Su Jingfei talks about the palace side by side at night. He is a brave artist. He wants to see what the rumor of being haunted is. After entering a courtyard, he suddenly finds something wrong. It is obvious that it has been arranged.

He has a thread bound book, which is equivalent to the existence of cheating devices. There are many skills recorded in the thread bound book, including martial arts and medicine, some of the metaphysics of geomantic omen and Qimen dunjia. This is his first book, which is the content recorded in the earliest thread bound book he has.

Later, a thread bound book was obtained, which complemented the contents of the first one before. Some places that Su Jingfei could not understand were also explained. Only by practicing the two books together could su Jingfei achieve his present achievements.

When he got the third book sent by Mrs. Yang, it recorded a lot of Xiangxue and dugong. That is to say, every thread bound book Su Jingfei got complements each other, but each book has its own characteristics. Su Jingfei didn't have to be proficient in learning the content, but he was involved in it.

A person's energy is limited. In the past ten years, Su Jingfei's main practice has been medical skills. He has learned and memorized martial arts, but he didn't practice internal skills. At first, he didn't believe it. Later, he began to practice it when he believed it.

Although Su Jingfei was good at martial arts, he was only more powerful than ordinary people because he didn't have the support of internal skills. What he was really good at was his medical skills.

Su Jingfei has seen some of the skills of escaping armor and the metaphysics of geomantic omen, but he has not studied them in depth. Even so, he can see at a glance that they have been tampered with here, which is a bit like setting up an array.

The arrangement here is not really so magical. If a person who doesn't know anything comes in, even if he doesn't get trapped, he can at least go out with a little trouble. If a person who is really proficient in the strange door of dunjia, the arrangement is like a kind of magic array, which can let people turn around inside.

Qimen dunjia is not a magic skill. It's not as magical as the novel says, but it's good to use it to stop people. Some people in ancient times were proficient in this skill and used it to stop pursuers in war.

Su Jingfei's unique skill of escaping armour, even if it's only skin, is inherited from thread bound books, which is much better than modern people's knowledge.

At first, when he saw the layout here, he was also surprised, but he soon realized that he should be trapped by the layout. Although Su Jingfei was not in a mess, now that he knew that it was someone's move, he would break it.

Thinking about his understanding of Qimen dunjia, I want to move forward three steps, then move one step horizontally, then move forward three steps, turn a corner again, and continue to move horizontally. I silently count my steps and walk with the pithy formula.

He is not proficient in the art of dodging armour, but just remembers some pithy formulas. These pithy formulas are like the secret of all things. Su Jingfei just follows the pithy formula to finish the whole journey, and suddenly becomes cheerful. The confused feeling that he was trapped by others and couldn't find the direction before is swept away.

In fact, from the moment he entered the other courtyard to the moment he stepped out of the magic array, the distance was only more than three meters. Within this distance, a simple magic array was set up with stones and branches.

Su Jingfei doesn't understand the principle of Qimen dunjia, but the effect is very clear, that is, through a very simple thing, according to a certain orientation, and then the people who enter will have a feeling that they can't find the direction, and even the powerful magic array can make people not know that they are confused, and they will walk all the way to death.

Of course, Su Jingfei is not so powerful when he encounters this magic array. Su Jingfei himself is not so powerful, and he will not decorate it. Otherwise, if he decorates one directly at home, he can rest easy.

In any case, Su Jingfei can be sure that all these are human means. He now vaguely feels that this rumor of being haunted may have something to do with the person who arranged the array. In ancient times, the saying that there was a ghost hitting the wall was to circle in one place, and the effect of magic array was just like this.

Shoulder to shoulder Palace used to be open to the outside world. If someone came in, mistakenly entered the battle and couldn't go out for a while, when they went out, they would think that they had been hit by ghosts, especially when they met such things at night. Su Jingfei didn't know whether it was so. He doubted that it might be so, so why did the people who arranged it!

In his mind, he walked slowly to the other courtyard, and arranged such a magic array at the gate of the courtyard. There might be a secret in the courtyard. As he walked, Su Jingfei filled his whole body with internal power.

He is a cautious man. He was very careful when breaking the array before. He didn't make any noise. He didn't know whether the person who arranged the magic array was still here. It was always right to be careful. All this was soon rewarded.

