From the people's faces, Su Jingfei has guessed what they are thinking. This is also the effect Su Jingfei wants. If he wants to look good, how can he let them go? Now it's just an appetizer.

"Dr. Su, if you have such a serious illness, should you find an instrument to check it?" After a while, Secretary Niu, who was relatively calm, said.

In his impression, AIDS is not a traditional infectious disease. Although traditional Chinese medicine is very powerful, it is not as good as western medicine in the diagnosis of this disease. He still has some fluke in his heart. In case the patient really wins the lottery, he and Minister Liu should be careful.

"Well, since Secretary Niu said so, we'd better check it in a scientific way." With these words, he turned to shumanya and said, "Dean Shu, go and arrange for this patient to have an examination."

Su Jingfei didn't worry at all. He deliberately made the patient's symptoms similar to AIDS. Even if he wanted to see the problem, it would take at least 24 hours, and they certainly couldn't wait 24 hours. During this period, even if he used western medicine, he would be misdiagnosed.

This is Su Jingfei's ability now, and it's unknown. Even Feng Xiaolan and Wang Yu don't know. They are both relatively simple. Su Jingfei hopes that they will always be like this. He doesn't intend to let them participate in these intrigues.

Shumanya naturally didn't know that all this was arranged by Su Jingfei. She was just surprised that Su Jingfei was so lucky. Anyone with a clear eye could see that the young man was arranged by Secretary Niu and director Liu to pretend to be ill, and had a physical examination yesterday. She didn't expect that she was ill today, and it was still such a serious infectious disease.

As the medical staff of the hospital, they naturally know more about the transmission route of AIDS than the general public. They are not as afraid as ordinary people. They nodded to the patient and his companions and said, "come with me and have a check."

At this time, even if it is not sure whether the patient has acquired AIDS, looking at Su Jingfei so serious, shumanya can only assume that he is really ill, and his two partners who eat in the same pot can guess without asking, it is very likely that he has also been infected.

It's related to their own life and health. Although they felt guilty, they followed Schumann to have an examination. In fact, they were scared when they heard about AIDS, and they didn't know much about the disease.

In fact, this disease has a relatively short incubation period. Even if it is a relatively short incubation period, it will not be found only yesterday. Today, it can be detected by Su Jingfei. Su Jingfei scares them all. Of course, it mainly makes Secretary Niu and Minister Liu feel guilty.

When they went out, Su Jingfei said with a smile to minister Liu and Secretary Niu, "what do you think of my medical skills? Is that to your satisfaction? "

Minister Liu and Secretary Niu have so many thoughts about Su Jingfei. They are all thinking about whether the patient is AIDS or not, and whether they will also be affected.

Now hearing Su Jingfei's inquiry, Minister Liu perfunctorily said: "we all admire president Su's medical skill, but I want to ask, is that patient really AIDS just now? It's not a minor illness. If the patient's life is in danger. "

Su Jingfei pretended to be displeased and said, "Minister Liu, do you have any opinions on my medical skills? Although I'm not a living doctor, I still have some confidence in my medical skills. " But then he said with a sigh: "Alas, people nowadays just don't love themselves. If they don't go to those places, why do they have such problems? You say so, Minister Liu."

It seems that what he said is patient, but Minister Liu and Secretary Niu feel that their faces are very painful. Isn't that smoking their faces? They went with the patient.

Su Jingfei knew their thoughts very well, and all these were the effects he wanted. Seeing that they were speechless, he suddenly said, "Minister Liu and Secretary Niu, if you really can't believe my medical skills, why don't you let me show them? If you have a disease, you can prevent it if you don't! "

If Su Jingfei had said that before, he would have been rejected and dissatisfied with him. Now he says that, but it makes Minister Liu and Secretary Niu's eyes shine. Now they are worried that they are also ill, but they are embarrassed to ask Su Jingfei to check. Now that Su Jingfei can take the initiative to come up with it, they naturally want to agree, but they turn around and think about it, It seems that this is not appropriate. If Su Jingfei knows the situation of the two of them, there will be no secret. He hesitates for a moment.

Su Jingfei couldn't think of their thoughts, so he said with a smile: "you two don't have any scruples, it's just equivalent to physical examination."

Minister Liu and Secretary Niu were really frightened by the patient's condition before. They were not worried about Su Jingfei. Now what they need to pay more attention to is their physical condition. They looked at each other and nodded to Su Jingfei.

