Saving people is like fighting a fire.

Chu Jiang didn't have any excuses, so he immediately went forward to save people.

Huang dan'er was still a little worried and asked, "do you know medicine?"

"A little bit."

Chu Jiang said, immediately launched a front leg bow, back stretch posture, let the child's waist down on his knees. Then, with the root of his palm as if it were Taiji, he softened the child's back a few times. All of a sudden, he slapped hard and yelled, "ha!"


The child spat out a peanut grain mixed with blood, which is estimated to be mixed in the glutinous rice porridge. Then, he coughed violently and began to cry. Crying, proved to be good, the woman grabbed the child, tears is not stopped, a strong thanks. However, her crying now is different from that just now. She was anxious just now, but now she is happy.

These people are stunned. Brother Xie Caijun stares at Chu Jiang fiercely, and his anger is even greater.

Huang dan'er slapped Chu Jiang on the shoulder and said, "OK? I can't see that you still have these two skills. "

Chujiang said with a smile: "I happen to be..."

"Thank you. Thank you so much." The young man with extraordinary bearing said excitedly, "my name is Shen Jiale. She is my wife he Qingfang. This child is bao'er..."

"Shen Jiale? Ha ha, isn't it the Shen family of Jiangnan aristocratic family? " After hearing this, Chu Jiang immediately thought that one of the top ten families in Jiangnan was the Shen family, so he half joked.

According to Chu Jiang's estimation, it should not be. How can people from rich families come here in a low profile and take the train?

"Exactly, exactly." On the contrary, Shen Jiale frankly admitted, "Mr. Chu, our husband and wife brought their children to live in Heou town for a few days. Now they are going to live in Haishi for a few days. If you also go to Haishi, let's have a good drink if you have a chance."

When Xie Caijun heard this, he was stunned. Unexpectedly, this wretched uncle happened to cure the son of a rich family. At the same time, he felt extremely sorry.

It's said that in a big family with a hundred years of history, if it's their brother who just cured the child, as long as the young master opens his mouth, he will have an unlimited future.

People in public think that Chu Jiang must be very happy this time. It's a blessing to get the invitation from a rich family.

"No, it's nothing." Chu Jiang just answered lightly. At this moment, or in the near future, the Shen family must be Chu Jiang's enemy. Chu Jiang doesn't want to have too much contact with the Shen family.

Hum, do it, do it!

The crowd rolled their eyes.

The more like this, the more sorry Shen Jiale was. At the moment, he found a pen and paper from his file bag, quickly wrote down a string of numbers, handed them to Chu Jiang, and solemnly said, "Mr. Chu, this is my phone. If you have anything to do in Haishi, please call me. Maybe I can help you."

"Then I'm welcome." Since they were so polite, Chu Jiang didn't refuse, so he put the note into his pocket and took out a silver needle. After disinfection, he stabbed it into the depression of bao'er's back neck, that is, the midpoint of the line between Yifeng acupoint and Fengchi acupoint. Here is Anmian acupoint, also known as sleepy acupoint. A needle down, can play the role of tranquilizing.

Bao'er is also tired of crying, lying in he Qingfang's arms, and soon fell asleep.

After all this, Chu Jiang and Huang dan'er leave.

Xie Caijun brothers clenched their fists and watched Chu Jiang and Huang dan'er, gnashing their teeth in hatred.

Just at a corner, Chujiang throws Shen Jiale's phone into the garbage can.

Huang dan'er looked into his eyes and said, "such a rare resource, you can't believe you lost it."

"It's a rare resource for most people, but it's nothing for me." Chujiang gave a faint smile.

"Brother Chu, what on earth do you do?" Huang dan'er can't help but ask when he sees Chu Jiang's ox force.

"I have many identities, but the most important one is A small driver of the Qingcheng group. " Chu Jiang slightly pondered and told the truth.

"My God Huang dan'er finally couldn't stand it. He rolled his eyes and fainted on Chu Jiang.

Chu Jiang and Huang dan'er return to the box, but Xie Caijun and his brother smoke at the junction of the two carriages.

They really don't want to go back. If they see that pair of "dog men and women" in it are very affectionate, they may spit blood and die!

As soon as Xie Caijun brothers saw Huang dan'er, they fell in love with her, so they agreed to have an open and aboveboard competition, win and win, win and lose.

It was a rare opportunity to come to Heou town this time, especially on the way back, they worked so hard to get the same carriage as Huang dan'er.

This is a great opportunity to get a first come first served. Maybe you can watch some scenery while you are sleeping.

What they didn't expect was that they killed a Cheng Yaojin on the way!"Tell me, was Ying'er really used by that wretched man last night?" Xie Caijun said madly that Huang dan'er was a goddess in his heart. If he was used first, it would be a fatal blow to him.

"Who knows." Xie Caijie took a deep breath of his cigarette, then left half of the cigarette end on the ground and stepped on it. "Even if it wasn't used last night, look at the performance in the carriage just now. It's a kiss and a hug, and it's love at first sight and love after a long time. What do you call that? It's like It's indecent, indecent! "

If you kiss one, it will be immoral to hold it. What if it has been used?

Isn't that You're going to be sent to hell!

"It's more than indecent. It's just It's shameless Xie Caijun couldn't seem to find any other words. He said with a gloomy face, "if our brothers are a little late, maybe they will work directly in the carriage!"

"It's hard to see that we usually treat her as a goddess, but she is actually a water-borne watch!"

"Did we just give up?"

"What can you do if you don't give up? Is it interesting to wear such broken shoes?"

Xie Caijun gave his brother Xie Caijie a bad look.

"No, although she is a broken shoe, she is also a beautiful broken shoe. Since she has been used by other men, she should not care about being used by more men? "

"You mean..."

After listening to Xie Caijie's words, Xie Caijun can't help but think of Huang dan'er's convex and concave figure, as well as the pair of tall and straight mountains. The evil fire in his heart suddenly jumps up.

"Yes, the medicine you've treasured for a long time can finally come into use."

"Well What about the man? "

"He alone, the two of us, let's start. Do you think he will be our brother's opponent?"

"That's right. OK, let's do what we say!"

After Xie Caijun said that, he first wiped a hard look in his eyes, and then showed an evil look. You say how evil it is, how evil it is.