Han Ba didn't leave. He just went backstage and watched everything in the hall from backstage.

As soon as he entered the door, he ordered: "check, check, this SZ young man's real identity! By the way Check it out. What's the real purpose of Watanabe's visit to kimchi country this time? "

"Yes, young master!" Several men in suits went out after receiving the order.

Han Ba picked up the wine cup and drank three cups in a row, but he still didn't feel relieved. He picked up the whole bottle and blew it.

But when he finished blowing a whole bottle of red wine, his eyes were straight, because he found that Watanabe water began to raise the bidding card, and then Chujiang also raised the card. In an instant, the price of No. 16 terracotta warriors and horses was immediately raised to three million dollars!

Han Ba stares at the number of the terracotta warriors and horses, and his eyes are more straight.

He found this terracotta army in a cave half a year ago. The cave is very wide, but it is very simple. A bed, a chair and a table all seem to be made of wood, but I don't know how many years have passed and they are a bit rotten.

There are stoves and other daily necessities in the cave, but all of them are rotten.

The only immortality is the terracotta warriors lying on the bed, and the sword beside them.

In fact, it's all this cave that inspired hanba. It's this inspiration that led to the auction of SZ pre Qin cultural corridor tonight. Han Ba doesn't practice martial arts, but he likes sword. So he collected the sword in the cave, and the terracotta warriors and horses in the cave became the terracotta warriors and horses on the 16th of this evening.

In Han BA's eyes, everything in the cave should be the place where a famous swordsman lived in seclusion several years ago. The sword should be a famous sword. As for the terracotta warriors like SZ terracotta warriors, it may be a spiritual sustenance of the swordsman.

At that time, he also chuckled: "go, it's not creative! But This terracotta warriors and horses, at least high imitation of good

I didn't expect that tonight, when Watanabe saw any terracotta warriors and horses, they didn't raise their bidding cards. Instead, they raised their bidding cards on the 16th. The SZ hanging silk man seemed to have infighting with Watanabe, so he raised the price of the 16th to three million dollars.

Is What's so weird about the terracotta warriors and horses raised from this cave?

If there is anything strange, how can they know?

For a moment, Han Ba forgot to blow the wine. He looked at the hall with the same big screen. He looked at the Watanabe water and the Chujiang river.

At this time, the auction hall began to heat up.

"Three million two hundred thousand dollars!"

"Three million four hundred thousand dollars!"

"Four million dollars!"

"Five million dollars!"


Watanabe and Chujiang ignited a fuse. Those celebrities, especially the flustered second generation ancestors who had a lot of money, raised their bidding cards one by one. In less than a minute, the price of the No. 16 terracotta warriors and horses was raised to five million dollars. However, looking at the situation, they still have enough stamina. It's not surprising that they will have tens of millions of dollars later.

Han Ba seems to understand the true meaning of the so-called "Xiao He is defeated by Xiao He".

Because of the gags of Watanabe and Chujiang, the auction was in a downturn for a time, but now it's Watanabe and Chujiang, and the auction is going up again Tide.

Is it because they are afraid of the Han family, or feel guilty, so they want to save it. The terracotta warriors and horses they are selling are No. 16, which has nothing to do with the terracotta warriors and horses No. 16.

The arrogant young master of the Han family suddenly overturned the previous doubts and explained everything with arrogance, and this kind of explanation can really explain everything.

"This Is that what you want? " Watanabe turned his head slightly and looked at the Chu River.

What she meant was that if Chu Jiang didn't bid with her, Watanabe could completely win the terracotta warriors and horses with 1.2 million dollars, but the war situation has completely changed. Celebrities began to bid, and the price was raised instantly. If she wants to win the terracotta warriors and horses, she will have to pay a certain price.

"What you say is what you say." Chu Jiang didn't deny it either, but then he raised his mouth slightly and said with a playful smile, "but I'm sure This terracotta army will be in my hands. "

"Oh, where did you get your confidence?" Watanabe water mouth also outlines a smile, cold.

"Confidence? No, it's not confidence, it's vision. " Chu River light way.

Watanabe in the heart of a move, as if to think of Chu Jiang just a sentence, but also do not point to break, continue to youyouyouzai bidding card. Chu Jiang, however, turned to chat with Dugu Shuang, because now the celebrities are excited, and we don't need brother Jiang any more.

Two minutes later, the price of No. 16 terracotta warriors and horses was raised to $10 million, and Watanabe was still the last one to lift the plate.

In an instant, celebrities began to be cautious. If you hold it, Watanabe suddenly doesn't hold it, then the last celebrity who holds the card will become the last banker.As like as two peas Terracotta Army, Terracotta Army is just like the other Terracotta Army. They just give a big boost to the daughter of the biggest gang in Japan. The ultimate goal is not to take Terracotta Army.

"Ten million dollars for the first time, ten million dollars for the second time..." The main hammer called out sensationally. At the moment, every cell in his whole body was full of blood again. His voice was so loud.

Seeing that the dust of the No. 16 terracotta warriors and horses is about to settle down, but at this time Chu Jiang's goods are bidding again.


When Chujiang raised his cards again, the celebrities including Han Ba, who is backstage, gathered their eyes on Chujiang again.

They are totally confused. Which side is this young man on?

If he's on the side of Watanabe, he shouldn't always raise his cards when he shouldn't. Even if he has to make a noise, it's almost enough. It's already 10 million US dollars, equivalent to more than 60 million SZ dollars.

If he was on Han BA's side, why did he take Watanabe water to stage just now?

In short, we all think that Chujiang should not raise his cards at this time, but Chujiang raised his cards again!

"Do you really like the terracotta warriors so much?" Watanabe asked Chujiang as he raised his card. His tone was not so cold.

"I have nothing to do with the terracotta warriors and horses." Chujiang casually replied, "because I see you are determined to win, so I will play with you."

"You don't worry that if I don't raise my card suddenly, you will become the last big wrongdoer. A terracotta warriors and horses, ah, has been raised to 10 million US dollars. Even the real terracotta warriors and horses are not worth the price, not to mention the high imitation. " Watanabe's words are sincere and sincere.

"Who said the terracotta warriors and horses were highly imitated?" Chu Jiang suddenly grinned, "in my opinion, the terracotta warriors and horses should be real. I just don't know how Han Ba smuggled them into the pickle country, so he's not afraid of being sued by the SZ government."