The name "Tianmo Bayin" sounds terrible. Although people have never heard of it, similar plots will appear in general movies. As long as it's such a domineering name, the Kung Fu will be very powerful.

Su Jingfei was also shocked. He had thread bound books, which recorded a lot of ancient knowledge, and even a lot of skills that had been lost in modern times. But there was no record of temperament, and no record of any kind of martial arts about voice attack. This is the biggest disadvantage of thread bound books.

He had never met a similar opponent before, and he had never thought about this kind of problem. He thought that there was no such martial arts in the world. They were all made up in movies. Now he knows that those plots may be made up, but there are such martial arts. No matter Kang Zizhen or Shangguan xianger, they will be able to control their voice.

Kang Zizhen is nothing more than that. He is not very strong except for his internal skill. But this Shangguan Xiang'er is much more strange. She used to confuse people with her voice before, but now she has to play a piece of eight notes of heaven and evil. Obviously, she is a master of temperament attack. It's the first time that she sees such an enemy Su Jingfei. She can't help but take it seriously.

Shangguan Xiang'er nodded secretly when she saw Su Jingfei's change of expression. No matter what Su Jingfei's character and Kung Fu were, his mind was absolutely outstanding among the young people, and he adjusted his mind very quickly, so he was definitely a strong enemy.

But she didn't know how many trials of life and death Su Jingfei had gone through since her debut, and she often leaped over the ranks to challenge her opponents who were more powerful than herself. If she couldn't improve her mood in this way, she would have lived in vain, and was doomed not to live long. Who would call his enemies more and more!

"Su Jingfei, are you ready? I'm going to play. " Although the heart secretly nods to Su Jingfei, on the surface, Guan Xiang'er does ask with a smile.

First nodded, and then said: "no problem, since you have the interest to play a song, I will not refuse, Shangguan girl please." Su Jingfei is on guard secretly, but on the surface he is very generous.

Shangguan Xiang'er is not polite either. He gently puts the jade flute in his mouth, and the sound of whine will sound soon. The sound of the flute is different from that of the flute. The flute is clear and pleasant, which is very suitable for playing some cheerful tunes. The whine of the flute is more suitable for playing some low and sad music, and generally has a kind of bleak meaning, which will be more in line with the mood of martial artists, They all like Xiao.

There are many talented people after the audience. Many of them are proficient in music, especially in the crew. They already have people who are specialized in this field. Maybe their attainments are not high, but their appreciation level is very high. After listening for a while, their faces are intoxicated.

Shangguan xianger is obviously quite accomplished in this art. The audience originally wanted to see Su Jingfei compete with Shangguan xianger, but now they really appreciate it.

Mrs. Han is also a versatile woman. She is not only proficient in martial arts, but also proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting. She is a talented woman of her time. Now she can't help but be moved to hear Shangguan Xiang'er's Xiao. It's absolutely rare for modern girls to have such attainments.

Whether they appreciate it or praise it, the audience has been conquered by Shangguan xianger's Xiao Sheng. They even forget their hostile identities for a moment. This is probably the charm of music, and people can't feel any hostility from it.

It looks like an elegant Xiao Song. People can't feel the problem at all. But Su Jingfei, who is really targeted by Shangguan xianger, doesn't feel this way at all. His eyes are full of illusions, and even he has been trapped in it. Even when he reminds himself that everything is false, he can't get rid of it.

From the beginning, Shangguan Xiang'er's Tianmo Bayin is aimed at Su Jingfei, which is also her strong point. Even if she attacks Su Jingfei with temperament, she can also do single attack, that is, if she wants to deal with Su Jingfei, the only target is him, and no one else can feel it.

When the music starts, what Su Jingfei hears is not elegance, but the sound of gold and iron horses. From the original Hanjia village, Su Jingfei seems to have entered an ancient battlefield. He even sees enemies fighting in front of his eyes, some people falling down, some people getting up to fight, and his side is full of blood and casualties.

If this kind of situation appeared in ancient times, it would be understandable. But in modern society, there was no such fierce battlefield. However, Su Jingfei could not control it. He did not look at these illusions. It seemed that all of them happened in his mind.

Moreover, with the music unfolding, Su Jingfei not only sees the illusions, but also attacks from these illusions. Su Jingfei has to drive to avoid and begin to fight back. Slowly, his body moves in the same place, as if there are enemies in front of Su Jingfei.

The audience didn't notice it at first, but Su Jingfei's movements became faster and stronger, just like a person practicing martial arts there, but his movements were not routine, just like he was fighting with others.

