He Qiao reproaches himself in his heart. She only cares about her son, forgetting that the self-improvement person falls in the ward to save her son, but she turns a blind eye to him.

"Don't worry, he can't die for a while, but I can't guarantee it after a long time. If the medical skill is excellent, I'm not a miracle doctor!"

Qin Haotian frowned, but told he Qiao heartily.

He Qiao then desperately points her head and wants to see Gu Lingtian.

"She is very weak now. You must take good care of her. He really loves you. I've been with him for many years, and I haven't seen him treat any woman so well yet."

Indeed, they grew up together. Qin Haotian can be said to know the most about Gu Lingtian's temperament.

"Don't worry. I'm responsible for this. I'll take care of her!"

He Qiao did not think so much, just left in a hurry.

Qin Haotian frowned at the back. It's not that he doesn't think much of the couple, but that they have experienced too many hardships.

If there is any turbulence on either side, it is very likely that the two will be separated.

Qin Haotian also sincerely doesn't want to let these two people separate, because he has experienced too much. If he hasn't been together, then the initial efforts are really not worth it.

Gu Lingtian is already in the habit of being egotistical. If he can't get it after paying so much, he will really be unable to bear it. At that time, it will only lead to all kinds of diseases hidden in him.

The more Qin Haotian thought about it, the deeper he frowned. These two people were really enemies, otherwise they would not have started.

He Qiao asked Gu Lingtian where is the ward? He came in a hurry and saw the housekeeper at the door.

He Qiao knew that the people inside must have gone to sleep.

When Gu Lingtian sleeps, the last thing he likes is that someone is bothering him. It's probably because of years of tiredness that he has developed a kind of vigilance.

Once there's someone around, he can't sleep.

"Mr. Wilson, how is Gu Lingtian? Is he asleep now

He Qiao slowed down for a while, walked past carefully, asked softly.

Wilson just sighed and then shook his head. He just came here and wanted to ask something, but his young master didn't want to tell himself. If he asked too much, he would only let his young master know.

What I have to do now is to take good care of my young master and young master.

"The young master has fallen asleep! Madam, if you want to go in and have a look, you must keep your feet light. Don't disturb the young master. He's very sleepy! "

In the past few years, the young master's shallow sleep habit has been greatly improved, but later after his wife left, the habit happened again, and it became more serious. The daily sleep time was no more than four hours.

Working time and rest time are not directly proportional, which will only accelerate the aging of the young master's body!

"Don't worry, I know!"

Since he Qiao is here, she will definitely go in to see it.

He Qiao opened the door and walked in carefully.

The man on the bed was pale and his white hands were exposed in the air!

He Qiao's brow is wrinkled into a Sichuan shape. This guy is not honest when he sleeps. Now he is ill and knows to put his hand in the warm quilt. It's still very cold now.

"Gu Lingtian, why do you like to show off so much? If your body really can't stand it, tell me, I won't force you to do what you can't do! "

When he Qiao saw his pale face, she felt even more guilty. She felt guilty about what she had done to her now. She only took care of the people around her, but sacrificed her husband, Meiji, who loved her.

Sometimes, He Qiao asks herself why she should do such a thing. In fact, she can choose to live together with her husband.

In the depth of her love, tears fell down with patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter.

Gu Lingtian didn't know when, he suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the weeping little woman in front of him.

I don't know why, he felt that he couldn't breathe any more. Every time he saw this little woman, he felt very sad. I wish he could bear her grievances more.

"Why are you crying again? Who bullied you? Don't worry. I will help you! "

Gu Lingtian was so tired that he couldn't open his eyes. Originally, he was about to go to sleep, but suddenly he heard a voice. With his usual character, he would not sleep at this time.

"Gu Lingtian, you fool, don't you understand me? I told you not to do what you can't do. If you can't do it, you can tell me, and I won't blame you! "

He Qiao saw that he was still talking for himself, and her guilt doubled“ What did you say? I thought something had happened, but I couldn't die with a little blood! " Gu Lingtian waved his hand, indicating that he had nothing to do“ Your body is not very good. You are strong and weak. If something really happens, what do you want me and my son to do? " He Qiao sobs in a low voice. He really can't imagine how Gu Ling would go with him if she died? The answer is impossible, I can't put down my own“ I'm so healthy, how could something happen! " Gu Lingtian laughs. It's a little woman's head. It's just a little thing. It makes this woman cry like this. She still has a little status in her mind. Gu Lingtian began to be gratified, at least he was not completely ignored by this woman“ Gu Lingtian, I tell you, you must get better. If something happens to you, I will not let you live even if I die! " He Qiao glared at the man viciously. Now he was not feeling well, and he was still in the mood to make fun of himself“ Gu Lingtian, I order you, you must give me a good rest now. If anything happens again, I will never care about you. I owe you this time! " He Qiao then grinned bitterly. What is the debt owed to this man? Forget it. Since you owe it, you owe it.