The situation has taken a turn for the worse. The people brought by Minister Liu and Secretary Niu are stunned and don't know what to do. Although they don't know their plans, they can also vaguely guess their thoughts. They absolutely want to find Su Jingfei's trouble. How can they suddenly change their taste.

This kind of thing, even the confidants, two people can't tell them, these people also didn't think that the patient pretended to be their director, and naturally they didn't think that they took a stone and smashed their feet.

Su Jingfei's plan started step by step. Now it's time to close the net. He said to minister Liu without moving his face: "Minister Liu, I'll check you first. I think you usually have a physical examination and have a certain understanding of your body. If what I said is wrong, please point out!"

He said very politely, but he took out the silk thread impolitely. Seeing that he meant to feel the pulse, he immediately made Minister Liu almost jump up.

Nima, Su Jingfei's rhythm is not right. Before he took it out to feel the patient's pulse, he didn't want to contact the patient. As a result, he is an AIDS patient. Now what does Su Jingfei mean by taking out the silk thread? Does he have a problem.

Secretary Liu's eyebrows also jump. Su Jingfei's pulse diagnosis is not a good omen. If the final conclusion is that minister Liu is ill, he may not be able to run.

Other people are also moving in their hearts. Their eyes are changing when they look at Minister Liu. Especially with the female assistant, this woman has a special relationship with the fat minister. If Minister Liu is a patient, she will not be well. Her body even shakes a little, and her heart keeps praying.

Su Jingfei saw everyone's reaction in his eyes. On the surface, he put the silk thread aside. He took Minister Liu's fat and thin face and said: "although the accuracy rate of hanging silk is very high, it's not as good as the traditional method of pulse diagnosis. Minister Liu's status is noble. I must take this silk thread seriously. I don't need it."

Minister Liu is secretly relieved. Su Jingfei's performance really makes him want to slap him in the past. He wants to scare people to death. He doesn't know whether Su Jingfei does it on purpose or really wants to feel his pulse directly.

Before, he thought Su Jingfei might have seen the plan of himself and Secretary Niu. Now it doesn't seem like that. He has already felt that his brain is not enough. He has gone through ups and downs several times. Now he doesn't know what attitude to face Su Jingfei.

Secretary Niu is a bit of a dog headed strategist. He is calm and wise at ordinary times. Today's plan is also his idea. However, Su Jingfei's unexpected performance makes him confused.

No matter how smart people are, they will be flustered in the face of life and death. What's more, AIDS may not directly kill people, but the psychological pressure on a person is very huge. Secretary Niu doesn't want to get such a disease. Now he doesn't think about dealing with Su Jingfei.

They don't want to deal with Su Jingfei because they cherish their lives too much, but how can su Jingfei let them go easily? He can't deal with them openly, but it's not a problem to use some small skills.

Su Jingfei thought in his heart. He slightly narrowed his eyes and said to minister Liu, "Minister Liu, it's time to lose weight. Your blood pressure is a little high, and your cholesterol is not low. Fortunately, your blood sugar is not high, but your liver is not very good. Besides, do you occasionally feel dizzy and weak recently, and your body is hot, and you can't do what you want?"

Listening to the previous words, the fat minister has already unconsciously nodded his head. Su Jingfei's medical skill is really not boastful. When he has a physical examination, he naturally knows what his index is on the high side. But such examination is usually carried out through various instruments. People just feel the pulse and know this. It can be seen that the medical skill is still convincing and worthy of being an expert, Then he had no doubt.

Just hearing the words behind, I unconsciously fought a cold war. This line seems to have been heard before. Who did Su Jingfei say that to?

At the same time, Secretary Niu's hands are a little chilly. He is calmer than Minister Liu. Su Jingfei later mentioned several symptoms, as if he had asked the patient before, and even the phenomenon he says now is more detailed. What's the rhythm?

Su Jingfei sneered in his heart, and then he broke into a cold sweat. However, he just started. He frowned slightly on his face and said, "Minister Liu, is it difficult to answer the question I asked? Well, I'll ask again, do you sometimes sleep poorly at night and have nausea in the morning

This time, it's more like before. Minister Liu is really in a cold sweat, and even shivering: "yes, there are times like this, but not often, occasionally."

"Well, I know, just occasionally, so congratulations." Su Jingfei gave a strange smile and said something that made Minister Liu almost fall down.