When Su Jingfei woke up, he didn't know how long it had been, but when he woke up, he found that the situation in front of him was a headache. Before he lost his mind, he was not the only one in the stone room.

Hearing that Hanxue and tantaiyue were beside him, he had a little impression that before he was in a coma, the two girls rushed to him. Now when he saw that the two girls were not dressed, he knew what was out of control. More importantly, he found that it was the first time for them to be in a coma.

Su Jingfei laughs bitterly. When he is making pills, he really doesn't know that the pills will have such an effect. What can he do now? He doesn't have much feelings with Wen renhan Xue and Dan Taiyue.

Just thinking about it, Wen renhanxue and tantaiyue seem to have a certain feeling with Su Jingfei and wake up almost at the same time.

The two girls obviously don't understand what happened. When they saw each other, they suddenly exclaimed and held their chests in their hands. Even though they were good at martial arts, they were still women after all. Even after hearing about Han Xue, she didn't have time to fall in love and practiced martial arts all the time.

After they exclaimed, they began to recall the past. At the same time, they turned their eyes to Su Jingfei. At this time, Su Jingfei was looking at the two women with a bitter smile, and the most important thing was that they were pressing on him, and he did not dare to move.

"Su Jingfei, what is this? Don't think that I dare not kill you because of the gambling agreement. At the beginning, our agreement said not to force me. You actually added special ingredients in the medicine. How can you be so mean? I don't see that you are such a person. " Hear people with snow glare Su Jingfei, cold voice way.

Dan Taiyue also said in a cold voice: "Su Jingfei, you are just human face and beast heart. At this time, you can still think of poisoning people."

Su Jingfei sighed, this is really unjust, but there is no way, so he said: "don't get excited. I'm not really to blame for this. I don't know there's something wrong with this medicine. These herbs are all normal medicines. Who knows if they are combined together, they will have such an effect."

"Don't you know how to make medicine? Do we believe that you are not familiar with these medicines? " Hear a person contain snow to think oneself to keep one's body like jade for many years, unexpectedly so did not have, how can not resent.

Tantaiyue is the same. Although she hasn't insisted on learning from others for many years, after all, she and Su Jingfei are friends at most. Moreover, the eldest lady of Tantai family has something wrong with Su Jingfei. Even if she gets out of trouble, how can she have face to see others.

Think of here, Dan Taiyue would like to kill Su Jingfei, and she has always been more self-improvement, thinking, already clapped to Su Jingfei.

Hearing that Han Xue is limited to the agreement, she doesn't want to do it directly, but tantaiyue is different. The gap between Su Jingfei and tantaiyue is very obvious. Thinking that tantaiyue is venting, she doesn't dodge, so she claps her hand on her chest.

The result is beyond Su Jingfei's and Dan Taiyue's expectation. Dan Taiyue didn't expect that her palm power would be so powerful. Suddenly, she didn't pay attention to her cultivation. She knew that she had broken through to Xiaocheng's realm, even more than her father's, which even doubled. If it wasn't for Su Jingfei's reaction, she would be silly.

Su Jingfei's body didn't dodge, but when he was patted by tantaiyue, his body naturally produced a kind of defense, which not only defused tantaiyue's palm power, but also bounced tantaiyue away.

Hearing that guru and tantaiyue are together now, she always catches tantaiyue as soon as she sees her flying. After landing, she looks at her hands and says, "how can I reach the level of Dacheng? Why can I do this? This promotion is too fast."

Su Jingfei looked at the two girls. At this time, he stood up and felt his strength. Then he said to the two girls, "as you can see, now the internal skill has increased. That medicine really increases the skill."

"How do you explain what happened later?" Because of the change of strength, the two women calmed down and looked at Su Jingfei.

"I don't know, but I'll be responsible." Su Jingfei shook his head, and then said, "well, I think the most important thing we should think about now is how to get out. It seems that we have almost reached the skill level."

Hearing that Han Xue and Tan Tai Yue were also stunned for a while, they thought of the key. If they couldn't get out, they would still talk about keeping their guard like jade. On the contrary, it would save the old maid a lifetime. However, they still hummed together: "who wants you to be responsible?"

Su Jingfei didn't speak, just quietly began to wear clothes, at this time, the two women also found that before too excited, actually forgot to wear clothes, together blush, Jiao chide: "turn your head."

Su Jingfei naturally won't fight against this. She is obedient and wears clothes. She only hears the two women's voice of wearing clothes. She really smiles bitterly. The two women have never made up their minds, but they have such a result. She still vaguely feels that the sharp increase of their strength must have something to do with everything that happened before. The thread binding book has mentioned the coordination of yin and Yang for many times.

