"So at that time, there was no way. The last bullet was fired, so I wanted to go out and fight for cold weapons."

"If I can break through, of course it's best. If I can't, I'll leave the last shot to myself."

He Changgong continued to describe the original situation gently.

"I tried to break through several times, but I didn't succeed. There were too many people on the other side. They were all experts."

"Look at each other, they want to capture me alive, otherwise, I'm afraid I would have been killed by them long ago."

"Just when I had given up and an arrow stuck in my throat, a group of mysterious guys came and saved me!"

"A bunch of mysterious guys? Ha ha. "

Chujiang smiles.

If his guess is right, it must be the people sent from above to save he Changgong.

Because this fight against scorpion, we have to use him.

"Boss, let me ask you something." When he said that, he Changgong suddenly flashed a doubt on his face and looked at Chu River.

"What's the matter?" Chu Jiang motioned him to go on.

"Do you think we are the only God of war in the whole SZ?" He Changgong looked at Chu Jiang and asked seriously.

"What do you mean?" Next to everyone a Leng, even Chu River is also involuntarily raise eyebrows.

He Changgong's question is really puzzling.

"The mysterious people who saved me this time are a small team, with a total of 13 people! They're very aggressive and they can easily defeat the guys who surround me. "

"What makes me strange is that the style of the team of 13 people is very similar to ours. They cooperate skillfully, act decisively, and act ruthlessly."

"What's more, their personnel structure is very similar to that of our God of war. They have members of special attack type, members of special attack type, and members of special treatment type!"

"In addition, it seems that there are some masters who are proficient in array among the members of the opponent!"

He Changgong described in detail the scene he observed at that time.

At last, Jiang and the other members were more and more surprised.

At the beginning, the members of the God of war were 13. Later, when the monkey and stone died, an Qing left the God of war and embarked on a separate road of revenge.

At that time, they all thought that the monkey and the stone were dead. Now we can be sure that the monkey died and the stone disappeared after being seriously injured. Now he is still alive. I don't know what he has experienced. After seeing through, he has lived in seclusion in lotus town.

So there were only ten gods of war. Two months ago, the God of war was besieged by the world's top forces, and Rohan died. In this way, the God of war has nine members left, but there are Mulan, Xiaobai, heiju, Luo Shuai, minnong and he Changgong standing beside Chujiang. In this way, there are seven.

It seems that Xiasang is still looking for laotuo. If Xiasang and laotuo come back, they will only be nine.

"Boss, if I didn't know our situation, I would really think that those people were the God of war!" He took a deep breath.

"Boss, what's going on? Does the state not only train our God of war, but also other brother troops? " Luo Shuai also looked at Chu River blankly after listening.

Chu Jiang shook his head.

Naturally, he has no answer to this question.

But in his memory, no one ever mentioned it.

"Well, even if they exist, they are the Shanzhai version of the God of war. We are the real God of war!" Chu Jiang Mu Lu's resolute expression said, "so, is there anything else similar to the war god team, let's not mention it for the moment, and we'll investigate later. Now what we need to do is to completely kill the scorpions hiding in the opposite mountain, and there's no one left!"

A valley on the cliffs.

There are a lot of tents under the stone wall. It seems that the scorpions camped here last night. The first one is a guy in camouflage clothes, with a face of Oriental people and fierce eyes.

"Lao an, can you tell me something about this? We went to SZ in 20 groups and came to this cliff ridge. Was it too smooth?" This time, in order to avenge his twin brother, he spent a lot of money, using all the contacts he had accumulated over the years, as well as some cards he had planned to save his life in the future.

Only in this way can he bring 200 people into SZ with people and equipment, but he always feels that something is wrong.

Because everything went so well.

As one of the biggest drug lords in the golden triangle, scorpion has extraordinary intuition.

"But There's nothing unusual! " Of course, Lao an is a figure at the military division level. "We asked him last night when we assembled. Their 20 teams were very normal, and there was no ambush in the process."

"And You see, it's a suburb of Shashi, but on the road of juebiling, why can't you see a person all night? " The scorpion asked again.

"I found out that this road is actually the only way for the Qin family. When the Qin family received the news, they naturally did not dare to go in and out. This It's normal, too. " Lao an replied, "by the way, I suggest that we rob the Qin family after we destroy them. It's said that the Qin family is a powerful family in the south of the Yangtze River. If we can get 10 billion yuan, we will have enough money for this operation.""Well, that's a good idea. Ha ha -" the scorpion looked up and said with a smile, "OK, then we'll have a free hand!"

Because with such a smile, all the vigilance dissipated.

"Scorpion King, after all the personnel are arranged, wait for them to enter the ambush circle!" At this time, one of his men quickly ran to the man in camouflage and saluted.

Scorpion King.

The biggest poison in the Golden Triangle One of the owls, with an armed force of 2000 mercenaries from all over the world.

This time, 200 people came to Shashi to avenge the twin brother who was killed by the God of war.

"Yes Scorpion looked up at his men and the guards around him. There were twelve of them. They had all kinds of skin. They were tall, short, fat and thin. But they all had one thing in common - they were very fierce. Everyone was full of murderous gas.

The look in his eyes was as ferocious as a beast.

"Are they coming?" Scorpion slightly squint, kick open a stone in front of with army boots, light ask a way.

"Their car was a few kilometers away, just Suddenly stopped, they will not know What? " This hand is also scorpion's confidant, faltering.

"Probably not. What's more, with Chujiang's character and the God of war's purpose, they will not introduce us into the city, because the people who enter the city suffer the most are their citizens. God of war, these guys, all boast of patriotism. Even if they know that we are ambushing here, they will rush over. " The scorpion is so overcast.

"Yes, they are so hypocritical and arrogant, and today, they will die because of hypocrisy and arrogance!" Lao an also followed suit, as if everything of Chu River was in their strategy.