After a while, Chen Hei comes with two pairs of extremely coquettish Shuangjiao. Bo Jianggang and Gu Yang are helped into the rooms on different floors.

One of them is wearing a white skirt, slightly tall and thin, but not lack of flesh; the other is wearing a black skirt, slightly short and fat, but not lack of bone.

They are the two beauties of Haishi, who are invited by Chen Hei Chongjin. It is said that those who wear white skirts are the best in Haishi. After her blow, no matter how weak a man is, he can be strong again and again. Those who wear black skirts have a unique vacuum and the universe is invincible. Once she shows them, he can shoot every second he wants.

Black and white, cliff is invincible, so the circle called them peerless Shuangjiao, brother Jiang is also known for a long time, today for the first time to see them.

"Give you an hour, less than thirteen times, no money." Chu River swept them one eye, full of playful son to smile, admonish rise.

"Don't worry, Master Chu. Let alone 13 times an hour, even 30 times, there is no problem. He worries that their bodies and bones will not work, and finally one of them will die." Among them, the white dress, charming smile, do their line, the news is more well-informed, of course, know that Chu River is the sea city underground world.

"Well, let's make it thirteen times. Once the thirteen times arrive, you can pee on his head again, and then retire after success, and ask Chen Shao for money." Chu River slightly estimated for a while, decidedly way, and then took an duo er they went to other box, order food to eat.

In Natalie's words, this box is too coquettish to eat.

As for Chu Jiang's arrangement with Bo Jianggang and Gu Yang, they just looked at Chu Jiang angrily, as if they were saying that the goods were always inspired, and the taste seemed to be heavy.

In a few minutes.

One black and one white, the peerless Shuangjiao has been working in the luxury big bed, tall and thin up blow blow, the magic thing happened, Bo Jiang just like the full blood resurrection of the game characters, majestic correct gas high spirited armor on the battlefield.

After another turn of the pudgy invincible whirlpool, Bo Jianggang immediately launched in less than a minute.

Yes, under the dual effects of alcohol and technology, Bo Jianggang was almost unconscious. He only knew that he would fall down and stand up again.

He didn't know how many positions he had changed. He didn't even know whether he was fighting a man or a beast.

His highest record is only three times a night, but in just half an hour, he has fallen 13 times.

That's right. Thirteen times. It took only half an hour for the peerless Shuangjiao to finish.

What's the concept of thirteen times in 30 minutes?

It is the concept of whole body collapse, head heavy, dizziness.

I don't know how long after that, he felt cold on his face and smelled of urine in his nose. When they were going to leave, they peed on his head according to brother Jiang's advice.

It seems that pee can sober up. After being peed, Bo Jiang wakes up and finds himself lying on the bed with an empty room. Everything just like a dream of Nanke.

How many women did I have sex with!

How many times have we launched!

Bo Jianggang wanted to sit up, but he found that his whole waist was broken.

"Damn, it's killing me!" Bo Jiang just cursed, "where have all the people gone?"

It took him three minutes to sit up.

Originally, sitting up was a very simple action, but it took him three minutes.

As he sat up, his hands trembled, his breath was short, and his sweat ran down his forehead.

Bo Jianggang had to rest for a while before he struggled to put his feet on the ground and stood up.

Ah -

as he just stood up, his knees softened and he fell to the ground and hit his head against the wall. He had to twist his bare body to lie flat on the ground.

How many men's dreams it used to be to fight with two or four women and then be a thirteen year old girl.

Bo Jianggang is also a man, so he had such a dream.

Jiang Bo always realized his dream, but he didn't realize his dream.

What's more, what's the bone feeling!

I don't know how long it took, he finally finished peeing.

Yes, he slowly climbed into the bathroom, and then slowly stood up against the wall, in which he did not know how many times he fell.

It took him nearly 20 minutes to simply go to the bathroom to urinate. When he pulled it out, it seemed that he had completed a long march.

If the whole scene is recorded, we have to admire his noble personality. It's just a handful of urine. Just pull it.

But the young master of the blogger insisted on climbing into the bathroom, his perseverance and character had to be admired!

But when he finished urinating, he was walking out of the bathroom. Suddenly, the room called the police. It was a fire alarm.I don't know why the curtains are on fire, and the sheets The sprinkler on the ceiling is already starting.

Bo Jiang just a spirit, trot to the bedside.

At this time, he found that his clothes were missing, including his mobile phone and bank card.

Fire, of course, his first reaction to escape, but the second reaction is his own body light.

The clothes were gone, even the curtains and sheets were burned.

In the room, the black smoke gradually became thick, and Bo Jianggang had to make the most difficult choice in his life - he covered his hands and ran out naked.

Facts have proved that when people are in danger, they can always burst out with more powerful potential.

As in an alley, a car head-on collision, holding the child's mother over the wall next to. Afterwards, she was surprised. The one meter high wall was hard for her to climb. Unexpectedly, she jumped over with her baby just now.

This is the potential of maternal love!

And Bo Jianggang's potential is the instinct to survive, not to mention the human?

After rushing out of the room, Bo Jiang just entered the elevator. Instinctively, he pressed the first floor. The next second, the elevator began to go down.

Now the hall on the first floor of the Hilton Hotel is full of andol fans.

In the early hours of last night, andor came to Haishi in a low-key way and stayed in the hotel in a low-key way. But international stars are international stars. No matter how low-key he is, there is no airtight wall in the world. At noon, the sofa in the lobby of the hotel is full of bone ash fans. Of course, there are many entertainment reporters.

They are sitting and chatting in groups in the lobby, hoping to see their idol andor in the hotel lobby!