This is often the case with people. When they face life and death, they forget life and death instead. At that time, the most beautiful memory that ever appeared in their minds.

Peng Yuqin is bing Xueqin. When Chu Jiang holds her hand tightly, she knows that this is probably the most difficult night for Chu Jiang to survive. Especially in the dialogue, Peng Yuqin also fully recognized the flavor of the words. Chujiang was either recruited to surrender or fought to the death. He had no choice!

And intuition also told her that the two people sitting opposite, especially powerful role, maybe even Chujiang can't deal with, if Chujiang can easily deal with it, why waste so much words, why delay time.

Yes, Chujiang is procrastinating. Xia Houyong can see that he is very confident and is not afraid of Chujiang's procrastination. No matter who comes, Chujiang is two meters away from him. In any case, it can't stop him and Tian Wuji's joint attack!

Finally, even Peng Yuqin can see it, so she is ready to help Chu Jiang.

"By the way, at that time, you didn't button the top button of your white shirt, revealing a piece of fresh meat!" As soon as Peng Yuqin remembers it, it immediately overflows. It not only gives a new definition of liking, but also brings out small fresh meat.

"You knew little fresh meat then?" Chu Jiang is also drunk and feels like a little suffering.

"Women are two years older than men, don't you know?" Peng Yuqin stares big eyes, but asks about Chu Jiang.

"Tell me, then you Is there any other idea? " Chu River is full of interest, as if there is no one.

“…… Yes

"Say, what mind?"

"I've always wanted to kiss your little fresh meat."

"Oh, well, kiss it, and you won't lose a piece of meat. Ah

Chujiang just finished, chest pain, feel like a piece of meat, scream out.

"After that, why did you bite?" Chu Jiang looked at Peng Yuqin with a puzzled face. He took a bite and didn't get rid of his hatred. NIMA's, does this girl have a deep hatred with me?

"At that time, I just wanted to kiss, but now I want to bite, because..." Peng Yuqin stopped in the middle of her speech, because she was sad, because she hated Chujiang at this moment, surrounded by beautiful women, including her best friend Ye Qingcheng.

A kiss, a bite, a word difference, the effect is eighteen thousand miles.

Kiss is gentle, crisp heart, sweet, intoxicated And bite, it is a word, pain!

But there is a classic saying, Chu Jiang may not know, like is gentle pro, love, is hard bite!

Being bitten by Peng Yuqin, Chujiang, who wants to fight against Xia Houyong and Tian Wuji, almost collapses. His eyes show anger and he kisses them. How can he bite? This girl stealthily changes his concept.


The next second, Chujiang's hand weight falls back on Peng Yuqin's cocky butt.

The sound of palm and buttock contact is very loud, almost resounding through the sky. It can be seen that brother Jiang has no pity for jade when he is cruel.

"How did you hit me?" Peng Yuqin's buttocks hurt and looked at Chujiang angrily.

"If you can bite me, I can't hit you?" Chu Jiang gritted his teeth and said, "if I don't fight back, it's really a small suffering!"

"Son of a bitch, if you want to fight, how can it be so heavy?" Peng Yuqin said angrily.

Originally, Peng Yuqin was satisfied after biting Chu Jiang, though he didn't get rid of his hatred. His face showed intoxication and he had entered a beautiful state. However, he was awakened by Chu Jiang's slap. This guy didn't know how to flirt at all, just like eight years ago.

Women can bite you, just a kind of love, men beat women, just want to show their authority and strength.

Looking at Peng Yuqin, whose face is as red as blood and whose clear eyes seem to be dripping with water, Chujiang has forgotten all about Xia Houyong and Tian Wuji. Hahaha says with a smile: "no more emphasis on hand I'll teach you. You really think my brother is a minor sufferer! "

Oh, it turns out that brother Jiang didn't want to prove anything else, but wanted to prove that he was a man, not a victim.

"Who said you were suffering, who said you were suffering, but If you really want to prove that you're not suffering, a simple spanking is not enough to prove it. " Peng Yuqin after coquetry, charming way, dignified and gentle she at the moment will be completely repressed in the body and mind for a long time things burst out, and an outbreak of uncontrollable.

Hit a buttock just, hit a dignified and gentle woman into a charming and enchanting woman!

From this theorem, women, when they should spank, should spank hard, especially before going to bed.

"Then how to prove it, how do you want to prove it..." Chujiang said this sentence close to Peng Yuqin's ears. The warm breath hit Peng Yuqin's ears. It was itchy and crisp. With this itchy and itchy feeling, an irresistible impulse surged up from the depth of Peng Yuqin's body, making her more charming!How to prove it?

Proof girl!

Xia Houyong and Tian Wuji are about to collapse.

The war was imminent, but in front of them, the two young people were playing an ambiguous game regardless of life and death, and the feelings of the two old people.

This Is it the rhythm of killing or creating?

You are also more than 20 people. Do you understand SZ traditional virtues? Do you understand respecting the old and loving the young? Is that how you respect the old!

One is a white shirt, one is a button; one is a little fresh meat, one is a small pain; one is a bite, one is a hit; finally, I want to prove

Do you want a live proof?

We believe that you have the ability and courage, but you must pay attention to the influence. Although it's late at night and there are few cars on the street, there are still a few people in this stall. It's also a public place. If you really want to prove it, isn't it too It's bad!

Even if coldization is nothing, you should pay attention to the feelings of our two old men. Although our two old men are more than 50 years old, they are still good in some aspects.

Xia Houyong and Tian Wuji, two masters, are gathering their inner strength to the peak. When they are ready to kill, two young people opposite you bite my chest, and I beat your ass up. And this beautiful woman's whole body has already been sent out The charming breath of the female imperial sister directly attacked their two masters, and instantly extinguished their murderous spirit.

That's right. For a moment, the subtle charm even extinguished the strong murderous spirit!