Su Jingfei arrives at the hotel at the appointed time with Ziling. Naturally, Baitou and Qingming are accompanying him. Now that they have discussed with each other, they will act immediately. They are all aggressive.

The hotel is Su Jingfei's choice, not to mention how high-end. It's good for them to talk about some things together. He chose a hotel with good environment.

They came a little earlier. When they got here, Ziling didn't appear, but they were not in a hurry. Qingming, a white head, was looking forward to it. I haven't seen him for several years. I don't know if Ziling has changed now.

Su Jingfei knows whether he can succeed this time. As long as he looks at the level of Baitou Qingming, he is more relaxed and doesn't forget to choose some dishes he likes. This makes Baitou and Qingming keep rolling their eyes. This guy must be used to being a shake off shopkeeper. Now he is still in such a state.

As for Su Jingfei's daily behavior, he naturally understands it. Many of the women in Su's family have said that Su Jingfei is a lazy man. Now he is really knowledgeable. But this boy is lucky, and everyone he meets can help him.

Soon after the appointed time, the protagonist of this hotel trip also appeared. He is a young man in his twenties. He is not so handsome but angular. He seems to know that he is a man with firm character and steady gait. He should have deliberately practiced footwork.

When Su Jingfei meets Ziling for the first time, he can't be sure of his identity, but there is a white headed Qingming around him. From their slightly excited look, Su Jingfei can be sure that the calm man in front of him is the Ziling he wants to see.

"Hello, Mr. Su. I'm Li Zhiyu from Ziling. Nice to meet you here." Because of the angle, Ziling hasn't seen Baitou and Qingming clearly, but she sees Su Jingfei. He's under long Baitian's command, and he's not strange to Su Jingfei. Moreover, he also has feelings, and knows what Su Jingfei is looking for.

Su Jingfei shook hands with Ziling with a smile and said, "I'm glad to meet you, too, but I think the two friends around me can be happier."

He said something and gave up his body. Generally speaking, he would meet and talk about things, and it was a relatively secret thing. He would not bring anyone. For example, Ziling was alone. However, Ziling was not surprised that Su Jingfei had too many enemies, so he should bring a few helpers.

He doesn't know Su Jingfei's strength. If he can fight Su Jingfei's enemies, he will become the best bodyguard in fact and can't save his life. Su Jingfei is the most powerful bodyguard.

Now listen to Su Jingfei specially introduce the people around him, purple Ling didn't think much, just follow the reputation, just a look, people stay.

Baitou and Qingming also stand forward when Su Jingfei wants to introduce them, just to let Ziling see themselves. They have thought about Ziling's situation for a long time, which can be regarded as a surprise to him. As for some surprise and some joy, we can only see Ziling's nature.

"Mr. Su, it suddenly occurred to me that there are still some things to deal with. Let's talk about our affairs another day. Goodbye." Unexpectedly, not only did Ziling not recognize Qingming, but she hugged her fist and turned around to leave.

If he shows some surprise or anger, it's all reasonable. Su Jingfei can't imagine that the first thing people want is to escape. Moreover, after seeing the white headed Qingming, he directly puts forward his attitude, which makes the white headed Qingming a little unbearable.

"Li Zhiyu, you coward, stop for me." Qingming had been pursued by Ziling, so he would not be polite to him.

Ziling's body trembled, and her steps stopped, and she was about to continue to walk. It was obvious that Qingming had an influence on him, but the influence was not great. At least he could pretend that he couldn't hear and wanted to leave.

Qingming didn't expect that Ziling was going to leave. He was anxious to speak. Instead, he was held by Baitou. Then he said, "Li Zhiyu, you are a loser. Do you want to run when you see me? Even if you go to the ends of the earth, you once lost to me, and it can't be changed. "

Su Jingfei has a certain understanding of the three people's past. This is what Qingming told him on the way here. Now the white head is to stimulate your expression. Su Jingfei nods in his heart.

Since ancient times, please will not be as strong as the general, looking at Purple Ling feet do not stop, double clenched, you know that white head words have effect, he did not want to escape.

"Why, after all these years, are you still the same? I want to escape when I meet something. Now Qingming and I have found here. Do you still want to escape? You're still not a man. " Baitou makes persistent efforts to stimulate Ziling Li Zhiyu all the time.

Purple Ling's fist is more and more tight, obviously emotional is also very excited, especially to hear the voice of the white head, it was because of the defeat of the white head that Qingming was exported, now the white head appears in front of his eyes as a winner.

