The white head didn't give Su Jingfei any problems, so he soon took him to the shooting range. There were already people practicing shooting there. The 307 troops were all selected elites. Naturally, no one would be lazy without training. The arrival of Su Jingfei didn't attract much attention.

Su Jingfei looked at those people. Whether they were pistols or rifles, their shooting skills were very accurate. Almost all of them were ten rings of each target. Even if they were occasionally inaccurate, they were definitely moving targets, and they would all be within eight rings.

"See, these people have been trained for more than ten years, and their shooting skills are almost sharpshooters in their respective troops." Seeing Su Jingfei watching other people's training, Bai tou said with a smile: "that is to say, our country does not like to show off. Otherwise, if we take out any one to participate in any competition, even if we can't get back the international gold medal, at least it's not a problem to get a few silver and bronze medals."

Su Jingfei nods. He really has no objection to this view. In this country, I don't know whether it is to hide or deliberately keep a low profile. People with real skills always don't show up. Of course, there are some people who are buried. Otherwise, there won't be the saying of experts in the folk.

Su Jingfei couldn't bear it more than the national football team. That kind of stinky foot actually represents the country. Once he was watching the national football team in his dormitory, but he was caught by his classmates. He turned off his computer and was forced by his classmates for a long time. He just admitted that he was watching a love action movie, but didn't mean to say that he was watching the national football team. It shows that this has become a deep shame for people.

"Su Jingfei, what do you think? Are you envious?" White head sees Su Jingfei to be in a daze, still think he is thinking about the matter of shooting, smile a way.

Su Jingfei quickly put aside his wishful thinking and said with a smile, "what's the envy of this? You've practiced for more than ten years to reach this level. If you can achieve a hundred hits, wouldn't it take you a hundred years to live so long?"

Bai tou had known Su Jingfei's sharp words for a long time. This time, he was choked and snorted: "OK, I'll teach you how to use guns now. I'll see your level."

Su Jingfei shrugs his shoulders and doesn't like it. He hasn't touched a gun now. Even if he doesn't have any accuracy, Su Jingfei is not ashamed. Anyway, he won't compete with Bai tou. Can he really wait for more than ten years to see his shooting skills in the future, unless he is really idle.

It's no exaggeration that Bai tou has always claimed to have been practicing guns for many years. He has been trained since he was a child. He knows all kinds of guns like the back of his hand, and explains them to Su Jingfei in great detail. He didn't even forget to give them to Su Jingfei to dismantle guns.

Su Jingfei dislikes the white head and doesn't find a beautiful instructor for himself, but he stares at the white head's hand. It's like a piece of dry sea. He absorbs all kinds of knowledge about guns in the same state of absorbing water. Although he can't forget it, he also has a certain understanding of guns.

His complaint made the white head blow his beard and stare. Who in the whole army didn't know that Qingming was the only beautiful girl in the army. After all, 307 army was a special forces army, not a women's army.

Although there is not only one Qingming here, she is the only one who attaches equal importance to beauty and strength. If she really arranges a female instructor for Su Jingfei, it can only be Qingming.

Qingming is a white headed man. How can he arrange Qingming next to Su Jingfei? The women around the boy are not clear to him. Even if he has confidence in Qingming, he will not take risks. Who knows if the boy has any bad moves.

Su Jingfei doesn't know a joke, let the white head so much scruple, otherwise it must be wronged, Su Jingfei even if there are several girlfriends, but it is also a mistake, not deliberately playful.

What's more, Qingming is a white headed woman. How can he make Qingming's idea? Su Jingfei is just a friend to Qingming.

"Well, I'll teach you everything I have to teach you. Try it first." The white head introduced the pistol and rifle on the table, and then demonstrated the process of dismantling the gun. As a good shooter, he not only can shoot, but also has a good understanding of the performance of the gun.

Su Jingfei naturally understood this truth. He was not polite to listen to the white head and let him try. He picked up a pistol, which is a revolver often seen in ordinary movies, with six bullets in it.

This kind of pistol is the most common. Although it is not the most powerful, it is enough to kill people. The key is that the structure is not so complicated.

Through Bai tou's explanation, he already knew that he had to open the insurance before shooting, otherwise it would be useless to just pull the trigger. Su Jingfei was also secretly congratulated. Fortunately, no matter facing Lin ruofeng or Yu Wanli at that time, he didn't learn from the people in the movie to shoot directly, otherwise it would be his own misfortune.

Su Jingfei recalled the action before the white head in his mind and began to decompose the pistol strangely. The action was very slow. It seemed that every step had to think. The more so, the more different the white head was.

