The woman went to other houses. When she came, her bag was bulging. By this time, it had shrunk by more than half. Since Jonas lived in the old house, she couldn't use up all her jewelry. The woman took it out and sold a lot of it. The old man also gave Jonas a bank card. Although the money in it was not as good as others, it was also quite a lot.

And Jonas sat outside at the door for a long time, always looking at him when passers-by passed by, and sometimes gathering together to say something.

Jonas pulled up her mask. Now she regretted that she didn't wear a cap when she went out. She just sat here and waited for the woman for a long time, but she didn't want to go in, so she had to sit there alone.

After sitting for a long time, Jonas was bored playing with her mobile phone and flipping through the photo albums in her mobile phone. In addition to some of her self portraits, they were all photos of Gu Lingtian, some of which were collected by her from the Internet, and some of which were secretly taken by her.

For a long time, Jonas almost forgot what she looked like before, but to be on the safe side, she deleted all her previous photos, even the photos on her ID card.

"Jonas?" The familiar male voice rang out beside her. Jonas was surprised. She looked up slightly and saw a ruffian man, with a hand in her pocket, looking at her.

"I'm sorry, you have the wrong person." Jonas's heart thumped. This was her last boyfriend. Jonas in the heart of spit on their own at that time of aesthetic, at that time only think that although this man is ignorant but cool, he agreed to stay with him. Now it seems that this man is terrible.

"Don't lie, Jonas." When the man heard Jonas's refusal, he hooked his lips and approached her slowly.

In her heart, she was flustered and had an idea. She thought that she was ho Qiao Qiao now. She might as well be Mrs. Gu in advance, so that she could better adapt to her new identity.

Thinking of this, He Qiao took off the mask generously.

"You see, I'm ho pretty, not Jonas." Jonas let out a breath and said to the man in surprise.

The man was stunned. He spoke in the same voice as Jonas, but when he took off his mask, he had another face.

"You... Are you Mrs. Gu?" Men have seen he Qiao Qiao on TV, and of course they know he Qiao Qiao is the wife of President Gu.

At that time, when the man saw he Qiao Qiao on TV, he half joked with Jonas that they were very similar. If Jonas did a micro operation, he would be able to look like her. But the man didn't expect to see he Qiao one day. He was full of surprise.

"Well, I'm Gu Lingtian's wife." Jonas felt that she had a chance to say this at last, and her smile hung on her face.

"I'm sorry, I'm rude. You look too much like my ex girlfriend. I've got the wrong person." Men naturally know the status of Gu's family, and dare not easily provoke He Qiao. I'm afraid Gu Lingtian is nearby, and finally he is defeated.

Jonas was a little surprised. She didn't expect that this sentence would come out from this ruffian man. It's good to be rich and powerful. No one will look down on her anywhere in the future.

However, since he pretends to be he Qiaoqiao now, he Qiaoqiao will be responsible for everything she does now. If Gu Lingtian knows he Qiaoqiao has brought him a green hat, it will be easier for her to replace him.

Thinking of this, Jonas gave the man a charming smile.

"It doesn't matter. It's just the two of us here. It doesn't matter what you say." Jonas got up slowly and approached the man.

The more Jonas said, the more men felt that this voice was Jonas' voice, but the woman who was much more beautiful than Jonas was not her.

"Ah... That... Mrs. Gu... What do you want to do?" As Jonas slowly approached, the man's body began to stiffen, looking around warily.

But Jonas thought that since she had decided to do so, it would be OK to let he Qiao carry a bigger pot, so she gave a kiss on the man's cheek.

"Mrs. gu!" The man did not dare to move at all, and allowed Jonas to do something wrong on her cheek.

"Don't be nervous." Jonas looked at the man who used to be so powerful in front of her, but now she was as scared as a kitten and couldn't help laughing.

"I'll come back again." She took out a pen and a piece of paper from her bag, wrote down her home address and He Qiao Qiao's phone number, put them into the man's hands, and then put on a mask and went into the town.

The man is still in place, smilingly touched his cheek, and squeezed the little note tightly.

It's true that Jonas doesn't want to go into a small town, but if her mother comes out later and is met by a man with a woman, it will arouse a man's suspicion. How can she frame ho Qiao?

It happened that Jonas had just entered the town, and soon after, the woman came out of it“ Mom, here. " Jonas stood in a secluded place, waving at the woman“ Don't you want to come in? Why are you here? " The woman felt that Jonas was a little puzzled. She just didn't want to come in. Now she came in and hid away. Jonas leaned over the woman's ear and told her what she had just done. The woman clapped her hands excitedly and praised Jonas: "my daughter is smart!"“ of course! How's your business going? " Jonas had a proud look on her face“ All right, a group of money minded people are willing to do business only after they receive money. They also want to blackmail us. When my daughter gets on Mrs. Gu's throne, we must clean up these people well! " Not to mention it, the woman was very angry when she mentioned it. She spat on the ground when she wanted to die“ That's natural. Let's see who dares to bully us. " Jonas agreed. They didn't get out of the town, so they took a car and went back to Gu's old house. Although the journey was far away, it wasn't noon after they came back. It's said that Gu's father hasn't come out of his study since he got up in the morning, and they haven't asked about their affairs. They give a sigh of relief, and Jonas naturally sits at home waiting for He Qiao to make a fool of herself.