sishu.

I don't know what kind of expression they would have when they saw that the former brilliant government became the Ye government of liupin officials?

Especially ye Sishu.

It must be wonderful.

The following days were peaceful and peaceful.

Qi's family has already got up and, with the help of mammy Chen, he has seized the government's strict management of Ye's government.

Ye Chaoge also returned to his former state of life. He got up every morning and went to Ningyuan to say hello. He accompanied Qi to yiningyuan after breakfast.

When they are bored, they turn to painting books to pass the time. If they are not, they cook a pot of good tea in the hospital and enjoy their leisure time.

Time passes quickly and abundantly.

After a few days, the letter came again. The old lady had already started to leave. At most, she could arrive in Shangjing in half a month.

After reading the letter, ye Chaoge burned it and waited for the old lady and ye Sishu to come back to watch the play.

Who knows, before she saw the good play, there was something completely unexpected to her.

Today, just as ye Chaoge returned from Zhining garden to Yining garden, Zhufeng rushed over.

"Miss, there's someone from jingzhaoyin mansion."

"Jingzhaoyin mansion? What are they doing here? " Liu Ma Ma doubts a way.

"Yesterday someone found a man's body in the woods in the suburb of the city. According to the investigation, people in Beijing Zhaoyin mansion suspected that it was Ye Yuxuan, the son of Pei LAN."

"What Ye Chaoge closed the book and said, "is it Ye Yuxuan? Are you sure? "

Qingfeng wiped the sweat on his head, "they are not sure, so they came to the house to ask the master to come and recognize. The master has already gone out of the house, and mother Chen ordered her servant to inform the young lady."

"Not sure? What does that mean? "

"It's said that he died a few days ago and was bitten by a beast. The corpse can't tell its original appearance..."

"Oh, you girl, needless to say so detailed, I scared miss to peel your skin!" Liu Ma Ma scolds a way.

Qingfeng scratched her head, but she didn't think so much. She answered whatever the young lady asked. She didn't think so much.

Ye Chaoge frowned, not because Qingfeng said it was bloody, but because of the body itself.

Could it be ye Yuxuan?

"Where's the elder brother?"

"The young master was called away by the people of the general's residence yesterday, and has not returned yet." Qinglan replied.

"Mammy, you go to the general's house in person, and let my brother go to jingzhaoyin's house." If it's not suitable for her to go, it's better to let ye Cibai come out on behalf of her.

After Liu went down, Qingfeng also left.

Ye Chaoge was sitting there, and his picture book was no longer in the mood to pay attention to one point.

Is Ye Yuxuan dead?

Ye Chaoge feels like a dream, which is so unreal and unrealistic.

In the afternoon, ye Cibo came back from the outside. Ye Chaoge poured him a glass of water and let him catch his breath before talking.

A moment later, ye Cibai put down the cup and said to ye Chaoge, "my father has confirmed that it is indeed the corpse of Ye Yuxuan."

Ye Chaoge should be relieved when she heard the speech, but somehow, she didn't have any idea of relief, instead, her heart became more and more heavy."How was it determined?"

"There is a prismatic birthmark on the inside of Ye Yuxuan's left arm. It happens that his left arm is still intact, so he recognized it."

Ye Chaoge frowned, "brother, is the body damaged seriously?"

"I haven't seen it, but it's very serious according to the people in jingzhaoyin mansion."

The other side said that ye Yuxuan had been dead for some time, and his body was seriously rotten. In addition, the woods were often haunted by wolves. When the body was found, there was no good place.

Ye Chaoge frowned more tightly, "it's not right, it's not right..."

"What's wrong?" he asked

Ye Chaoge did not speak, biting his fingers to think quickly, from the beginning to now, every detail is not let go.

Ye Cibo is not in a hurry. He knows that his sister is smart and can often find details that others can't find, so he waits patiently.

Bored with waiting, he asked Qingming to give him some snacks. His lunch has not been used yet.

When ye Cibai is about to wipe out a dish of snacks, ye Chaoge finally clears his mind.

"Elder brother, I doubt that the corpse belongs to Ye Yuxuan."


Ye Chaoge coldly utters such a startled sentence. When ye ciboten is choked, Jun's face turns red and he pats his chest to cough.

Ye Chaoge is silent and gives him a glass of water.

Feeling much better, ye said in a slightly dumb voice, "you say, I doubt that the body belongs to Ye Yuxuan?"

Ye Chaoge nodded.

"Why do you say that? Even my father said it was Ye Yuxuan... " My sister has never seen me before. How can I draw such a conclusion?

"Intuition." After a pause, ye Chaoge continued: "why is a seriously damaged corpse with only one left arm intact, and exactly the left arm that can prove his identity?"

When ye Cibai heard it, he was really strange.

"But the birthmark is real, maybe it's just a coincidence?"

Ye Chaoge smiles: "is there such a coincidence in this world?"

Why is she so unbelievable.

There is no good place for a severely damaged corpse, but the left arm with a birthmark is intact. It's strange to see.