At that time, he really wanted to teach Su Jingfei, but there was absolutely no special slow motion to let him see clearly. He didn't even pay attention to some details. Su Jingfei had just talked to him, but he remembered these steps so clearly. It seems that this boy is cynical on the surface, but in fact he is very serious.

This is just the beginning of surprise. Su Jingfei's technique is becoming more and more skilled, and his movements are not as unfamiliar as before. If he didn't see Su Jingfei's progress, even the white head suspected that Su Jingfei was cheating himself. He had been in contact with pistols before.

Before Su Jingfei practiced the internal power in the thread bound book, although his IQ was not low, he was definitely a little better than ordinary people. But after practicing the internal power, he was completely different. His physical quality and brain consciousness had been greatly improved, and he was almost able to never forget.

If the white head disassembles the pistol with fast action, the whole process will not exceed half a minute. This speed is already considerable. If he does not know enough about the pistol, it is easy to disassemble and difficult to install.

It took nearly a minute for Su Jingfei to dismantle the pistol for the first time, which seems to be twice as long as that of a white head. There is no comparability between them at all. However, according to the time they contacted the pistol, Su Jingfei's performance is several times as long as that of a white head.

"To tell you the truth, you really haven't played with pistols?" The white head can't accept this fact and asks in a daze.

Su Jingfei was a little surprised, thought for a moment, and asked tentatively, "do toys count? When I was a child, I played with the model of the middle pistol. It's about the same, so it's easier to use it. "

The white head turns his eyes. He has never seen the pistol Su Jingfei played with, but he knows that it is absolutely different from the real gun. Su Jingfei's talent is just talent. If people know this talent, it must be very terrible, especially Nalan Xiulin. He must try every means to get Su Jingfei into the army.

Su Jingfei didn't know what Baitou was thinking, so he picked up a rifle from the side. This kind of assault rifle is the most commonly used rifle for ordinary soldiers. It can be fired repeatedly. It belongs to the same type of gun as the foreign AK47.

This kind of gun is made in China. Its explosive power is weaker than that of the AK47. It can be shot down by armed helicopters. But this kind of assault rifle also has some advantages. Its recoil force is much smaller. Even if the physique is not particularly strong, it can be used very well. It is very suitable for Asians.

Naturally, rifles are more complicated than pistols. It's very difficult for novices to disassemble them well, let alone assemble them. Su Jingfei didn't act against the weather this time, and made several mistakes in the process.

It's not that Su Jingfei is deliberately clumsy. He doesn't know that his previous performance has shocked the white head. He thinks that others can easily fix the disassembly and assembly of the gun, but it takes so long for him to perform well. This time, because the white head's demonstration time is too long, he can't remember clearly, which leads to mistakes.

At this time, the white head finally let go: "you are a monster. It seems that everything will become so simple when it comes to you."

Su Jingfei put his rifle aside and said with a self mocking smile: "I call it simple. I almost can't install it well just now. Check it. I'm afraid that my loaded gun will not only fail to fight but also hurt people."

The white head took up the rifle and put it aside. He said with a smile, "I don't want to check it. All such props won't be used to practice. In the future, there are special people to correct them. We are 307 troops, but not shooting hall. The people here are very professional, and even a soldier who sweeps health is a good shooter."

Su Jingfei shrinks his neck. Before that, he felt that his level must be relatively general. Now Su Jingfei doesn't have the slightest refutation. He nods his head and says: "do I start to practice my gun now? Shoot at the target. "

"Of course, I have a general understanding of the performance of guns. The most important thing is the shooting method. Look at me." White head picked up a pistol and said to a target 100 meters away: "eyes, aiming star, target, three points in a line, arm flat end, steady don't have any movement, and then bear the recoil of the gun to shoot."

When he finished, the gun in his hand also rang. He just demonstrated that he didn't really want to practice the gun. He didn't bring any protective equipment. He usually touched a lot of guns and didn't care about the sound.

When the gun was fired, Su Jingfei looked at the target. There was no accident that Baitou could become a major officer because of his ability. He was not only good at Kung Fu, but also very good at shooting. In the army, the really powerful people were all good at shooting.

"Well, it's your turn to try. Remember what I just taught you." The white head handed the gun to Su Jingfei and said, "be careful with your recoil. It's very powerful."

Su Jingfei took the pistol and said with a smile, "well, I'll let the bullet fly for a while." Su Jingfei takes a gun. According to Bai tou, three points form a line. He just wants to practice casually, but he doesn't know that his words have become a famous saying. Later, it was made into a movie, which has become a very classic line.