Three people tidy up, Su Jingfei also dare not mention other, but with two people came to a door, said: "should be from here out, now I will open the door, you protect yourself."

Without waiting for them to speak, Su Jingfei began to gather his hands. Although he knew that his strength had improved, it was the first time that he really used it. Hearing Han Xue and Tan Taiyue, he felt that a cyclone suddenly appeared in the originally peaceful cave, and soon it would revolve around Su Jingfei, even the temperature of the whole cave was rising.

Without waiting for them to sigh about Su Jingfei's strength, Su Jingfei has already clapped his hand at the stone gate in front of him. I don't know how thick the door is, but the thread binding book says that as long as they open the door, they can leave.

Su Jingfei's current state has reached a great level. He doesn't know what level it is, but he knows that he must be above Su Hanlin now. Although this rapid progress is amazing, it's also reasonable. The thread bound book is a treasure against heaven.

In the roar, Su Jingfei broke through the stone gate in front of him, and even turned it into gravel. In front of him was a dark cave. Su Jingfei took a deep breath and said to the two women, "let's take the night pearl for lighting, and then we'll go out."

Seeing that Su Jingfei broke through the stone gate at least one meter thick, Wen renhan Xue and Dan Taiyue took a breath of air. They finally know why they must have reached the level of thread bound books. Otherwise, they would not have gone out. At least Wen renhan Xue, who has already reached the level, thinks she can't.

From this we can see Li Bai's scheming. If he doesn't have the ability to inherit, he would rather let outsiders die here. That's what he means.

The three men walked into the tunnel, which was not long and obviously inclined upward. When they reached the end, Su Jingfei said to the two women, "this is the closest position to the ground. We are going to break out from here." There are two levels in this cave, one is the stone gate, the other is protruding from the ground.

The two girls didn't speak either. They watched Su Jingfei gather his hands again and blow away the ground in front of them. Suddenly, fresh air entered the tunnel. Su Jingfei came out first, and then there were the two girls.

When the three talents appeared on the ground, they were all stunned. Because they just wanted to get out of trouble, they didn't know what was going on on on the ground. As a result, when they appeared, it was just the time for confrontation between the two sides on the ground, and they just appeared behind the Feng family.

When Su Jingfei and others appear, it is Feng Qingtian who threatens Su Hanlin and others. Before they leave, Su Jingfei and others appear behind them.

"Why are you here?" Su Jingfei first saw Su Hanlin and others, can't help asking.

Now that he has surpassed Su Hanlin, he naturally doesn't care about Feng Qingtian and others at all. He is a little surprised that why Su Hanlin and others are here? Dantai Chongguang is too clever to find them all.

The focus of the conflict between the two sides was su Jingfei's life and death. Unexpectedly, Su Jingfei suddenly appeared. Before Su Jingfei came out, there was a lot of movement, which calmed everyone down. When they saw Su Jingfei appear, they didn't believe it. It was su Jingfei who made the movement.

Feng Qingtian and others see Su Jingfei suddenly appear. It's the same as hell. Su Jingfei doesn't seem to be in a bit of a mess, and he seems to be in a very good mental state. He doesn't seem to be trapped, and he looks like he's coming back from a holiday.

Originally, he was ready to retreat. Feng Qingtian was still afraid of Su Hanlin's death. Now when he saw Su Jingfei, he immediately felt that this was an opportunity. If Su Jingfei fell into his own hands, Su Hanlin would be more effective than a bomb. His first reaction was to jump on Su Jingfei.

He is a pseudo Dacheng realm. Su Jingfei, who grasps a Xiaocheng realm, has no chance to resist as long as he tries his best.

At the same time, the father and son are connected, and Feng mieling is also involved. His goal is Dan Taiyue. No matter Su Jingfei or Dan Taiyue, they can be taken as hostages. As for hearing about Han Xue, they naturally ignore her. This woman is strong and has no value as a hostage.

Father and son together, can also separate a person to deal with Wen Hanxue, lest she make trouble, father and son absolute tacit understanding.

"Feng Qingtian, you want to die." When Su Hanlin saw Feng Qingtian and his son rushing at Su Jingfei, he roared and jumped up. Now he doesn't care whether he has explosives. Saving Su Jingfei is the most important thing.

Su Jingfei and others come up. Before they can figure out what's going on, they see feng Qingtian and Feng mieling rushing towards them. And when they see other people moving, they know that the contradiction here has been planned. It seems that only hands-on can solve the problem. What's more, he's almost killed by Feng Qingyang, so he won't be polite.

If it was su Jingfei before, he could only rely on his body method to escape at this time. Now it is not so complicated.