When Chu Jiang and Hai Shi Si Shao go to dinner, this afternoon's battle for the dragon and tiger list is coming to an end.

Because these Taoists and fierce people have the habit of living overnight, the time of the battle for the dragon and tiger list is from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., six hours a day.

Every day, the competition between seeded players and non seeded players is held at the same time, but the proportion of challenge arena is different. There are too many non seeded players, which naturally accounts for most of the challenge arena.

There is only one arena for seed players for the time being, but next to this arena are full of people of the weight level in the gang.

There are cheers and cheers on both sides of the non seeded player's challenge arena. Which Gang wins, which Gang's members will naturally shout cheers.

But next to the challenge arena of seed players, several heavyweights are black faced, including three black list experts.

As black list masters, they are all directly into the finals, so they don't need to, and they can't go to the challenge arena.

In the afternoon, those who go to the challenge arena are all second rate seed players, but when these seed players meet an unlimited opponent, they are soon knocked down.

They have nothing to complain about. The key is that these people who have been knocked down have suffered devastating attacks. Otherwise, they will be sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, or they will have a comminuted fracture of their hands and feet.

Comminuted fracture means permanent disability. For those on the road, it is a devastating injury.

Although Li qiubang went on and off the stage before the opening ceremony, he tried not to fight for the dragon's eye.

Among the injured are Tianxia League, Canglang Gang, Fengyun Gang, and of course, the seeded players of Haishi three gang League.

Li Qiushui's face is also cold, she has negotiated with Zhao Yiyan twice, but Zhao Yiyan is a sentence: "the sword has no eyes, maybe my people can't control, I say, try to reduce casualties."

But after all, the serious injury still happened.

To tell you the truth, the four leaf and five leaf Sakura warrior really has the strength to sweep the second rate seed players.

As for the face of first-class seed players, or a few super first-class black list experts, how the outcome, no one knows.

But if the competition goes on for a few days, the second-class seed players of the major gangs will almost suffer serious injuries.

Don't underestimate the second rate seed players. In fact, these people are the mainstays in the usual gangs.

If these pillars die or suffer a devastating blow, it will definitely be a major blow for a gang. After the battle for the dragon and tiger list is over and they return to various provinces and cities, the commanders will suddenly find that they have no cadres to command. In this way, the rhythm of the gang will be out of touch immediately.

Strictly speaking, these second rate seed players are not only the pillar of the moment, but also the hope of the future. If these people are destroyed, the gang will have no hope from a certain point of view.

Maybe that's what Shuikou really wants.

They sent at least the level of first-class seed warrior representatives to participate in the battle for the dragon and tiger list. They beat the second-class seed players first, and then beat the first-class seed players as many as possible a few days later.

As for whether we can win the blacklist, Shuikou group should not expect too much, but In any case, if such a plot is allowed to develop for a few days, the goal of Shuikou group will have been achieved, and Watanabe Jihad can send his grandson Watanabe festival to lead the team to realize his second step plan.

The four leaf Sakura warrior's force value is equivalent to that of a martial arts expert, while the five leaf Sakura warrior's force value is equivalent to that of the sect leader.

A total of eight people have come. They must be able to confuse the battle for the dragon and tiger list.

Oh, at the moment, there are actually seven left.

One of them was killed by Chu Jiang yesterday afternoon. Maybe that's just the case. The remaining seven Cherry Blossom warriors are more ferocious in the face of second rate seed players.

"How can this infinite meeting invite the Japanese warriors to come?"

"That said, to participate in the battle for the dragon and tiger list is more or less to invite foreign aid. There is no explicit provision that Japanese warriors cannot be invited. Ah

"What can we do? If we go down for a few days, how many of our capable cadres will be left!"

"Let's see what the three gangs and their host, alliance leader Li, mean."

Several bigwigs of second rate forces are whispering.

"What else can we do? Leader Li said in his speech at the opening ceremony last night that fighting in private is not allowed. Otherwise, we have a large number of people. If we all rush up, we can defeat these Japanese warriors."

"Now we can only hope that the first-class seed players will come on stage early, and maybe we can defeat these Japanese warriors."

"I guess that's enough, unless "The black list expert makes a move."

Second rate seed players are generally the elite of the gang, and most of the first-rate players are hired Wulin experts. But it's just a Wulin expert who is hired. The leaders of the eight ancient schools can't accept the invitation.Indeed, before announcing the opening ceremony last night, Li Qiushui announced three things, each of which was related to private fights and was severely punished. Even if the big gangs like Tianxia League tolerated it, who else had the courage to fight in private on the territory of Haishi!

As for the three black list experts, can they do it in private?

This is, of course, a very big suspense.

They may not be able to watch it, but they will fight privately in advance; they may not be able to put on airs, and they will bear it until they are in the challenge arena.

Especially in the case of three blacklist experts, the biggest possibility is that they will appear. Look at me and I'll see your scene.

After all, these Sakura warriors, especially the five leaf Sakura warrior, are not vegetarians. He has the energy to fight against the eight leaders and the blacklist experts.

The top three black list experts, who will take the initiative in private, may suffer.

You know, the most important purpose of the three gangs coming to Haishi this time is not for the orders of the dragon and tiger, but for the territory of Haishi.

Unless it's a last resort, who doesn't want to save more strength.

Five o'clock finally arrived. Zhao Yiyan sat there with a triumphant face. He seemed to show off to Li Qiushui. Last night, you Haishi three gang Alliance said that there was no need for my unlimited meeting. Today I will show you the strength of our unlimited meeting!

Li Qiushui, Shangguan sisters and Jin min all stood up coldly, because they didn't violate any rules. They really couldn't make use of it.

And when they look around, the heavyweights of the three gangs are gone.

Big gangs are big gangs. It may be nothing if several second rate seed players are destroyed.

"Sister Qiushui, what should I do? Do you want to report to Master Chu?"

"The only way to deal with him is to settle accounts with those Cherry Blossom warriors in private. Despite all the dangers, we announced last night that fighting in private is not allowed. Do you want him to violate this rule?"

Li Qiushui slightly frowned, her exquisite heart also met the difficult problem.