When Su Jingfei went to the master bedroom of another courtyard, he saw a little light in it. He didn't know whether it was to prevent people from seeing it or because he had already had a rest. The light was not electric light, but candle light.

Looking at the candle light like a ghost fire, even Su Jingfei's heart is a little hairy. After all, there is a legend of being haunted here, and there is a candle light in the room in the middle of the night. It's really frightening. It's not ancient. Ancient people used candle light and oil lamp to light.

If you didn't see this candle light directly before, Su Jingfei would really think it was a ghost fire. Now he is very firm in his conjecture. It must be man-made.

If it's not a ghost, Su Jingfei won't be afraid. He doesn't have the means to catch ghosts, but there are many ways to catch people. After all, there are not many people who can surpass him. At least there are no more than ten people in the capital.

In my mind, Su Jingfei has come to the window. In order to maintain the original style of the house, the original building remains unchanged. It is still wooden windows, not glass, but paper.

If it's a glass window, Su Jingfei can see the situation inside the room directly from the outside. Now he can only see the content by piercing the window with his fingers. However, Su Jingfei is not so bold. The nocturnal people in the novel are all fictional, which can't be imitated in reality.

Su Jingfei doesn't know whether there are people here. If there are people, how strong this person is. Su Jingfei is not sure. In case of a big disturbance, it's not what Su Jingfei wants.

He has walked to the door and stopped calmly. He plans to listen to the movement inside first. If there is someone inside, he can judge whether he is sleeping from the breath of the other party. If he is sleeping, he can pierce the window.

He calculated in secret, heard the sound of breathing in the room, and immediately frowned slightly. There was not one person in the room, but two people. One of them had a long breath and only breathed once in a long time. You don't have to ask to know that he was a martial arts practitioner, and his internal skill was not weak. Maybe it was not much worse than Su Jingfei's. the breath of the other was much more common, maybe a little bit internal, But it's not deep.

This is not the key point. The key point is that Su Jingfei feels that the person with low internal skill does not breathe fluently. He seems to be in poor health and may even lose his life at any time.

This is Su Jingfei. If someone else can't hear such a difference, Su Jingfei is not only a warrior, but also a national doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. He can tell the other person's physical condition from one person's breath. This medical skill can be achieved to a certain extent, and Su Jingfei can already hear it.

Hearing this result, Su Jingfei couldn't help thinking in secret. One of the two had a deep internal skill and a long breath. The other had a deep internal skill, but it was not deep, and it seemed as if it were nothing. Could it be that one of the two lived here, one took another to heal his wounds, and made a rumor that they were haunted just to avoid their enemies? How could it be like a vulgar plot in a novel, I don't happen to meet you.

Su Jingfei guesses that if so, he is not sure whether he has driven the other party away, because he can't guess who the other party is.

But now that he has seen each other's situation, he thinks that he should have a look at each other's identity and their breath. He knows that even if they are not sleeping, they will not notice their slight movements. I'm afraid that the person with deep internal skill also has attention on the person with breath problems.

To make up his mind, Su Jingfei dipped his finger in some saliva and poked a small hole in the window like in the movie, then his whole body exploded.

Before, he thought that the two people in the room were together, and the people with deep internal skills were taking care of the person with unstable breath. But when he really saw it, he found that it was totally different. The scene in the room was simply appalling. He did not expect that such a situation really happened in modern society.

The people in the room are a man and a woman. The man is about sixty or seventy years old. One hand is on the woman's chest, the other hand is on the woman's head. The woman is about thirty-four years old.

Before Su Jingfei heard that the person with a long breath was this man. His deep internal skill should not be much worse than Su Jingfei's, and the person with unstable breath was naturally the woman. If ordinary people saw the situation of two people, they would think that the man was healing the woman, but Su Jingfei knew it was not.

Su Jingfei has read thread bound books. In addition to recording martial arts and various secret skills, he will naturally introduce some evil martial arts. This old man is using one of them. He is stealing women's internal skills.

If you just steal internal skill, then most women will lose internal skill. But when using this kind of skill, there is also an auxiliary way to collect Yin and replenish Yang. That is to say, the old man must have played with that woman and then steal her internal power. When she runs out of oil, her life will come to an end. This kind of evil skill is absolutely heinous.