Life and death is just around the corner, the Chu master even openly flirts with the beauty, and it's not an ordinary flirt, but a flirt of you and me, a gun to 28 guns.

This All of a sudden, the members of Tianxia League lost their temper and were deeply shocked. Did they really not care about life and death, didn't know the value of life, or were they really prepared and fearless of these 28 guns?

The momentum and murderous spirit of the 28 guns, in the other side's flirting, seems to be ridiculous to the extreme.

Mingpeng looked at what the two confidants, it seems to see a trace of hesitation from each other's eyes.

Killing a man can get a hundred million yuan. It's just a matter of pulling the trigger, because the other party is Mr. Chu of Haishi, which makes things a little complicated.

It's a little more complicated. In fact, it's nothing. As long as you kill it quietly, mingpeng will surely have many benefits for the individual or the world alliance.

Xia Houyong, a member of the world alliance, began to expand his ambition after he got the dragon and tiger order five years ago, so he sharpened his sword five years later. Five years later, his first goal was the sea market. With the base of this international metropolis, it can expand to the whole south of the Yangtze River, conquer the south of the Yangtze River, and then turn the iron hoof to the Northwest

The reason why Xia Houyong preferred the south of the Yangtze River is that the gangsters in the south of the Yangtze River are only gentle compared with those in the northwest. They can't compare with the valiant in the north and the wild in the northwest.

In Jiangnan, he preferred Haishi, because Haishi is an economically developed international metropolis, a piece of fat, and the leaders of the last three gangs are all women.

How can women compare with men when they are tough!

Women's natural mission is for men to conquer.

Mingpeng is the leader of a group. Naturally, he knows Xia Houyong's mind. After knowing that his goal is Chu River, he is shocked and more ecstatic!

But at the moment, he was a little confused. It didn't matter if it was a little more complicated. After shooting, it wasn't complicated at all. But at the moment, the Chu master was eating with a beautiful woman when he was dying.

With so many of us here, how can you do this? It's just It's indecent, it's indecent!

Mingpeng, who has no temper, can only curse secretly, but he has no courage to pull the trigger with his fingers.

Because this Chu master is too calm, too calm means that there is something unusual. You'd better wait a few seconds and watch the change.

After all, he has heard the legend of Chujiang. With the strength of one city, he has hit the five Lake Gang, the biggest Gang on the water, and killed one law enforcement team leader and subdued three law enforcement team leaders.

On Tulong Road, surrounded by Fengyun Gang, which is known as the largest gang in the south of the Yangtze River, there was a counter attack, which almost wiped out hundreds of Fengyun gang members.

This depends not only on the value of force, but also on wisdom, the wisdom against heaven.

A few minutes later, the men and women in the hot spring are still courting each other. They don't know what topic they are talking about. One is full of interest, the other is full of amorous feelings.

Mingpeng's patience is almost worn out, so he looks at his two confidants and prepares to start.

"Wait a minute. I just finished rubbing her left buttock. Let him rub her right buttock again." Maybe Chu Jiang saw mingpeng's eyes, so he yelled.

I love grass!

Mingpeng suddenly has an impulse to turn around and leave!

Nima, I'm going to order to shoot. Killing is a serious matter. How can he be so casual?!

Take a look at Chu Jiang again, his right hand is really on Xie Qiulu's right buttock and begins to pinch, the other hand is holding her slender waist.

The conscience of heaven and earth, Chu Jiang now want to describe a word to describe his own feeling, you can find countless, such as love, beauty, ecstasy, heart ripples

"Remember, next time you bite me, I'll continue to hit you, and there's no limit to the location. By the way, you can rub it for comfort Chujiang side in Xie Qiulu's buttocks pinch to pinch, while warning.

Xie Qiulu's whole body is crisp and numb. At the moment, she has no strength all over her body, but she is born a rebellious woman. The more Chu Jiang warns her, the more she tries her best. With the strength hanging on Chu Jiang's neck, she once again stands on tiptoe and bites on Chu Jiang's shoulder.

"I'll go, you really dare to bite me again!" Chu Jiang didn't think of this crazy woman. She said that she would bite, which was not ambiguous at all. Therefore, her right hand broke away from her buttocks and finished several attacks on her chest with the fastest speed.

With Chu Jiang's skill and speed, once the people of Tianxia league can't see clearly, including Xie Qiulu.

She just felt that the place in front of her chest that had never been touched by a man was crisp. If this time, every time she tensed up and down, then she relaxed. But before 0.1 second of relaxation, the crisp feeling came again.

After several times, she gasped as if she had finished several small heights. How many small heights are equal to many big heights?Who knows!

She doesn't know what's wrong with herself today. It's clear that the enemy of Xie family is standing in front of her. But when her love dream is shattered and she is betrayed by her relatives again, she chooses to hold him tightly at the critical moment of life and death, because only holding his strong chest tightly and keeping pace with his heartbeat can she feel boundless security.

After feeling the boundless safety, she forgot the 28 guns behind her. Maybe she was excited, but also intoxicated. In short, in order to vent her feelings, she bit Chu Jiang's shoulder.

After biting, the beautiful scene between them began to deduce.

Naturally deduction, at the moment her eyes only Chujiang this man.

"How do you feel?"

"The whole body has collapsed. I don't know what it feels like."

Xie Qiulu is powerless and honest.

Chu Jiang can't laugh or cry when he hears that. From the perspective of Xie's family, this girl is still pretty cute. She has lived as a woman for more than 20 years, but she doesn't know how she feels like she's all collapsed. It's really Quite speechless.

Brother Jiang was thinking about the feeling just now, and he was chuckling.

In fact, mingpeng and their friends are even more sad. From their experience, we can judge that Xie Qiulu's state has reached a certain peak. Are they It's already under water in secret?

And in a very short world to complete a high?

Because Xie Qiulu's back is facing the world's allies, his front is facing the Chu River, and his lower body is in the water. When they see her state, they naturally daydream about it.

Elder brother and elder sister, we are preparing to shoot and kill people. Can you be serious? At this time, how can you do it? Is the bottom line of your life eaten by dogs!