After dinner, he Qiaoqiao's body has entered a state of fatigue. After washing early, she lies on the bed.

The alarm clock responds. After dinner, Yan Jingxuan and himself say those words.

Yan Jingxuan's work efficiency is very fast, promised his own things, also did not procrastinate.

It's just a matter of the day. Yan Jingxuan has already done something for her.

"The entertainment industry is intriguing. You have to think clearly. Do you want to go to that muddy water?"

He Qiao also had serious consideration at that time.

He Qiao knows that the surface of that place looks gorgeous, but the interior is dirty.

There are countless hidden rules in the entertainment industry. Ho Qiao, you don't know if you can survive that.

"I have already thought about it. I have nothing to do except this. Besides, everyone has a princess dream and wants to be a movie queen, right?"

He Qiao chuckled. Now that she had decided, there was no room for regret.

She has always been a person who doesn't want to go back. Once she makes a decision, even ten cows can't come back.

"I also know you, since you want to do things, I will not stop you, you can rest assured, I will protect you!"

Yan Jingxuan is really helpless. The little woman is stubborn, but ten cows can't get back. She still doesn't want to do those meaningless struggles.

"Don't depend on me! No one who depends on the relationship there will come to a good end! "

What's more, he Qiaoqiao doesn't want Yan Jingxuan to help her. If so, he Qiaoqiao might as well be a full-time wife here.

The reason why she wants to enter the entertainment industry is that she wants to rely on herself.

"All right then!"

Yan Jingxuan very readily agreed, but in the heart who knows what he is thinking?

"There is a play recently. I think it is very in line with your character, so I'll give you a girl, because you are in the middle of the way, and I'm really sorry that I can't give you a girl in charge of something."

Yan Jingxuan is very unhappy about today's negotiations. If it wasn't for the new man, he would not be so willing to give up.

It's related to the interests of the company. After all, no one can guarantee that Ho's eyes will be better?

It's very face saving to be able to give a girl two.

"I thank you very much, but that's all you can do for me. I'll depend on myself in the future!"

He Qiaoqiao is still very grateful for this man's support.

"Just be happy!"

Time has come back to reality. He Qiao has fallen into sleep unconsciously. She has dreamt of herself in the dream, and she is in the audition.

The name of the play is "Youth", which is about a 19-year-old girl who just entered the University.

The play gives people a sense of sadness, in which He Qiao plays the second girl.

The girl two is the girl's best friend, but they fall in love with the same man at the same time. The man likes the girl, but the girl two wants to get involved in their feelings.

He Qiao plays a bad woman here.

He Qiao's backstage is relatively hard, so she got the script early.

"He Qiao Qiao, you must come on!"

He Qiao gave himself a blow, then fell asleep.


The next day, because of setting the alarm clock in advance, he Qiaoqiao received the alarm clock early.

I got up early in the morning, rubbed my eyes and looked outside. Now it's not very hot, so it's late and bright outside.

"Today is a wonderful day!"

In fact, when she was in college, she wanted to be an actor, but later she became a designer by mistake.

Now it is a good thing to realize the original dream.

"Qiao Qiao, why did you get up so early?"

Su Nuanxin has a habit of sleeping. She gets up early to make breakfast every day.

He Qiao usually likes to sleep in. She doesn't wake up until eight. Today she wakes up at six.

"Don't you forget? I'm going to audition today

Su Nuan thought for a moment and suddenly jumped up.

"Ah... I forgot such an important thing!"

Su warm heart patted his head melon seeds.

"I'm going to audition, not you. Why are you fussing?"

He Qiao was a little too sad to laugh.

"Oh, don't forget that you are my best friend. You are going to be an actor. I won't go with you. Who else will go with you?"

Su warm heart says to still touch He Qiao Qiao with the shoulder, He Qiao Qiao Leng after 3 seconds.

She was very happy when she came back. She was very nervous when she wanted to go to work today. It was a great thing to have her best friend to accompany her“ Warm heart, I really love you so much“ You can pull it down. Hurry to clean up. What are you wearing now? You used to tell me you wanted to wear fashion, and you're going to audition when you're dressed like this? " He Qiao lowered her head and took a look at her clothes. It's really a little... "The beauty of the soul is very important, but the appearance is also very important. Hurry up, let's dress up while there's still time!" Yan Jingxuan told he Qiao last night that she would arrive at the company at eight o'clock for an audition. As the heroine is a very popular star, He Qiao, the female No. 2, is naturally expected by the public“ You can do it Su warm heart seems to see her mind, give her a blow. Two people hurried upstairs to clean up, but in a short half an hour they were ready to go to the company“ Are you so early? " When Qin muyao woke up, he saw two women, who had already packed up. The reason why Su Nuanxin went to audition with He Qiao today is to avoid this man“ Does it have anything to do with you? Finish your meal and go away Su Wenxin saw that Qin muyao was not angry at all. He Qiao looked at her watch, and no matter where they continued to bicker, she took Su Nuanxin and rushed out of the villa like the wind. There is already a special bus waiting outside. They got on the bus and waited to get to the company. I don't know why, he Qiaoqiao feels that something bad is going to happen today. She wakes up early in the morning and her right eyelid keeps jumping. As the saying goes, the left eye jump wealth, the right eye jump disaster. Today is an auspicious day for the exam. He Qiao prays silently in her heart that nothing should go wrong.