In order to pay off his debts, Wang Jiang's father decided to wait until he died and donate all his property to repay the society.

Even if he went to hell after his death, it was enough for him to bear the retribution alone and not to implicate Wang and Jiang.

The building is going to collapse. Wang Fu doesn't want to be rich for a generation, so he must pave the way for his son. Although Wang Jiang had no knowledge reserve in his stomach, his ability to know and see people was absolutely unique.

When the king's father heard him praise Lu Haotian at home, he became interested in the man. It can be said that his son's future success or failure is on the verge of success, all on Lu Haotian.

Therefore, he must test Lu Haotian. In this way, we have today's trip to the Mountain Valley casino.

Moreover, Lu Haotian deliberately arranged to lose money in mahjong. It's easy for a casino designer to deal with laymen.

No one likes to lose. When a person loses money, his competitive heart will love him to gamble again. On the surface, Lu Haotian seems to have fallen into the vortex of gambling.

In addition to developing his own career, Lu Haotian's biggest job is to protect the safety of the two young ladies. Of course, while protecting their safety, they also have to take care of their lives, even to the point of choosing clothes for them.

Lu Haotian sat in front of the TV and watched the movie channel. The broadcast content is the legendary embroidered thief of Lu Haotian, which is changed from Gu Long's works.

At this time, the two women came down from the second floor. It's not a hard job to choose clothes for them. After all, they are among the best beauties and can be regarded as pleasing to the eyes.

Mu ruoxian is wearing a half sleeved dress today. It is clean and simple, which is in line with his temperament. Jiang Leilei is a dress, which is very in line with her silly white and sweet style.

Wait, this guy is not sweet at all. It's almost as stupid as white and hot.

Lu Haotian sat on the sofa on the first floor of the villa and asked with a smile, "why, dress up so beautiful to go on a blind date?"

"Am I beautiful?" Mu ruoxian asked with big eyes blinking in the autumn water.

"The clothes are very suitable for you." Lu Haotian put on a look of gathering and thinking. When he saw mu ruoxian's face pull down, he added: "if it weren't for you, I'm afraid the clothes wouldn't have any light."

Hearing Lu Haotian's praise, mu Ruxian's eyes lit up, and the lost man found his way home. At this time, Jiang Leilei suddenly jumped out and said, "why, do you have the impulse to push my cousin down? I tell you, my cousin's bed is big and soft. You two just roll all day. Don't you say you're seven times a night?"

"What are you talking about? Believe it or not, I've torn your mouth!" Mu ruoxian said he still did it, and stretched out his hands to tear Jiang Leilei's mouth.

In an instant, the two girls were fighting and occasionally the spring light leaked out. It was all Lu Haotian who got a bargain alone.

Suddenly, Lu Haotian said, "in fact, what Jiang Leilei said is not unreasonable. Maybe one day I'll go to the brain and see this pair of delicate drops. Maybe I'll really bow your overlord!"

As soon as the voice fell, mu ruoxian immediately stopped his hand, and his white cheeks were as crimson as a burning cloud. She avoided the sight of the sky and tucked a strand of hair in front of her forehead behind her ears.

"Cousin, hurry up and tell the truth. Do you like Shanglu Haotian?"

The woman's sixth sense was really terrible. Mu ruoxian was just a little action to tuck in her hair. Jiang Leilei found the fishiness in it.

The most important thing is that the little girl couldn't hide her words. She immediately spit out what she did, and didn't give the people in the bureau a chance to breathe.

Mu ruoxian ran to the sofa, picked up a pillow and smashed it at Jiang Leilei. Unexpectedly, Jiang Leilei caught it and spit out her tongue at mu ruoxian with provocation.

"I'm right, or why are you angry and hit me with a pillow," Jiang Leilei shook her pillow and spit out her tongue again. "This pillow is the evidence!"

"Nonsense, a normal girl should be shy if you say that!" Mu ruoxian argued.

Jiang Leilei refused to give mu ruoxian steps at all: "but you said especially."

"Ha ha." Lu Haotian suddenly laughed.

Mu ruoxian immediately turned her murderous little eyes to Lu Haotian, but just one second before their eye contact, her eyes were subconsciously gentle.

But when their eyes really touched, mu ruoxian dodged for the first time. Suddenly, she felt uncomfortable. She picked up a pillow on the sofa again and smashed it at Lu Haotian.

"You still laugh!"

Lu Haotian was still the bright smiling face: "I don't laugh, then I still cry!"

A word directly choked mu ruoxian back, and Jiang Leilei attacked mu ruoxian again: "cousin, just admit it, not to mention that what you call Haotian now is a kiss. We all know about Chen Yan. We don't have resentment or hatred. You're not jealous that he and Lu haotianguan are closer than you!"

"Damn it, I can't bear it. I have to tear your mouth apart today." Mu ruoxian rushed up to Jiang Leilei like a volcanic eruption.

Knowing that things were bad, Jiang Leilei immediately admitted her mistake, but it was useless. She was put down by mu Ruxian and touched her arms.

"Haha, cousin, cousin, haha, can't I be wrong? Please forgive me!" Jiang Leilei begged for mercy on the ground.

The battle between the two women is really cheap, Lu Haotian. Mu ruoxian wears jeans. She can't see anything, but Jiang Leilei is different. It's a dress!

At the end of welfare time, Jiang Leilei sat panting on the sofa. Mu ruoxian almost had no strength. The two people were close together, which was very different from the previous war.

Lu Haotian asked, "by the way, what are you doing dressed like this?"

Jiang Leilei gasped, "you just drive. Huyang people, born and raised, are likely to get lost!"

Lu Haotian said, "what your cousin said is really good. You should tear up your mouth."

"It's the audition with a good voice of China. Li Jingjin signed up for Lei Lei and me. He didn't mean to break through, so he took it as entertainment." Mu ruoxian explained.

Li Jingjin, who has always regarded Lu Haotian as his rival in love, has been looking for opportunities to suppress Lu Haotian's spirit and show his style in Mu ruoxian.

If that guy didn't treat himself as a rival in love, Lu Haotian really meant to have a drink with him.

When a man learns that the woman he likes may be robbed, he flies back to the country directly from Britain and launches a series of attacks on his rival. Can he say that such a man is not man enough?

"Singing?" Lu Haotian whispered.