"Baitou, Qingming, what do you want?" At last, Ziling turned her head firmly. Looking at two familiar faces, Bai Tou is still a handsome man with white hair. It seems that the frost in recent years has not changed him. Shuangyang is still so bright. Although chicken thinks its image is not bad, it will not surpass Bai tou. The boy with white hair is always so popular.

And what makes his eyes straight is Qingming. A few years later, the trace of years has not left any trace on Qingming's pretty face. On the contrary, because of more maturity, the original iceberg girl has become a bit more sexy.

Originally, he liked Qingming very much. Even after such a long time, the feeling still existed. If Baitou and Su Jingfei were not in the way, he would even invite Qingming to lunch. Of course, as a well-informed person, he could not really make a fool of himself. He could only look at three people.

"Ziling, it's not what we want, but what you want!" Facing the person who once loved him deeply, Qingming no longer seemed so indifferent as usual. Instead, he explained: "Su Jingfei and we are a systematic person. You should not worry about anything. Although this is not the meaning of the upper class, the meaning of major Su Jingfei should also reach a satisfactory answer."

This time, not only Ziling was in a daze, but Su Jingfei was also in a daze. He didn't expect that Qingming would introduce himself in this way, and he also showed his attitude towards things. Although he was a little worried, his big hat must be covered down, which is really comfortable.

"Are you a major, a major in 307?" Purple Ling surprised, staring at Su Jingfei constantly asked, how he said is also from the 307 troops, what the troops look like, he is very clear, which has 20 years old major.

Su Jingfei's real age is recorded in all major forces and families. Some families even have a lot of energy and have investigated Su Jingfei's family history. Of course, Ziling knows Su Jingfei's real age. He can't cheat people by dressing up, but it's this 20-year-old young man. Now Qingming says he's a major in 307 army. Isn't that a surprise to him?

If it comes from the mouth of the white head, Ziling must doubt it, but Qingming is different. He knows Qingming's character very well, and he won't make fun of such things.

Thinking of this, Ziling said with a smile: "I've been in the army for so long, but I've only been a major. I can't imagine that the 307 army is becoming more and more lax now. The 20-year-old major has come out. I really don't know if other troops will laugh to death."

His meaning is very obvious. He doesn't think much of Su Jingfei. He thinks he's not qualified to be a major. He's really a character that offends people easily.

Fortunately, no matter Su Jingfei or white headed Qingming, they didn't care much about these things. Su even shrugged and said with a smile, "in fact, I don't want to be so troublesome, but their leaders insisted that I hang the name of major, so I had to. In fact, I was just a military doctor."

As for Su Jingfei's mastery of medical skills, Ziling naturally knew that. Now hearing what he said, she frowned and asked Qingming, "is what Mr. Su said true? He's actually a member of the 307 army. It's so hidden! "

"Of course, some things can't be exposed. I don't think you know less about Su Jingfei than I do. Today we're looking for you. Why on earth, you should also have a guess. Let's put down what happened in those years and talk about the next things. What do you think?" Because of the identity problem, Qingming directly becomes the host.

Ziling is still in love with Qingming. Although she looks at Baitou and feels uncomfortable, she nods and says, "OK, Mr. Su, you'd better tell me what you mean. You've really given me a big surprise today."

Su Jingfei naturally knew what he meant, but he didn't answer. Instead, he laughed and explained: "the thing is like this. The old lady of the Han family told me that you are a talented person and have a deep understanding of the underground world. If you can help, it will be of great help to unify the underground forces."

Ziling didn't speak, and she didn't know whether she felt any response to Su Jingfei's compliments. Su Jingfei didn't ask him to reply, but continued: "you are the right arm of long Baitian now, and you are very important. According to the truth, I shouldn't dig your corner, but now long Baitian is old. What he wants most is to retire, and you don't want to take over, I don't have to say much about the final result. "

This time, not only Ziling, but also Qingming nodded his head. Su Jingfei thought it very well. Once something happened to long Baitian, his forces would fall apart and start to grab territory like Wang. This is the common feature of underground forces.

Su Jingfei now wants to unify the underground world of the provincial capital, which can be regarded as a relatively perfect and stable environment for everyone. They are all smart people. Naturally, they can understand what Su Jingfei means. He is not a man who loves war and power. Otherwise, with his ability, he can directly join the 307 army.