In Chujiang and hanzhan, while they were drinking, Zhang Lin and Rong Li were also drinking in another high-class club.

"Mr. Zhang, the 0.5 percentage point you promised me last time..." Rongli's face is full of harmless smiles from people and animals.

"We agreed that as long as you succeed in discrediting Qingcheng group, I will give you 0.5% of the profit. But that night, not only did you not discredit Qingcheng group, but also To be sure, you also contribute to the prestige of Qingcheng group! " Zhang Lin said word by word.

"Poor me, my 100 million yuan is gone because I promised to help you. Why don't you give me some compensation?" Rong Li cried.

At the last dinner when the foundation was set up by the Qingcheng group, Rongli threw a stone on his own feet. Not only did he not discredit the Qingcheng group, but also Chujiang made a hundred million. Whenever he thought of it, Rongli couldn't sleep or eat.

So tonight he decided to ask Zhang Lin for something.

"Well, I'll give you another chance. If you succeed in discrediting Qingcheng group, I'll give you a percentage point of profit. In this way, won't your loss be recovered?" Zhang Lin slightly pondered, ruthlessly way, seems to have made a great determination.

One percentage point means one hundred million, and the loss can be recovered.

"Is that true?" Rong Li's spirit came immediately. He was a miser. He lost 100 million yuan for no reason last time. It's killing him!

"It's true Zhang Lin cut off the railway.

Rong Li pondered a little and said, "well, this time I started with her shipping department to completely discredit the image of Qingcheng group."

"Have you already done it?" Zhang Lin was slightly stunned and asked.

"Tomorrow morning, there should be good news." Rong Liyin smiles.

"Oh -" Zhang Lin seems to have a sense of being played.


The most attractive place in the countryside is not the blue sky and white clouds, but the wheat fields, especially the yellow and orange wheat which is high above the shoulder. All you have to do is to take a woman with you, get in there, lie down there, and roll away. Everything is drunk.

Murongyin's elder brother murongshi is enjoying the boundless autumn and boundless passion at the moment. A woman with more than 30 looks is rolling with him in the wheat field. The crushed wheat fell and rose and fell, and the thorn of the ear of wheat stabbed their whole body in this way, which was a little painful stimulation and comfort Almost half an hour later.

"I wipe it. It's so comfortable. It's more exciting to dry in the wheat field than in bed!" When murongshi surrendered, he was filled with emotion.

"Go, what's exciting? It's not the same. It's in and out." The woman rolled her eyes and said with disdain. Every year, she said at least dozens of times that she went into the wheat field or the woods with men. Everything was the same. If she did too much, she didn't feel stimulated.

She broke free from Murong Shi's hand and began to tidy up her clothes. Although she didn't take them off just now, she was at least in a mess. If she didn't tidy up, how could she go home to see her husband.

"Again Do it again Murong Shi looks at the woman with a face that is still full of meaning.

"What else have we done. Who do you think I am? " The woman gouged out Murong stone, "take your wife with you to do it!"

The number of women's mouth is the number of gambling. In rural areas, they do farm work during the day and have few programs at night. Almost every village has the size of throwing dice to gamble. At the beginning, men gambled. Later, women also participated in it, so an unwritten rule came into being.

If women lose gambling and have no money to pay their debts, they can pay them back secretly with their bodies. As for how much money can be offset at a time, it depends on the beauty of women. Some women can be worth eight to ninety yuan or even one or two hundred yuan at a time, while some women can only be worth fifty or sixty yuan or even twenty or thirty yuan at a time.

There is no price tag, as long as you love me.

Of course, to participate in gambling are mostly 30 to 50 level women, some men go out to work, already lonely unbearable. In the evening, you can take dozens of dollars to gamble. If you can win back, you can add more food tomorrow. If you lose, you can Roll the wheat field or drill the grove to relieve hunger and thirst.

Some of them are widows, especially widows with children. They can't live by farming alone. In addition to busy farming, they usually do small jobs in nearby towns. When they are busy late in the day, they earn 50 or 60 yuan. When the market is better, they earn 80 or 90 yuan or 100 yuan.

Widows lose money more straightforward, but also need to go to the wheat field drilling grove, directly take the man home can be.

Yes, the husband is also at home, but this family is either a family with the supremacy of feminism, or the husband is also hanging out, and the wife turns a blind eye. So when the wife goes to the wheat field, the husband can only turn a blind eye.

Of course, these gamblers are still a minority in the rural areas with a large population. In the proper family, when talking about those gamblers, they are called "loafers"."It's no fun taking your wife. A yellow faced woman When the woman suggested that Murong Shi take his wife to the wheat field, Murong Shi thought about it and scratched his head.

In fact, Murong Shi's wife is still slightly beautiful, at least more beautiful than the woman in front of her. But in Murong Shi's mind, she is a woman with a yellow face.

Murong Shi won the deal last night. However, because he was lucky last night, if he wanted to continue to win, he asked the woman to hang up an account and agreed to pay back the account in the wheat field somewhere the next morning.

Seeing the woman wriggling out of the wheat field, Murong Shi was a little angry.

He felt his pocket. He was lucky last night. He won two or three thousand yuan. Today, he should be lucky.

Good luck in pairs, at least for two days.

Murong Shi, who felt that he would be lucky today, could not wait until evening. He put on his clothes and walked to the town.

In the village, gambling can only be started in the evening. In the town, it starts at 9 a.m. until 12 p.m.

It is said that in the town's casinos, the lower limit is 10 yuan and the upper limit is 10000 yuan. Unlike in the village, the lower limit is one yuan and the upper limit is 100 yuan.

Murong Shi usually lives in the village, sleeping during the day, and playing mahjong at night. His parents don't want to take care of him, but they can't take care of him. They are more than 20 years old. They even have wives. What's the use of their parents' words!

Murong stone's wife Li Xiaohua is not dare to take care of him, he said something, often also get a slap.

If you are beaten too much, you will learn well. Of course, Li Xiaohua also wants to divorce Murong Shi, but Murong Shi's eyes stare, "you dare to divorce, I will destroy your family!" So under the threat of Murong Shi, a scoundrel, Li Xiaohua can only sigh that fate has made people, and he dare not say anything else.

Li Xiaohua, who has just graduated from primary school, can't think of any other ideas besides sighing about nature.

When Murong Shi swaggered to the town, ready to rely on good luck to make a big profit, the meeting room of Qingcheng group was holding a high-level meeting. Ye Qingcheng's face was like frost, and other high-level people didn't dare to see through the atmosphere. Chu Jiang opened the door and walked in carelessly.