Just when Mulan was staring at Ye Qingcheng's back and jealous, Chu Jiang, who was dressed in a dress, had already entered the meeting hall.

He seems to be looking for a seat, looking at it row by row, but in fact, he is investigating all the factors that may threaten Ye Qingcheng.

At this time, there were many guests in the venue. As the chairman and President of Qingcheng group, ye Qingcheng's seat was ranked in the first row. The Shen family's arrangement was not to raise Ye Qingcheng's height, but to show his stomach and win a good reputation.

We all know that the Jiangnan aristocratic family and Qingcheng group are fighting happily. At this time, the Shen family also arranged Ye Qingcheng's position in the first row. Do you think the Shen family is very magnanimous!

After all, this is Shen's territory. Chu Jiang broke Shen Lang's three legs not long ago. Two hours ago, he forced Shen Chong's illegitimate son to sign an agreement, so Chu Jiang had to guard against it.

And Chu Jiang's position was arranged in the innermost position of the eighth row, sitting by the window. After finding the seat, Chu Jiang could not help frowning.

In this position, if ye Qingcheng is in any danger, even if he uses his lightness skill to the limit, he will do it a little bit at night.

Chujiang is unhappy when ye Qingcheng came in from the door of the venue.

All the guests seemed to have a premonition of what happened. They turned to look back, and all their eyes began to become amazing.

They all heard that ye Qingcheng is the first beauty in the workplace, but they didn't expect that she could be so beautiful.

Her pace is slow, her eyes are calm, but naturally with a kind of self-confidence, a kind of look, a kind of unspeakable aura.

Maybe it's because of the shock of Ye Qingcheng's beauty, or maybe it's because of the rapid development of the group recently, someone stood up and began to applaud Ye Qingcheng.

With a leader, more and more people applauded, and everyone stood up.

Fortunately, Mr. Shen was not here, otherwise he would have vomited blood on the spot.

Because in the past, in the past, any Jiangnan Fashion Design Summit, Shen Chong only got rare applause when he appeared. There's no such thing as ye Qingcheng's treatment at this moment - the applause has already sounded like this before the meeting started. There's no doubt that this is another wonderful front page headline!

Of course, reporters will not miss such an opportunity, quickly picked up long guns and short cannons, and took a crazy shot at the venue!

Chu Jiang also stood up and went to the aisle, clapping and smiling.

This moment is the pride of Ye Qingcheng, the pride of Qingcheng group, and of course, the pride of Ye Qingcheng men.

No matter what other people think, he thinks so!

Ye Qingcheng didn't realize that she was treated like this when she entered the arena. She stopped, with a faint smile on her face, and saluted everyone.

As soon as the beautiful woman smiles, her country and city are in love, so the applause is even more enthusiastic. Before the meeting starts, it has entered the high tide.

Ye Qingcheng in everyone's attention, slowly to the first row, the stage is the model show stage.

Looking at her back, many journalists, including guests, realized that in addition to watching the fashion show tonight, they might also see another good play between the Shen family and the Qingcheng group.

Every year is a fashion show, if you can see other good plays, wouldn't you be happy!

Walking through the river, maybe a man in a white suit is standing on the road of yuechu.

Normally, the Yue man should apologize, but after he bumped into Chujiang, he just gave Chujiang a cold look, with an undisguised disdain in his eyes, and said in the lame SZ language: "hanging silk man!"

From the perspective of costumes, Chujiang is at most the second generation of a rich family.

A rich second generation, in his eyes, is no different from smelly hanging silk.

This guy has this black hair, and also tied his hair into a ponytail behind his head. His tone of voice is a touch of pseudo girl temperament.

Seeing this, he not only didn't apologize but also despised the guy. Chu Jiang nodded his head seriously and said, "Ma Lu Ye Lang, greetings to your ancestors

Ma Lu Ye Lang is a fool in Japanese. Chu Jiang became a Japanese as soon as he opened his mouth.

Greetings to your ancestors of the 18th generation. It's easy to understand, but for a Yue, it's It's puzzling. Greetings, just greetings. Why should we greet the eighteen generations of our ancestors?

Perhaps there were also Japanese people here, so Chu Jiang first came up with a Japanese language.

"Japanese?" At first, the ponytail man was slightly stunned, then with anger behind him, he yelled at Chujiang: "you're not long ago, but you're crying for the alliance of Yue. Don't drag. As long as our Li family members make a phone call and let you Japanese officials deal with you minute by minute!"

In ancient times, Yue was also the territory of SZ or a subsidiary state, so the surnames and customs are similar to those of SZ, including the Spring Festival.Up to now, there are three families in the state of Yue, Li, Ruan and Chen. Because these three families all ruled the state of Yue, they still have their own power in a certain political level.

Now the first person in the state of Yue still has the surname of Ruan.

"Oh, it turned out that it was Li Dashao of Yue, but I was from Shuikou group of Japanese." Chu Jiang spread his hand, shrugged his shoulders, with a smile on his face, and by the way, he drew hatred to Shuikou group.

As the boss of the God of war, Chu Jiang has been to Yue State to perform missions, and has some understanding of the internal structure of Yue State.

If the Ruan family didn't mention the alliance between the Japanese and the Yue, it would be fine, but it inspired Chu Jiang's patriotism. Don't you two want to be a pickle country? As long as I push my woman, Dugu Shuang, to the position of No.1 person, I'll see how you can attract me.

In addition Chu Jiang's heart moved, he decided that soon, he must find an opportunity to alienate and destroy the alliance between Yue and Japan!

"What about the people in Shuikou group? They just mix up in the underground world. As long as I make a phone call, hum, I'm sure you can't walk late in Shuikou group." In Chu Jiang's "Instigation", this guy scolded more happily, not far away, it seems that a few Japanese people raised their ears to listen.


So he pointed his middle finger to the man with ponytail.

The latter's status is noble. When did he suffer this kind of treatment, he almost didn't die of anger. He stretched out his finger and pointed to Chujiang fiercely, then turned and walked forward!

Chu Jiang shook his head: "sorry, brothers of Shuikou group of Japan, it seems that I helped you to provoke a big fish."

The man with the ponytail came to the first row. His position was next to Ye Qingcheng. On the top of the sika, there was a name, Li Jie.