This is also the first time that Su Jingfei did not reserve his hand in front of the public. Obviously, in the dreamland, Su Jingfei did not dare to reserve his strength. Instead, he did not take out his own weapons. He only used various moves, such as fists, palms, fingers and legs. From time to time, he was still tossing in the air, which seemed to break away from gravity.

At this time, when people see Su Jingfei's unreserved exertion of his kung fu, they know how deep Su Jingfei is hidden. Liu Wufeng and long Baitian are stunned. Liu Wufeng and long Baitian have fought with Su Jingfei. They think that even if Su Jingfei is better than them, it's not too far behind. Long Baitian knew Su Jingfei should be very powerful, but he didn't expect him to be so powerful.

Of course, people are more worried about Su Jingfei's current state. He is inexplicable and obviously has encountered some difficulties. The initiator of all this is Shangguan Xiang'er. This woman is really terrible.

Everyone knows Su Jingfei's ability. Su Jingfei can defeat any enemy very easily. But when she meets this woman, she falls into a passive position for the first time, and is almost restrained by Shangguan Xiang'er. It's strange that everyone doesn't understand that Su Jingfei doesn't have any concept of temperament attack. Shangguan Xiang'er is Su Jingfei's nemesis, and may not be able to kill him, At least it can restrain Su Jingfei.

In fact, Su Jingfei is wasting his strength and internal power there. People are worried that his internal power will be exhausted and he will lose, but there is no way to help him unless he admits defeat.

Shangguan Xiang'er here also consumes a lot of money. She wants to use her flute to create a dreamland and trap Su Jingfei. But Su Jingfei's counterattack is very strong. He really doesn't know what tonal attack is. However, his power is too strong, and he can't hurt him as long as his power reaches a certain level, That is, when the strength reaches a certain level, there is a change.

Now the two sides are in a situation of consumption. It's not about who is more capable, but who can stick to it for a longer time. Obviously, Su Jingfei takes advantage of it.

Su Jingfei's strength may not be the best in the world, but his endurance is definitely in the front row. Ren and Du are connected. Both physical strength and skill will recover quickly in the process of consumption, which can also maintain his stronger lasting combat effectiveness. This is also the main reason why he can join forces with Feng mieqing and the Red Devils.

Shangguan Xiang'er is really powerful, and this kind of temperament attack also consumes less, but her recovery speed is far less than that of Su Jingfei. If she goes on like this, she must lose.

Su Jingfei is at a loss. He is fighting with a powerful general in the environment, and this general is also a boss level enemy made by Shangguan Xiang'er. If Su Jingfei can defeat him, he may break out of the illusion directly, even if he wins the competition.

Shangguan Xiang'er is obviously not a person who likes to admit defeat. Just when she feels that she can't hold Su Jingfei down, she suddenly opens her eyes. Her eyes are sharp. As soon as the sound of Xiao changes, it's originally the sound of Wuwu, but it suddenly becomes sharp.

In addition to paying attention to Su Jingfei, the audience also enjoyed Xiao music. However, after the sharp sound of Xiao, many people couldn't bear to cover their ears, and even a few women couldn't help crying. It was not only the harsh sound, but also Shangguan Xiang'er's attack, so they couldn't concentrate on Su Jingfei alone.

Shangguan Xiang'er focuses all her attacks on Su Jingfei, which is also a kind of power consuming behavior. However, she didn't want to affect other people, and there was no indiscriminate attack, but now it's different. She needs strength, so she has to give up the only means of attack. As a result, many people in the audience are retreating, Everyone can't stand this aggressive Xiao.

And Su Jingfei in the dreamland was also shocked. The boss, who was already very difficult, suddenly changed from one to two, and the size doubled. Su Jingfei was like facing two giants. Even Su Jingfei's strength did not change.

Shangguan Xiang'er's forehead is already sweating, but seeing Su Jingfei's face changed greatly and her body movement slowed down for half a beat, she comforted herself that she could defeat Su Jingfei and make him arrogant again.

But when Su Jingfei was trapped in a dreamland, he suddenly said in a strong male voice, "I come here with my sword to get rid of all evil spirits." Then they heard the sound of the sword like the sound of a dragon. It was obvious that someone played the sword and sang. The festival was powerful, which instantly solved the pain of Shangguan xianger Xiao. It was like pushing away the clouds to see the moon.

"Shangguan xianger, long time no see. Do you remember chuchen?" Everyone was sober, and there was a man in his twenties or twenties with a sword in his hand.