Su Jingfei teases Liang Xiuwen in the office for a while, and Liang Xiuwen drives him out. After all, it's still working hours at this time. Liang Xiuwen doesn't want to stay in the office with Su Jingfei forever.

As for Liang Xiuwen's practice, Su Jingfei can only smile bitterly twice. He also knows that this is not right. He simply took Liang Xiuwen a day. Since the new product has decided to be produced, the problem now is to apply for a patent. This can only be done by Su Jingfei, and Liang Xiuwen naturally has no idea.

Su Jingfei not only applied for a patent accurately, but also got a car. Now the company is Liang Xiuwen's, and naturally the car that can be used is Liang Xiuwen's, but Su Jingfei's driving level is that he can get on the road, and he didn't get any fancy car, a very ordinary modern car. These are all driven by ordinary employees of the company when they go out to work.

However, Su Jingfei is very satisfied with the car. His level is limited. It's good to drive a car, and it's too good to drive that car.

The reason why he wants a car today is to apply for a patent. In fact, he wants to go to find Wu Yanli. They haven't seen each other for more than ten days. It's a long time for him, a young man who just knows the meat taste.

Of course, he doesn't really abandon the company for personal reasons. Wu Yanli is the deputy head of Pingshan County. She used to be an education worker and almost became the owner of the office. Besides, she has a third uncle who works in the municipal government. This time, she went to apply for a patent herself and directly asked Wu Yanli for help. It's definitely twice the result with half the effort.

As for Li hongsilk's father, Su Jingfei doesn't know his specific position and doesn't want to trouble Li hongsilk's father. Otherwise, he will be misunderstood as pursuing Li hongsilk because of his position and treating the old man's illness. That would be a shame.

In my heart, I comforted myself for the company, but I drove to Pingshan County, where there was a beautiful girl waiting for me.

Now he is even thinking about whether to open a room to a hotel or to Wu Yanli's residence in Pingshan County. He is even thinking about whether to let Wu Yanli wear any special clothes to charm her with a uniform. She is an official. It's really exciting. When he thinks about it, he feels excited.

Su Jingfei is not a pure lower body animal, but he is full of all kinds of ideas about Wu Yanli. After all, their relationship is different from that of other people. Everyone is like this. Now that they have broken through the first step, it must be easy to follow.

Although he has known Wu Yanli for a short time, he has become the most intimate person. He believes that Wu Yanli is the same to him, but he remembers very clearly that he was knocked down, and it's the first time for both sides. This is the purest feeling. Su Jingfei is a little depressed when he thinks about it, and he is passive.

Su Jingfei came to Pingshan County about an hour later. S city is a secondary city in China, and its area is not too large. Moreover, Pingshan County is the most prosperous suburban county because it is close to the urban area.

The first time he came to Pingshan County, he was not familiar with it. He didn't call Wu Yanli in advance. The purpose was to give her a surprise.

After entering Pingshan County, he inquired about the location of the county government, so he went there to meet Wu Yanli directly. He went to work in the morning, went to the company, and came here again. It was almost noon and he was just able to have lunch.

In fact, Su Jingfei was very excited. Strictly speaking, this was his first date. In fact, he hesitated to buy a bunch of flowers. After all, women like flowers, but his relationship with Wu Yanli was not disclosed. He didn't know whether it would affect Wu Yanli, so he finally decided to give up.

Naturally, the county government can't compare with the city government, but Pingshan County is more prosperous, and the county government looks very imposing. When Su Jing flew here, he was stopped by the guard, but when he heard that he was looking for Wu Yanli, the guard let him go with a strange look.

Su Jingfei always feels that there is something wrong with the guard's way of doing things, but he doesn't know what the problem is. He is soon occupied by the excitement of seeing Wu Yanli immediately. He doesn't care so much. When he asks where Wu Yanli's office is, Su Jingfei runs directly to Wu Yanli's office.

There are many staff members in the county government. They don't pay much attention to visitors like Su Jingfei. They just look at the direction he is going. There is a kind of inexplicable smile on the faces of those staff members.

It was only at the door of Wu Yanli's office that he realized what was going on. Similarly, the scene here made Su Jingfei speechless.

At the door of Wu Yanli's office stood three young people, each in a suit and shoes. Their hair was smooth as if they had been licked by a cow. Su Jingfei wanted to slap them and ask if they were men.

Well, Su Jingfei doesn't think it's jealous. He just sees these men being too sissy and feels sad for their parents. The son has formed a daughter.

