"I don't want to talk nonsense with you. If it's normal, I will let you, but all unnecessary efforts on the battlefield will be regarded as a burden by me, and I will personally solve all the burdens. I don't care which old guy's granddaughter you are, and I'm not discussing with you. In the battlefield dominated by me, I never care too much about everyone's life and death."

Lu Haotian paused and felt that his words seemed a little heavy. He stuffed the two security guards killed by himself into the elevator, and he followed him into it.

Until the elevator began to go down, Lu Hao took time to say, "there are illegal experiments that deviate from humanitarianism on the fifth floor of the Institute, and there are a large number of illegal experimental materials on the first floor. You leave here immediately and contact the local police to let them come right away. And you, I don't care about you now. No matter who you get along with, you should be careful."

Su Jing finally had to obey orders. She didn't find it. It seems that she cares too much about Lu Haotian.

On the fifth floor, the elevator door opened and guarded the elevator entrance on the fifth floor. The fully armed security personnel looked inside and saw only two colleagues who didn't know their life and death. Glancing at each other, they raised their guns and opened the insurance at the same time, aiming at the elevator entrance.

After waiting for a while, there was still no response from the elevator. A security guard glanced at his colleague. After waiting for the other party to nod, he entered the elevator with a gun. Just as he entered the elevator to check two colleagues who fell to the ground, Lu Haotian rushed out of the elevator from above the elevator behind him.

Dada, there were two shots. Lu Haotian grabbed the barrel with one hand and held it high. The bullet hit the wall behind him. Lu Haotian bowed down and made a fist. The security guard couldn't even catch his gun. The whole man flew upside down. If he didn't have a bulletproof vest, Lu Haotian's fist could directly put him through.

Lu Haotian moved too fast. Almost at the same time when he remembered the gunshot, the man was punched and flew away by him. Waiting for the security guard who entered the elevator to check behind him, Lu Haotian instinctively wanted to turn around and shoot before hearing the movement behind him.

With the gun still on the ground, Lu Haotian took out the pistol at his waist and strode to the laboratories on the fifth floor.

The first lab was a naked child with blue skin and extremely weak mental state. The second lab was an old man with smooth skin like wax. He lay in bed and couldn't move. When he saw Lu Haotian raising his gun at him, tears came out of the old man's eyes, but Lu Haotian couldn't get down.

The old man wanted to be free, and his eyes looked more and more begging.

It was not his task, but he didn't want to see them suffer.

"That's it." pulling the trigger, Lu Haotian turned and re entered the elevator. He didn't dare to go further. He just had to be sure that TOLES was conducting illegal experiments.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Haotian finally didn't start with the child with blue skin. When he retreated into the elevator and returned to the third floor underground, he still didn't know whether he could still hope to save him.

"Who are you?" Lu Haotian walked into the third floor laboratory generously. There was only a button to the third floor in the elevator. The only way to the fourth and fifth floors was through computer override. As soon as he entered the third floor laboratory, four security guards ambushed him with guns.

"Who am I? Some people call me Pluto, others call me desert God of death. Well, there are more desert God of death. These three names are still desert God of death after all. I really can't be a Pluto. What do you think?" Lu Haotian smiled at them.

"Asshole, ah..." the leading security guard said and was about to pull the trigger, but Lu Haotian's figure in front of him suddenly became blurred. The four people fired at the same time. The bullet took a red trajectory through Lu Haotian, and the virtual shadow left in place appeared behind them.

Raised the muzzle and lit one shot in their heads one by one. After finishing, Lu Haotian entered Professor Li's lounge according to the instructions in the communication.

"At night, people are not allowed to sleep. Do you think research is grinding tofu? You want to call people as donkeys. Hey, you, I really want to see you." Lu Haotian knocked on the door. Professor Li's dissatisfied voice came, and the door was opened.

Professor Li felt that Lu Haotian still looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had met for a while.

"Lu, hurry up. The police will arrive in two minutes. I sent you the evacuation route. I'll disconnect the communication with you first and we'll contact you when you come out." Lu Haotian also took off the communication device and was still on the ground.

"Professor Li is really a noble and forgetful person. Let's go. Let's leave quickly before the police come. Ruoxian should be in a hurry in China." after Lu Haotian said that, let Professor Li follow behind him. Lu Haotian walked in front and took out his mobile phone. After watching the evacuation route, he quietly touched out the Research Institute.

All the monitors were instantly paralyzed, and none of the technicians was in the monitoring room. When the security guard on duty contacted them, there was a loud siren outside. These people all know where the fifth floor is. All the security guards didn't want to resist. They opened the door and ran away.

"You guys come with me, you and you, the four of you go and guard the back door entrance and exit for me. Well, you call the secret service immediately and ask them to quickly control all the top management of TOLES company." the director doesn't know what is illegal experimental materials and illegal experiments. The reason why he is happy is that TOLES has always been his heart disease, Today, I finally have a chance to remove it.

Although I don't know what Lu Haotian found in the TOLES Institute, there are too many rumors about the uncleanness of the TOLES company. If it can't be eradicated as soon as possible, the public will lose trust in them, which is not what the secretary is willing to see.

When they entered the Institute, the director also entered it. After looking for a circle, the director didn't even see a living person. Only the bodies on the first and third floors proved that there had been a battle here. But many experimental materials were there, and he didn't know that they were illegal experimental materials. Su Jing didn't elaborate.

In desperation, he can only call Lu Haotian obediently.

"You don't know what illegal experimental materials are. You didn't surf the Internet to find this knowledge before dispatching the police force, or just call a researcher engaged in scientific research? It's not difficult for you to find a researcher." Lu Haotian was speechless, but think about it. After all, he is a local policeman, and if it's a major case, it won't fall on him, He can only cooperate with the task at most. Maybe he doesn't even have the right to know.

The director of the Department was asked by Lu Hao.