After Murong Yin's introduction, I know that all the female anchors of her guild are gathering here tonight. Besides the female anchors, there are many people invited by the guild leaders. Strictly speaking, it's a bit of arowana.

The party is to have a chat, take turns to sing and enliven the atmosphere.

Halfway through the party, Gao Xiaocui wanted to go to the bathroom in the box, but the door was closed. So she went out of the box and went into the public bathroom next door. Almost when she came out, she heard two men quarreling in the men's bathroom next door. After a while, she heard a poof, and there was a complete silence.

Gao Xiaocui didn't care at that time, so she went out of the women's room. But when she turned her head, she saw a man in the door of the men's room. It seemed that she had been shot in the middle of her eyebrows.

At that time, she screamed. At this time, her friend Murong Yin just came out. Then they were all flustered. Gao Xiaocui called the police, and Murong Yin called Han Xinyue.

When the people at the party knew about it, they came over and said something to them. Then they worried about getting into trouble and scattered.

After a while, Chu Jiang and Han Xinyue came.

Han Xinyue poured a glass of water for Murong Yin and comforted them for a while, waiting for their mood to stabilize a little.

"Xiaocui, do you hear what they are arguing about?" Han Xinyue asked with great experience.

"It's like I don't know what to trade or what to quarrel about. After all, it's separated by a wooden wall. " Gao Xiaocui thought for a moment and whispered that her face had improved by this time. Since she was a female anchor, she certainly had some beauty.


Han Xinyue nodded, the bar is a mixed place, there are many people like to choose to do business here.

These two may be the people who came to the anchorperson party.

"Did you hear them call each other's names?" Han Xinyue continued.

"One of them is called the second, and the second is called the fourth. I can't hear the others clearly, and I don't know whether the dead one is the second or the fourth. " Gao Xiaocui and Lu continue their journey one after another.

Second, fourth, sounds like two guys who are very close to each other.

The murder of two people who are very close to each other is usually due to the unbalanced distribution of interests, which leads to the evil intention of one party.

Han Xinyue thought in secret.

"If you hear the killer's voice again, can you tell?" Chu River suddenly asks a way, since came, our river elder brother by the way to Han crescent this wench to remind.

"Well, I can definitely recognize the voices of both men." Gao Xiaocui nodded heavily.

"But there are so many people..." Han Xinyue sighed, said half stood up, went to the scene of the crime. If we can find out the identity of the dead, we can start from the people who are familiar with him.

Chu Jiang Rao followed up with interest: "crescent, do you want me to help you solve the case?"

"Go Han Xinyue rolled a white eye, "solving a case is not picking up girls. Do you think you can do it too?"

"In fact, no matter what you do, the reason is the same. As long as you can swing the hoe well, you can't dig down the corner. Of course How to dig the corner, we must choose a good entry point. " Chujiang said with a smile that he didn't admit defeat.

As they spoke, they returned to the scene of the crime, when the body had been taken away.

"Team Han, the dead can't find anything to prove their identity." A police officer reported.

"Team Han, we checked the video of this bar. They are upgrading the system tonight, and all the video headers are not enabled." Another police officer reported.

After the two policemen finished the report, they were helpless.

Han crescent show eyebrow a Cu, it seems that this case is a little tricky!

"Only this book was found on the dead." At this time, another policeman came up with a book in his gloved hand.

Han Xinyue put on gloves and took a look. It turned out to be a book called Snow White's story.

Chu Jiang looked at it and grinned: "at this age, I still read children's story books. It's childlike! Open it and have a look. Maybe there's some important information in it. "

Han Xinyue took a look at Chu Jiang and began to turn the book. She turned it very carefully and turned it two or three times. There was nothing in it.

When Han Xinyue was going to return the book to the policeman, Chu Jiang said with a smile, "maybe there is a sandwich in the book?"

"You've seen too many detective films!" Han crescent one face disdains a way.

"How do you know that I like to watch detective movies when I am free. Although I didn't become a policeman for special reasons, I absolutely have the temperament and talent of a policeman..." Chu Jiang began to blow his own horn.

But in the middle of it, he almost forgot that he had the perspective ability. He opened it to see if there was a mezzanine in it.

Thinking, Chu Jiang opened his perspective.Gee!

There is another layer in the cover, and there is a piece of white paper hidden inside.

"Crescent, this The cover of this book is really sandwich! " Chu Jiang was a little excited and felt like a detective.

"Are you finished yet?" Han Xinyue make complaints about his face.

"I don't believe you cut the inside of the cover with a knife to see..." Chu Jiang was in a bit of a hurry. He felt that this was definitely a major clue.

Han crescent see Chu Jiang said God, give the police a look.

The policeman immediately took the blade and carefully cut the cover.


In the eyes of the public, it turned out that there was a real sandwich inside, and there was a piece of white paper, which was a little bigger than A4 and a little smaller than A3. This piece of paper was a little thicker than usual.

"You How do you know? " Han Xinyue looks at Chu Jiang with strange eyes, as if Chu Jiang has become a suspect.

"If you watch too many detective films, you'll know!" Chu Jiang touched his head and said, "tiger head, tiger brain.".

"A Liang, you are responsible for taking this paper to find out what it is for." Han Xinyue skillfully arranged that for her, it was definitely a major breakthrough.

And the reason for this breakthrough is because of Chu Jiang's words.

It seems that As a policeman, you should watch detective movies occasionally to give yourself some inspiration as well as entertainment.

"Amin, you arrange a team to protect Gao Xiaocui 24 hours a day. She is our most important witness." Han Xinyue said again.

"Yes The policeman named Amin said respectfully, and then he went to execute it.

When things are almost busy, Chu Jiang and Murong Yin get on Han Xinyue's car.

On the bus, Chu Jiang's heart moved again: "crescent, I think these two days can continue to hold a beautiful party in a large bar."

"Beauty's party?" Han crescent secretly rolled his eyes at the same time a little happy, this boy really put himself as a detective!