Each of the three stood in front of Wu Yanli's office with a large number of roses in their hands, and they seemed to be hostile to each other. If you look at them, I will see that none of you will step back, just standing with the flowers.

In fact, to tell the truth, these three men are all handsome. Each of them has a stronger appearance than Su Jingfei. What's more, they are all wearing famous brands. The worst one is wearing Armani. The rest of them are not even brand names, but they are absolutely good clothes. They are wearing famous watches.

Su Jingfei smacks his tongue in the dark. Sure enough, Pingshan County is the richest county. Three guys are all rich. Of course, in view of the fact that these three people are more handsome than Su Jingfei, Su Jingfei stubbornly thinks that these three people are all upstarts.

For the arrival of Su Jingfei, the three people directly choose to ignore him. Although Su Jingfei is relatively young, his clothes are really ordinary. In their eyes, Su Jingfei is a kind of poor boy who has no identity.

What's more, Su Jingfei's hands are empty now. It's estimated that he's looking for Wu Yanli, the county magistrate, to do business. How can he chase girls empty handed.

Su Jingfei knew what they meant at the first sight when he saw them. Although Wu Yanli certainly didn't want to see them, she was her rival anyway. Su Jingfei was also very upset.

"Excuse me, three of you. Don't you know this is the working area of the county government? You're stuck here. How do other people work? " Su Jingfei's heart moved. He walked up to the three people with a serious face. He was calm and had the attitude of a government worker. He even glared at the three people.

The three young people were still speculating that Su Jingfei was in the same situation as them, but they didn't expect that he was scolded by others first, and he should be a staff member of the county government.

Among them, the tallest man glared impolitely and said, "who are you? Do you know who I am? Dare you care about me?"

"I don't know who you are. Even if your father is Li Gang, you can't block the gate of the deputy county magistrate. This is not your home." Su Jingfei turns his eyes. He is not a member of the county government. He doesn't care who you are.

The man was red faced by Su Jingfei's words. He thought that if he said a word, the other party should at least ask his identity. As a result, he met a lengtouqing, who was so straight and choking that he didn't say it, and didn't ask who he was, which made him feel that he lost face in front of two opponents.

Next to Su Jingfei, the most Niang young man, saw him make a fool of himself and said with a smile: "handsome guy, you don't care who he is. This man has no ability except fighting for his father." Then he took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket, put them into Su Jingfei's hand, and said with a smile, "brother is also a man. You should understand that we are all the pursuers of county magistrate Wu. Let's make it convenient."

Su Jingfei didn't see how much money the other party gave him, but there were at least thousands of them. He laughed in his heart that the boy was really rich, although he said that the other man only knew how to fight for his father, so it was almost the same for this man.

As for the money handed over by the man, Su Jingfei laughs at it impolitely. It happens that he is not well off recently. He has no psychological burden. The financial loss of his opponent is also a happy thing. Su Jingfei doesn't say much and looks at the last person.

The man had seen that someone had stuffed money before, so he didn't have to stand out any more. Now he looked at himself and swore in his heart. Did the boy taste the sweetness and plan to give himself a share.

The first man choked directly by Su Jingfei lost face and was not good enough to compare with Su Jingfei. Now he was a little embarrassed to see his opponent. He looked at him with gleeful joy. He typically forgot the pain after getting rid of the scar. If Su Jingfei didn't want to get rid of the situation, he would really hurt him.

The man who handed the money didn't really look up to Su Jingfei before, but now he not only made his first opponent lose face, but also made him have to bribe him. Now seeing him go to see a third person, he suddenly felt that he was not wronged to spend some money.

"You don't have to look at me. I'm a government worker. You're probably new here. Even if you don't know me, do you want to drive me away?" The third man secretly scolded unceasingly in his heart. He didn't know how to be such a lengtouqing. He still took out his own work certificate and said, "I'm the deputy director of the County Health Bureau."

Su Jingfei remembers that Wu Yanli was in charge of health work in Pingshan County. The man in front of her knew that he was Wu Yanli's direct subordinate without asking. He said with a playful smile, "Oh! It turned out to be a subordinate of county magistrate Wu. Well, I didn't see it. "

If Su Jingfei said it normally, there would not be any problem. He would lengthen his "Oh" voice, even if he didn't mean anything else, others would think.

The three people waiting at the door obviously know each other. Su Jingfei's voice falls down. The other two also look at the third person with special eyes. The third person is eager to find a crack in the ground.